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How to Quickly Reach Max Level in FFXV Game!

FFXV has a level system like other games and of course players can reach the highest level, namely the max level with various activities.

FFXV has a level system and EXP earnings like RPG games in general. Players can carry out various activities in the FFXV game to get EXP which eventually reaches a high level, namely the max level.

This time, VCGamers will discuss the max level in FFVX and also how players can level up faster.

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Max Level in FFXV

Max Level FFXV 120
Level 120 FFXV. Source: YouTube/Zanar Aesthetics

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Final Fantasy is one of the series that is very famous as a role-playing game open world which offers a variety of weapons, magic, to vehicles to explore the world.

This game also of course has a level system by collecting EXP. Players will collect EXP to level up to the maximum level.

To reach the maximum level in the game FFXV, you can complete various activities. By having enough EXP and the maximum level, you can enjoy various activities that previously you could not do with a small level.

Final Fantasy XV offers a level cap that is up to level 120. However, players must collect up to 26 million EXP to reach level 120. But don't worry! There are various easy activities to quickly level up.

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How to Fast Level Max in FFXV

Complete Side Quests

FFXV Example Side Quests
FFXV Example Side Quests. Source: Final Fantasy Wiki

One of the main ways to level up in FFXV is to complete side quests. Side quests can give players EXP which is quite large after each player completes a side quest.

To see where you can get side quests, you can look at the map and look for a yellow question mark. After seeing a yellow question mark, you can start a side quest by going towards that sign.

There will be two methods of getting EXP from the side quest. Most side quests will provide various enemies for players to kill. Then, the second method is that players will get a large amount of EXP after completing the side quest.

However, players can get additional EXP when completing side quests by eating food that gives EXP boost.

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Eat Foods That Give EXP Boost

Mother and Child Rice Bowls
Mother and Child Rice Bowls. Source: YouTube/arkangelofkaos

Eating food is very crucial in games this. As with eating in the real world, eating in this game is very important because it gives lots of bonuses to characters.

One of these bonuses is adding EXP that players can get. Apart from increasing EXP, there are also foods that increase attack, defense, and HP stats.

The addition of these stats can be used by players to fight bosses more easily. Therefore, eating a variety of foods that provide bonuses is very important.

Food that gives bonus EXP is mandatory for players to take so that earning EXP becomes easier. Below are three examples of foods that can provide extra EXP and other important stats.

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How to Make Food for Max Level FFXV

FFXV's In-Game Cooking
FFXV's In-Game Cooking. Source: Twin Cities Geek

First of all, you can make a dish called Royal Banquet Canape. Made by Ignis, you need Arapaima Roe, Kettier Ginger, and also Allural Shallot. These foods can provide +50% EXP and +75 Strength/Magic.

Second, there is a food called Stacked Ham Sandwich which gives +50% EXP and also +200 HP. Created by Ignis, players need Garula Sirloin, Aegir Root, and also Fire Gighee Ham.

Third, you can make Mother & Child Rice Bowl. Created by Ignis, players must have Chickatrice Egg, Birdbeast Egg, Saxham Rice as a recipe. The food gives +30%, +50% Drop Rate, and also +1000 HP.

After cooking the food, players will eat food that gives additional EXP so completing side quests will give more EXP.

Thus the discussion regarding the max level in the FFXV game. Hopefully useful and happy leveling.

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