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Minecraft Sniffer: A Mob Who Likes Digging Up Plant Seeds!

Minecraft has a variety of mobs with unique characteristics, one of which is the Sniffer who likes to dig up plant seeds.

Minecraft has a variety of mobs with unique characteristics, one of which is the Sniffer who likes to dig up plant seeds.

Mob itself is an abbreviation of "Mobile Entities” i.e. the character moves in Minecraft controlled by AI.

In this article we will discuss Sniffer. Let's get to know each other further!

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Sniffer, Minecraft Passive Mob

Sniffers are included in the passive mob category, where they are mobs that will not attack players even if they are provoked or attacked.

Most mobs of this type can be bred or tamed. Sniffer itself cannot appear naturally like most other mobs.

They can only be hatched from Sniffer eggs. The Sniffer Egg is a block located in the warm sea ruins.

Sniffers hatch from eggs. Source: Minecraft/Youtube

Apart from that, you can also get this egg by breeding two Sniffers. This egg will slowly hatch into a baby Sniffer called Snifflet.

Sniffer himself likes to sniff and dig up various types of ornamental plant seeds from soil, grass and mossy blocks.

When you kill adult Sniffers, they will give you 1 – 3 EXP points while Snifflets will not give you anything like other baby mobs.
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How to Breed Minecraft Sniffers

Behavior and how to breed Sniffers. Source: Minecraft/Youtube

The sniffer will wander aimlessly while avoiding dangers and obstacles. They will occasionally sniff the surrounding environment.

This is done to track the whereabouts of ancient seeds underground by touching their noses.

When Sniffers find a seed, they will remove it from the soil using their nose until they find a Torchflower seed or pitcher plant.

Sniffers dig into the ground to get plant seeds
Sniffers dig into the ground to get plant seeds. Source: Eyecraftmc/Youtube

This mob will get 2 Health Points every time you give them food using Torchflower.

In order to dig, they have to do nothing else. The block the Sniffer digs must be within reach of his head.

The location of the Sniffer's head from its main body is 2.25 blocks long. The Sniffer stores the last 20 locations it has dug, so it will not dig there again.

After sniffing out the plant seeds, the Sniffer takes time to do so cooldown as much as eight minutes before being able to dig again.

Here is a list of blocks that the Sniffer can dig:
  • Soil
  • Grass
  • Podzol
  • Coarse Dirt
  • Rooted Dirt
  • Mud
  • Mossy blocks
  • Muddy mangrove roots

Sniffers cannot dig on Mycelium, a rare block that can naturally be found in the mushroom fields biome.

To breed Sniffers, you can use Torchflower seeds. When two adult Sniffers breed, they will produce an egg.

Breeding Sniffers using Torchflower
Breeding Sniffers using Torchflower. Source: Eyecraftmc/Youtube

They will need time cooldown 5 minutes later so they can produce eggs again.

Snifflet or what is known as baby Sniffer has a bigger head than adult Sniffer. They need 48,000 Game Ticks or 40 minutes to grow into an Adult Sniffer.

Yes, the time it takes to mature is twice as long as other baby mobs in Minecraft. Unlike other baby mobs, Snifflets will not follow adult Sniffers.

Minecraft Sniffer Trivia

Minecraft Trivia
Minecraft Trivia. Source: Eyecraftmc/Youtube

This passive mob whose hobby is digging up plant seeds turns out to have some interesting trivia, you know! here is the trivia:

  • Sniffer's digging animation is inspired by the way Corgi dogs spread their legs when they want to lie down on the ground.
  • Sniffer is actually a doodle made by Nekofresa while she was in the kitchen.
  • Until now, the developers still don't know what the name of the Baviaan Koning on Sniffer's face is. Whether it's eyes, nose or whatever.
  • Sniffer has various candidate names such as Sniffling and Snort.

That's the article about Sniffer, a passive mob whose hobby is digging up plant seeds in the ground. How, interesting isn't it?

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