Michelle Christo Kusnadi. Source: michelleeeck99/Instagram
Michelle Christo Kusnadi's Biodata and Profile, From Idol to BA RRQ!
Michelle Christo Kusnadi, who is often called Michelle or Celicel, is a former idol from JKT48 Generation 3 who is now the Brand Ambassador (BA) for Team RRQ.
Her career journey, which started as an idol and then entered the world of Esports, has attracted the attention of many fans, both Wota (JKT48 fans) and Kingdom (RRQ fans).
With the introduction of Michelle as the Brand Ambassador (BA) of Team RRQ, of course this is a happy moment for the Kingdom.
Her presence immediately received a good response from the Kingdom. This is of course because she was already famous since she was still in JKT48.
Officially becoming a BA, it is hoped that he will spread positive vibes to all his fans, especially Kingdom.
For those of you who are curious about the biodata and profile of Michelle Christo Kusnadi, the beautiful BA from RRQ, you can read it in this article!
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Celicel or Lele is the nickname of Michelle Christo Kusnadi who is a former member of the idol group JKT48 Team J and is now a Brand Ambassador for the Esports Team, namely RRQ Team.
Michelle attended Jubilee High School, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta and graduated in 2018.
Before becoming an idol, this girl, born in Jakarta on October 28, 1999, was a fan of 48Family (AKB48) since she was in elementary school (SD), to be precise in 2010.
As a fan of 48Group, this 25 year old girl started her career as an idol by auditioning for JKT48.
She had auditioned for JKT48 Generation 2 in 2012, but she failed. In 2013, she auditioned for JKT48 Generation 3 and was finally officially introduced as a member of JKT48 Trainee on March 15, 2014.
Then on January 24, 2015, she was officially promoted to a member of JKT48 Team T (Team T Formation).
On September 11, 2016, she was transferred to become a member of JKT48 Team J (JKT48 1st Grand Team Shuffle).
After almost 6 years in JKT48, she finally announced her graduation from JKT48 on August 18, 2019 and she officially graduated from JKT48 on January 19, 2020.
She held her graduation concert (Graduation Ceremony) on November 30, 2019 at BRP SMESCO Convention Hall, South Jakarta and her last Handshake (handshake activity with JKT48 members) on December 21, 2019.
During her time at JKT48, she has achieved many achievements such as becoming a member of Senbatsu Single (selected member for JKT48 Single).
Ia pertama kalinya masuk Senbatsu di JKT48 10th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo (Pemilihan Member JKT48 Single ke-10) yang digelar di Tanah Airku Theater, TMII pada 2 Mei 2015 yang masuk sebagai member ke-20 (Undergirls) untuk mengisi lagu ‘Boku Dake no Value (Value Milikku Saja)’ pada Single ‘Kibouteki Refrain (Refrain Penuh Harapan)’.
Lalu pada pemilihan Single JKT48 selanjutnya yaitu JKT48 13th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo (Pemilihan Member JKT48 Single ke-13) yang digelar di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno pada 7 Mei 2016, Michelle masuk sebagai member ke-12 (Senbatsu) untuk mengisi single “Mae Shika Mukanee (Hanya Lihat Kedepan)”.
Then in the third JKT48 Single selection for Michelle, namely the JKT48 17th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo (17th JKT48 Single Member Selection) which was held at Balai Sarbini on April 22, 2017.
Di Single ke-17 ini, Michelle masuk menjadi member ke-17 untuk single JKT48 yang berjudul “Suzukake no Ki no Michi de ‘Kimi no Hohoemi wo Yume ni Miru’ to Itteshimattara Bokutachi no Kankei wa Dou Kawatteshimaunoka, Bokunari ni Nannichi ka Kangaeta Ue deno Yaya Kihazukashii Ketsuron no youna Mono/Suzukake Nanchara (Kesimpulan Yang Sedikit Membuatku Malu Setelah Beberapa Hari Berpikir Akan Berubah Seperti Apakah Hubungan Kita Jika Di Jalan Penuh Pohon Rindang Kukatakan ‘Indahnya Senyum Manismu Dalam Mimpiku’).
Pada senbatsu single terakhirnya yaitu JKT48 20th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo (Pemilihan Member JKT48 Single ke-20) yang digelar di Sleman City Hall, Yogyakarta pada 17 November 2018, Michelle masuk sebagai member ke-15 (Senbatsu) untuk mengisi single “High Tension”.
