Hello Vicigers, there is a message Bappebti (Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency) so that people are safe when buying Indonesian crypto assets. CoFTRA's message was conveyed directly by Acting Head of CoFTRA Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana through his written statement on 13 February 2022.
Those of you who want to invest in crypto assets, of course, must know Bappebti's message first. Let's look at Bappebti's message so that people are safe when buying domestic crypto assets.
Bappebti's Message So It's Safe for People to Buy Crypto Assets

In the written statement submitted via the official website, there are several messages from Bappebti for those of you who want to invest in crypto assets.
It was stated that the Ministry of Commerce is tightening supervision of crypto asset trading. Supervision was tightened so that people get legal certainty. In addition, so that the public can obtain clear and legal information about the crypto assets being traded when they want to invest.
Acting Head of CoFTRA, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, said that every crypto asset product must be registered with Bappebti. Later, crypto assets that do not comply with CoFTRA regulations cannot be traded in Indonesia.
"New crypto assets that will be traded must first be registered with CoFTRA through a registered Prospective Crypto Asset Physical Trader for an assessment based on predetermined regulations," he was quoted as saying in a written statement on CoFTRA's official website, Monday (21/2/2022) .
"Determination of crypto assets is carried out through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) assessment method which has several assessment criteria," continued Wisnu.
He said that his party had issued CoFTRA Regulation Number 8 of 2021. This rule contains requirements for tradable crypto assets.
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The determination of crypto assets that can be traded domestically will refer to CoFTRA Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning Determination of Lists of Crypto Assets that can be Traded on the Physical Market of Crypto Assets.
So far, his party has noted that there are as many as 229 types of crypto assets that can be traded on the physical market for crypto assets. For this reason, he said, crypto assets that have not been registered with Bappebti cannot be traded in Indonesia.
"It is hoped that the public can invest in coins or types of Crypto Assets that have been stipulated in the CoFTRA Regulation," he said,
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The Future of Crypto Assets by the Children of the Nation is Quite Bright

Wisnu continued, CoFTRA sees the future for crypto assets made by the nation's children to be quite bright. He admitted that he saw the growth of crypto assets by the nation's children as a positive thing.
He stated that crypto assets made by the nation's children could be traded domestically as long as they complied with the applicable rules and regulations.
Wisnu also explained that the potential, innovation and potential of the Indonesian market is very large and has continued to grow in recent years.
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This is demonstrated by the emergence of several crypto assets made by the nation's children which are marketed in a number of global markets. Also, there are several crypto assets that have been registered in CoFTRA Regulation Number 7 of 2022.
He stated, Bappebti advised the community to do a number of things before investing in crypto assets. Among them is by first understanding the mechanisms and risks of crypto investment.
It is hoped that the community will implement the CoFTRA message. So, the crypto investment decisions they take are in accordance with the considerations that have been taken carefully.
"The public must also ensure the type of crypto asset that has been legally determined by Bappebti and ensured that it is traded at prospective physical traders of crypto assets who already have a registration mark from Bappebti," said Wisnu.