MLBB servers China has a different policy than servers Mobile Legends other. This is proven through censorship policies with various kinds of legal rules enforced by countries that have pandas as one of their distinctive animals.
Censorship policies in China include policies regarding the representation of characters in fictional works that may not depict scenes of violence in any form, even if it's only limited to logos and facial expressions.
Other policies also require that characters featured in fiction dress more according to local norms. This is especially apparent when the Chinese government censors some games by taking some of the features that are considered deviant.
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There are rules regarding closure of about 75% of the female body, which means skins–skins heroes MLBB women servers China summer seems to be different from servers global. Besides that, heroes women also seem to get nerf especially in the part that looks "protruding".
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No doubt, MLBB servers China is also subject to a special policy of censorship heroes Mobile Legends, especially some heroes women who are considered vulgar and show "too much" in certain parts, as well as legendary figures that are considered sacred by the local government.
Here are 9 heroes Mobile Legends which are subject to censorship by the Chinese government with various censorship policies.
9 Heroes MLBB servers Censored China

Esmeralda is the first victim to be censored servers China in particular because it shows a lot of its upper body. Moreover, portraits default Esmeralda looked seriously zoom in in that section.
To outsmart, MLBB servers China censors the neck to the chest portrait Esmeralda in her blue dress that seems to be connected to her neck. Visible reduction of "bulge" in the section portrait Esmeralda too.
There is an effect blur which is also implemented by servers China in the hope of reducing such indecent things so portrait Esmeralda is considered more "proper".

In second place is Hanabi, kunoichi from the country of Samurai who looks "inappropriate" because it shows part of her cleavage.
The sensor that is applied is also almost the same as the sensor portrait Esmeralda, by adding a cover cloth in the open part and "disguising" portrait Hanabi.
However, the shoulder heroes Hanabi was not censored because it was considered normal. Even if I may compare, it seems portrait heroes Hanabi is more open than Esmeralda.

Rafaela at MLBB servers China was also subjected to sensors that shared the same fate as Hanabi and Esmeralda, namely on her upper body which protruded and showed curves.
The Chinese government also implements the censorship with blurring portrait Rafaela, reducing the volume of her curves, and covering the exposed part with a white cloth, part of the dress default-his.
As a result of this censorship, Rafaela seemed to look a little gloomy because blur the opposite of the uncensored version.
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Chou being one heroes a man who is also a victim of censorship servers China. The Mobile Legends writing on his right pocket was removed, then the writing was also removed from his glove.
At first glance, this sensor seems strange because there is nothing wrong with Chou. However, Chou was considered to represent violence too much with writing on the right side of his chest and gloves, so it had to be made more "friendly".
Like heroes previous woman, portrait Chou is also made more opaque than portrait original.

Apart from Chou, Sun also received more extreme "adjustments" from censorship policies in China. Fate heroes this is also the same with Chou.
Appearance heroes Sun, who was inspired by the main character Journey to the West, was censored on his face. Unlike Chou, Sun actually got a face modification from the one with a fierce expression to a friendlier one. Sun was also transformed into an ape with a human face.
This is done to prevent representations of violence from portrait Sun so by changing his face is expected to be more "better". Sun is also not separated from blurring carried out by MLBB servers China.

Heroes Fanny did not escape censorship efforts by servers China against portrait-his. This happened because Fanny's upper body was shown facing the camera with minimal clothing.
Black overalls or cuffs are then pinned on the part portrait open it so that Fanny appear more "tidy". As usual, there is an effect blur following the censorship.
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back again to heroes woman, servers China is very keen to cover the chest portrait The real Freya is less visible when compared to Esmeralda and Hanabi.
Portraits Freya gets an additional cloth cover on the chest in the open part with blurring which has become the hallmark of this censorship.

MLBB sensor adventure servers China next visited portrait Pharsa that looks open in the middle of her chest.
Same as portrait Fanny, black cuffs are also worn by MLBB in China to reduce the indentation of the center of the chest from the Pharsa image. Effect blur this sensor also seems to be effective in reducing the indentation on the chest so that Pharsa appears more "ethical".

Censorship foresight servers China is also proven by censoring the middle of the chest portrait Eudora, which is similar to censorship against portrait Freya before.
Additional black cloth is then used to cover the part, complete with blurring which seems to make portrait Eudora was a little gloomy.
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Censorship policy in MLBB servers China is quite troublesome and reduces aesthetics portrait para heroes Mobile Legends. At least, Moonton remains cooperative with the local government in order to continue to exist in the country.