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MLBB's Best Techniques for Destroying Enemies Quickly!

To destroy enemy turrets is not easy, because you have to deal with enemy heroes, that's why you need MLBB playing techniques
Android Games
Mobile Legends. Source: Mobile Legends

For you a game player Mobile Legends of course you want to win when playing. So, this time we will share some techniques for playing MLBB.

The most important thing in the game Mobile Legends is to destroy the enemy's turret. Because it is the main condition for victory.

Turrets are defensive buildings in every lane and have great damage if attacked by heroes or minions.

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However, destroying enemy turrets is not easy, because you have to deal with enemy heroes, enemy minions, and the enemy turret itself.

So, for that you need to use some of the best techniques that can help you destroy enemy turrets quickly and safely.

Here are the 5 best MLBB techniques that we can use to quickly destroy enemy turrets:

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Use Hero Pusher

MLBB Technique
Using a Hero that Can Push. Source: Mobile Legends

Hero pusher is a hero who has the ability to quickly clean minions and deal great damage to turrets. Pusher heroes usually have high attack speed, area damage, or passive skills that can increase their damage to the turret.

Some examples of good pusher heroes in MLBB are Zilong, sun, Karrie, Miya, and Roger.

This pusher hero can take advantage of the empty lane to push without interference from the enemy. They can also use spells like Inspire or Arrival to increase their damage or mobility. If we use this pusher hero well, we can destroy the enemy's turret in a short time.

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Cut the Path of Enemy Creeps

MLBB Technique
Cut the Path of Enemy Creeps. Source: Mobile Legends

Cutting the path of enemy minions before they get to the lane can be a technique that you can use. That way, you can reduce the number of enemy minions that can protect their turrets and increase the number of your minions that can attack enemy turrets.

This technique can also make the enemy lose gold and exp from minions. To do this technique, you can use tank heroes who have skill area damage or hardiness.

Some examples of tank heroes that are suitable for this technique are Grock, Hylos, and Johnson. You have to be careful when doing this technique, because you can get ganked from the enemy or miss the team's backup.

Also read: 7 Heroes Suitable for Counter Arlott in Season 29 MLBB

Endlessly Harass Enemy

Relentless harassing of enemies is a technique that is carried out by applying pressure to enemy heroes on the lane by continuously attacking them. That way, you can make the enemy lose blood and be forced to retreat or return to base.

This will give you the opportunity to push without interference from enemy heroes. To do this technique, you can use a hero mage or marksmen who have long range attack or poke skills.

Some examples of good mage or marksman heroes to do this technique are Eudora, Pharsa, Layla, and Granger. But you have to be careful when doing this technique, because you might run out of mana or get retaliated by the enemy.

Bring Teams to Push Together

Bringing all of our team members to attack one lane simultaneously can make you defeat enemy heroes on that lane easily and destroy their turrets quickly.

This technique can also make the enemy confused and divided. To perform this technique, you can use heroes who have the ability to initiate, crowd control, or burst damage.

Some examples of heroes that are suitable for performing this technique are Tigreal, Chou, Gusion, and Lancelot. You have to be careful when doing this technique, because you can get hit by enemy counterattacks or lose turrets in other lanes.

Take advantage of Lord and Turtle

Take advantage of Lord and Turtle
Take advantage of Lord and Turtle. Source: Mobile Legends

Lord is a strong monster that can help you to push lane if you manage to beat him. Turtle is a monster that gives additional gold and exp if you manage to beat it. These two monsters can give the team a huge advantage.

To do this technique, you can use a hero who has the ability to take down the Lord or Turtle quickly or safely. Some good examples of heroes to do this technique are Yi Sun-shin, Aldous, Franco, and Natalia.

You have to be careful when doing this technique, because you can get attacked by the enemy or lose the opportunity to push.

Those are the 5 best MLBB techniques that you can use to quickly destroy your enemies. By using these techniques, you can win battles more easily and quickly.

However, you also have to continue to coordinate with the team and adapt to game situations.

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