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Mobile Legends: The Most Powerful Counter Hero Julian Recommendations

Published by
Meta Ayu

Julian is one of the heroes Mobile Legends which is a hybrid of the Fighter and Mage roles. Of course it will be troublesome to meet him if we choose the wrong counter hero Julian.

Many people are confused about choosing a hero when Julian is on the enemy's list.

This time we will get to know Julian starting from the profile, skill and hero counter.

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Julian Mobile Legends

Julian. Source: Mobile Legends

Julian is the son of Terizla who survived when the Church of Light "purified" every Free Smith from being accused of "submissive to the Abyss".

The six-year-old boy wanders aimlessly, hungry and worried that Church will find him. The Archbishop saw his special talent and sent Julian to the Monastery of Light academy.

Monastery Light is a place where the lonely children are gathered by the Church.

The Archbishop says they don't deserve love, but he will give something more which is to promise rebirth to those who must be paid with loyalty.

Julian and the other children must become "Raven", a special troop that aims to wipe out demons from the face of the earth. The children who live in the Raven's Nest are called Nestlings.

They undergo hard work, study books and how to fight every day.

When Xavier, Yin and Melissa escape, Julian is sent to catch them all. After putting up a fierce fight, Xavier starts to tire and accidentally says something about Julian's past. He managed to remember everything that had happened to him in the past.

Julian knows he needs Xavier to know more about his past. He then chose to disobey Raven and join Forsaken Light with Xavier.

Julian Skills MLBB

Julian's 1st skill is Scythes. This hero will throw a scythe flying towards the target and deal damage to opponents along the way. A slow effect will also be given to a target of 30% for 1 second.

Julian's 2nd skill is Swords where Julian will summon a flying sword and move it in the specified direction. This will deal Magic Damage to enemies along the way.

Julian's ultimate skill is Chains. Julian will throw the chain towards the specified location and give Magic Damage to the hit opponent. After this short delay, the opponent will be immobilized for 1.2 seconds.

Hero Counter Julian

After knowing Julian's brief profile and skills, the following is a recommendation for Julian's most effective hero counter.


Chou. Source: Mobile Legends

Chou has good damage output and counter skills for Julian's AoE skills. You can use skill 2 (Shunpo) to fight it as well as function to escape.

Using combo skill 1 (Jeet Kune Do) and ultimate skills (The Way of Dragons) who is strong can make Julian not move.


Saber. Source: Mobile Legends

Saber can be another option for counter heroes Julian because he can maintain a safe distance and has a good escape option. Saber is also easier to learn than Chou.

Skill 1 (Orbiting Swords) can make Julian stay away from him. While skill 2 (Charge) can help Saber move to a safer place. ultimate skills (Triple Sweep) can cause great damage to Julian and become a counter for his 2nd skill.

Benedetta. Source: Mobile Legends

Benedetta is an Assassin hero with a surprise attack as her main attack. Basic Attack (Elapsed daytime) of this hero can charge his Sword Intent which can be used to attack after fully charged.

Skill 1 (Phantoms slash) can also make it attack fast forward while skill 2 (An Eye For An Eye) and ultimate skills (Alecto: Final Blow) makes him immune to Crowd Control skills which is perfect for countering Julian.

So, that's a brief review of the most effective counter hero Julian, which one do you think is the most effective in defeating Julian?

Also read: Julian's Best Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

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Meta Ayu