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Best Character for Mailed Flower Genshin Impact

Mailed Flower is an exclusive weapon that you get from the Windblume Festival event in the Genshin Impact game.

The Mailed Flower is one of the game's newest event-exclusive weapons Genshin Impact.

Claymore that you can only get from events Windblume Festival This 3.5 patch has the main ATK and Elemental Mastery stats.

Is this weapon good for you to maximize the level and ascension of this weapon? Which characters are suitable for using Mailed Flowers?

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We will discuss in full about Genshin Impact's newest Claymore F2P, namely Mailed Flower, starting from materials, how to get, stats, and user character recommendations.

Claymore Mailed Flower Genshin Impact

How to Get Mailed Flowers

windblume breath genshin impact guide
Windblume Breath, Event to Get Mailed Flowers. Source: Genshin Impact

Mailed Flower is one of the event-exclusive free weapons in the Genshin Impact game. 

Exclusive weapons are weapons that you can only get by doing quests, mini games, or challenges in the event.

Players will not be able to get weapons and refinement materials from that event alone.

Examples of event-exclusive weapons besides Mailed Flowers are Oathsworn Eyes, Festering Desire, Cinnabar Spindle, Windblume Oath, and Fading Twilight.

You can get Mailed Flowers when you have completed all the Windblume Festival story quests “Windblume's Breath” in the first part of update 3.5.

Also Read: Guide Windblume Festival Genshin Impact 3.5 Rerun

Weapon Ascension and Refinement Mailed Flower materials

mailed flower genshin impact ascension material project amber
Material Mailed Flower (source: Project Amber)

The refinement material for Mailed Flower is not a copy of weapons like weapons in Genshin Impact in general. The uniqueness of exclusive weapons is using other materials to refine.

Mailed Flower requires a material called Unfading Silky Grace. You can get Unfading Silky Grace by exchanging a Floral Coupon or Festive Ticket at the event shop available during the Windblume Festival event.

The ascension materials needed to increase the level phase of Mailed Flower are as follows: 

  • Weapon material ascension Dandelion Gladiator set: Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator, Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator, Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator
  • Drop materials from Consecrated Beast Shells Elite Enemy: Dessicated Shell, Sturdy Shell, and Marked Shell.
  • Drops from Spectral enemies (all elements): Spectral Husk, Spectral Heart, and Spectral Nucleus.

Mailed Flower Stats and Bonuses

mailed flower genshin impact stat
Mailed Flower Stats and Bonuses (source: Genshin Impact)

Mailed Flower is a Claymore that will be great for increasing a character's ATK and Elemental Mastery stats.

On weapons with the first refinement, Mailed Flower will provide a main ATK stat of 44 at level 1 to a maximum of ATK 565 at level 90. Elemental Mastery at level 1 is 24 and a maximum of 110 at level 90.

Refinement will have a big effect on the bonuses given by Mailed Flower weapons, namely Whispers of Wind and Flower.

Whispers of Wind and Flower will increase the character's ATK and Elemental Mastery if the character's Elemental Skill attacks that affect the enemy produce an elemental reaction within 8 seconds of attack.

The character's ATK and Elemental Mastery will increase by 12% and 48 respectively at the first refinement. Maximum ATK stat will increase to 24% and Elemental Mastery will increase by +96 from max refinement. 

Also Read: Build Dehya Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps

Recommended Characters for Using Mailed Flowers

mailed flower genshin impact character recommendation chongyun
Chongyun with Mailed Flower (source: Genshin Impact)

If you look at the stats and bonuses given when using Mailed Flower, this Claymore is suitable for all character positions, both DPS and Support.

The most important thing is that the character must be able to produce an elemental reaction, which means that it produces the greatest damage from Elemental attacks, not Physical.

In our opinion, all Claymore Genshin Impact user characters can still make Mailed Flowers a weapon option to use, provided you build for elemental reaction team comps.

You also have to remember that the Whispers of Wind and Flower bonus will be active only if you use the Mailed Flower user character or are in the field when fighting enemies (on field).

For example, you use Mailed Flower on Diluc. If you don't use Diluc at all when fighting enemies even though you're in a party, other characters won't get the buff from the Mailed Flower bonus.

The characters that we have tried and found to be very suitable are Chongyun and Diluc

These two characters are considered to be very suitable because Diluc and Chongyun's attacks and damage are optimal in producing damage from Elemental-based attacks and elemental reactions such as Melt, Reversed Melt, and Vaporize.

Another character that we think is still suitable is Sayu because she can produce Swirl and the character that will be coming in patch 3.6, namely Kaveh.

Kaveh is a character who uses Dendro. Dendro's gameplay currently focuses heavily on elemental reactions and Elemental Mastery so it will suit Kaveh.

Dehya with elemental reaction team comps, Razor using the Thundering Fury artifact, and Eula that you build using the Blizzard Strayer artifact can also make Mailed Flowers a weapon option.

Also Read: Best Character for Staff of Homa Genshin Impact

Those are the recommendations for characters that are suitable for using Mailed Flowers. This weapon includes F2P weapons that we recommend for you to build.

For those of you who are after other weapons, don't forget to save from now and buy a trusted Genesis Crystal for gacha VCGamers Marketplace yes!

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