Bitcoins (BTC) is the most popular cryptocurrency. This digital currency is also used as an investment tool for millennials. Even now, you can mine Bitcoin for free without any deposit at all.
However, BTC is popular and expensive, not everyone can afford it. Here VCGamers will tell you how mining Free Bitcoins.
Here VCGamers will share free online Bitcoin mining sites. So, don't miss it, bro!
List of Free Bitcoin Mining Sites
For those of you who want to get and mine Bitcoin for free without needing a deposit at all, you can use some of the sites below.

Cryptotabs is a browser and plugin to get free Bitcoins. Just like Mozilla, Chrome or Safari, the advantage is that you can mine Bitcoin for free. Of course, this includes cloud mining, Vicigers friends can pay or use free speed.
Paying will increase mining speed (Hash Power). Even though it's small, it doesn't hurt because I get bitcoins for free or for free.
However, we do not recommend saving passwords in the browser. This is just to avoid hacking or unwanted hacking. For search engines, you must always use Google. is currently the largest faucet site. Even though they only pay once per hour, they do have a weekly raffle and you have a chance to win 1 BTC. With a rating of 1000 they will surely give away free bitcoins on click.
Also, they offer 4 percent interest on BTC deposits and that is added daily. However, I do not recommend this. Not only that, FreeBitcoin also offers 25 percent commission from lifetime referrals.
Shorta. cc is a new site and you can mine for free using cloud mining system, you can pay to get bitcoin fast.
On this site, you can get random free Bitcoins (coins) for 6 hours as a thank you for running the system.
Then there is the affiliate program 12 percent for +3vh/sec for affiliates every time you refer someone. And can generate 3 percent cashless income every day if you invest 25 percent.

Cointiply is a website that offers free bitcoins. This site is still fresh because this website just appeared 2 years ago, in February 2018 to be precise.
There have been many comments and reviews stating that this site is legitimate and includes one of the highest paying faucets such as Bitcoin Bonus and Bit Fun.
As of 2020, they already have 674,000 users, 63 million faucets and distribute 165 Bitcoins or around 21 billion.
Also read: How to Get Profit in My Crypto Heroes Game

This site requires you to enter a captcha and view ads. User can claim 7 Satoshi every 5 minutes. When you are at a high level on this site, you will be given a 30 percent bonus every 5 minutes.
But, you can only say 120x in 24 hours. Referral service is 10 percent and up to 25 percent if you are a parent who has been using this website for a long time.
This fee is also paid a little later because this water will pay you at the beginning of each month with a minimum of 20,000 Satoshi.
Also read: MetaMask Is A Crypto Wallet, Here Are The Benefits!
As additional info from us, you can get many benefits by buying VCG Tokens. The VCG Token itself is the official VCGamers token which has been released on Indodax and BitMax.
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