Meta Support Ending? Listen to the explanation!

Three support heroes who are often banned in rank mode, namely Mathilda, Rafaela, and Angela, got nerfed in this update
Support. Source: VCGamers

On October 17 2023, Moonton released Patch Note 1.8.20. In this update, many of the frequently picked heroes experienced nerfs, one of which was the Support heroes and several characters also experienced buffs in this patch.

What is striking is the three supports that are often banned in rank mode. Among those that are often banned are: Mathilda, Rafaela, and Angela, then how is their current performance?

This latest patch has become a topic of conversation among gamers on gaming forums and social networks. Players speculate which heroes will receive buffs or nerfs, as well as how new items will change gameplay strategies Mobile Legends.

Let's explore the latest Mobile Legends patch and see how these changes can impact the way you play and compete in this ever-changing world.

Here are some nerfs on these three supports. Will the nerfing of these three heroes have a big impact on gameplay changes this season? Come on, take a look at the following explanation!

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Mathilda (Nerf)

Mathilda (Source: Mobile Legend)

This hero is rarely released in rank because the buff on the previous level was really excessive. Finally Moonton nerfed Mathilda. Especially the ultimate which is easier to counter. How could it not be that on yesterday's pach Mathilda was able to solo kill marksmen, mage or heroes who choose other thin cellphones.

[Skill 2] (Nerf)

  • Duration of Increase in Teammate Movement Speed: 2.5 seconds >> 2 seconds.

[Ultimate] (Nerf)

  • Wisp Damage: 60-70 >> 40 at all levels.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds >> 40 seconds.
  • Basic Shield: 600-900 >> 400-600.
  • Slightly reduces the range and speed of the second Dash.
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Rafaela (Nerf)

Rafaela (Source: Mobile Legend)

What makes this hero overpowered is the use of his second skill which can increase movement speed and is immune to slowing.

And Rafaela is also one of Valir's counters. Now Rafaela will be easier to counter because her movement speed and slow resistance are reduced.

[Skill 2] (Nerf)

  • Duration of Movement Speed and Immune to Slow: 1.5 seconds >> 1 second

Angela (Nerf)

Angela (Source: Mobile Legend)

Angela has the advantage of avoiding an opponent's skill by entering one of her teammates. And get a shiled or shield on the player we possess.

Previously, if this hero possessed a teammate, his shiled was really thick and he would be full of white HP. Now Moonton is nerfing Angela in her ultimate and other skills.

[Skill 1] (Nerf)

  • Magic Damage: 90% >> 75%

[Ultimate] (Nerf)

  • Shield: 1,200-2,000+ 200% – 400% magic power >> 1,000-1,600+ 200%-300%
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Does Meta Support End?

We still don't know about this nerf. What we feel is in Mathilda because of the many nerfs received, but it can still be used if you want to play Mathilda.

As well as the hero ban system in Mytic Honor and above, we still find these three heroes are still often banned by players.

As for Rafaela's performance, the difference is not that significant, it's just as annoying as before, both skills are still mainstay skills. Even though the duration is only one second, this is enough for a counter hero who can have a slow effect.

For Angela, the other skill has less of an impact on the opponent because there is a reduction in magic damage in the other skill.

Then the ultimate that many Mobile Legends players often complain about is now being heard. Even though the ultimate doesn't provide as thick a shield as before, we think it's enough for Angela's kit like this.

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Each patch is a reminder that Moonton listens to the community and strives to maintain balance in the game, improve the gaming experience, and provide interesting content.

This is also proof that this game is still alive and continues to grow. We as players can only adapt to patch changes in the following patches.

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