Selain mengisi single, selama di JKT48 ia pun pernah main Drama dan Variety Show, seperti Drama ‘Majisuka Gakuen 4 (マジスカ学園4)’ dan Variety Show ‘The Ichiban’. Setelah ia lulus, Michelle sempat bermain film ‘Dealova 2’ pada tahun 2024.
Di JKT48 Team T, ia dekat dengan Haruka Nakagawa yaitu Captain Team T yang dijuluki ‘Maminya Tim T’ dan Andela Yuwono selaku rekan satu generasinya sekaligus mantan anggota JKT48 Team T.
Selain itu juga, ia satu geng bersama Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi (yang sekarang menjadi BA Bigetron Esports), Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri, and Martha Graciela (mantan BA Alter Ego) yang bernama “The Rempong”.
After leaving JKT48, she wanted to achieve another dream, which was to become a businessman like her father. Therefore, she had to be willing to leave JKT48 to start her business.
While pioneering his business, he also remains active in the entertainment world as a singer, content creator, artist, gamer and streamer.
His activeness in social media is able to strengthen his position as an influential Influencer. With the talent he has, he can be suitable to be a BA for Team RRQ.
He joined Team RRQ since April 26, 2024 as a Talent. Reporting from teamrrq.com, the beginning of entering RRQ was something that was not planned beforehand.
So he got an offer from his brother to join Team RRQ when he was still active as a streamer after leaving JKT48.
The world of streaming and Esports turned out to be a perfect fit for Michelle, where she combined her passion in the world of entertainment with her new interest in the world of gaming.
On February 25, 2025, Michelle was officially announced as the Brand Ambassador (BA) of Team RRQ.
With Michelle's appointment as BA Team RRQ, she was able to garner enthusiasm from the Kingdoms. Her presence as BA Team RRQ is expected to provide positive vibes for this Esports team during MPL ID Season 15.
As BA Team RRQ, he also plays a role in promoting the team, interacting with Kingdom and strengthening the RRQ brand in the Esports world.
Having experience as an Entertainer and Influencer, Michelle is predicted to be able to help increase RRQ's popularity and strengthen the relationship between Team RRQ and Kingdom.
As BA Team RRQ, he also had the opportunity to attend various Esports events, meet RRQ pro players and participate in activities related to team branding.
For Kingdom, Michelle's presence as BA RRQ can add new enthusiasm to the team and is expected to bring good luck to Team RRQ, especially in MPL ID Season 15.
For those of you who want to know the biodata of Michelle Christo Kusnadi, the BA Team RRQ, here is her complete biodata:
After knowing Michelle Christo Kusnadi's profile, here are some interesting facts about her!
It turns out that Michelle has liked the 48 Group, namely AKB48, since she was little, precisely when she was still in elementary school and she idolized Kojima Haruna AKB48.
That is the reason why Michelle dreams of becoming an idol and also a member of 48Group.
She first auditioned for the second generation of JKT48, but she did not pass due to age. Then, she auditioned for the third generation of JKT48 and passed to become a JKT48 Trainee member.
While in JKT48, she was also close to several JKT48 members such as Haruka Nakagawa, Andela Yuwono, Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri and Syahfira Angela Nurhaliza.
Lalu ia juga membuat geng yang dinamakan ‘The Rempong’ bersama Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi (BA Bigetron Esports), Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri, and Martha Graciela.
She was also an icon for JKT48 generation 3. So before she was officially announced as a member of JKT48, she went viral among Wota (JKT48 fans) because of her beautiful visuals.
Apart from that, she is not alone in being an icon of the 3rd generation, but she is with Andela Yuwono and Milenia Christien Glory Goenawan who have beautiful faces in their generation.
Pada pertengahan November 2019, ia sempat mengikuti audisi ‘Miss Indonesia 2020’ di Jakarta. Namun, ia gagal karena alasan tinggi badan.
It is known that Michelle has a hobby of traveling to various exotic places such as beaches, seas and mountains.
He also often shares his traveling moments through his personal Instagram account and his Vlog on YouTube.
Initially, Michelle did not plan to join RRQ, but she received an offer from her brother to join when she was still active as a streamer and it turned out that she was very suitable for RRQ because it suited her passion, namely gaming.
As an idol, Michelle has often entertained her fans. In addition, she also likes to play games, especially Hogwarts Legacy and SpongeBob.
Currently, Michelle focuses on being a Content Creator, she also streams on YouTube, creates TikTok content and is active on Instagram.
In the future, he also still wants to be involved in the entertainment world, especially in the world of gaming and streaming, but he also wants to act in films.
After knowing the profile, biodata and interesting facts about Michelle Christo Kusnadi, the BA RRQ, here are some of her beautiful photos that you can save!
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