Elden Rings has various kinds of bosses with a fairly high level of difficulty, one of which is Malenia.
This time, VCGamers will discuss about the end-game boss named Malenia, specifically about tips and strategies against this boss.
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Malenia, Blade of Miquella

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Malenia is one of the bosses that is quite difficult to face in Elden Ring. Therefore, players are not required to beat him to complete Elden Ring.
Because of this, Demi-God type bosses are very difficult to beat, even though the player has reached the end-game phase.
In particular, players may find it difficult when this boss uses an attack called Waterfowl Dance which will be discussed in the tips and strategies section.
If players are struggling to fight this boss in singleplayer mode, then with friends in mode multiplayer can be an option.
Players will receive the Remembrance of the Rot Goddess and Malenia's Great Rune as a drop when they defeat the boss.
If players want to fight Malenia, then the boss is located at the bottom of Elphael's location, Brace of the Haligtree. The boss arena is at the bottom of the stairs from Haliftree Roots.
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Malenia Boss Two Phases
First Phase

Each boss in Elden Ring has a unique attack. Moreover, Malenia has two phases which will make it very difficult for players if they choose to challenge the boss.
The second phase will start when the player manages to make the HP of this boss zero for the first time.
After that, this boss also has an active healing effect while the player is fighting. This effect grants 300 to 400 HP per hit, even when it is holding back attacks from players.
During the first phase, this boss is very agile and can immediately attack players from his attacks.
When Malenia has HP below 75%, there will be an attack called Waterfowl Dance which is indicated by a high jump.
The jump will go to the player and followed by an AoE attack three times and closed with one bigger AoE attack.
This attack will be very deadly, even if the player builds a tank. Therefore, players must be careful with these unique attacks.
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Second Phase

The second phase begins after a cutscene showing wings emerging from Malenia. Therefore, there will be additional attacks that will make it difficult for players.
Apart from adding attacks, this boss will also receive additional damage so players have to be more careful.
Malenia will open the attack in the second phase with a diving attack and followed by a unique attack called Scarlet Aeonia.
Scarlet Aeonia will be an AoE explosion that will cause fog and give a scarlet rot effect.
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Tips and Strategies

The most effective tip for fighting this boss is to use Rivers of Blood's unique skill, the Corpse Piler.
This unique skill is very effective against the boss and players can be reborn to carry out this attack.
In order to avoid Waterfowl Dance's attack, the player must stay away from the boss and must simultaneously dodge the two incoming attacks.
Furthermore, this boss can avoid various kinds of spells or thrown items so that it will be more difficult to use these items.
However, players can also avoid the various boss attacks by rolling to the right or left.
The next tip is that players can use weapons with Bleed. According to Fextralife, weapons with Bleed can be very helpful in slowing down their regeneration or healing effects.
There is a very crucial window when fighting the boss. Players must attack when Malenia is not in attack animation to provide a stagger effect.
After the boss does a combo, players will attack and give a stagger effect and can do more damage.
Apart from that, there is also another window when the player manages to avoid Scarlet Aeonia's attacks. For five to seven seconds, this boss is immobile and players are free to use any attacks on it.
Thus the discussion about the boss of Elden Ring which is quite challenging, Malenia. Hope it is useful!
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