Not many people know what Lylia's gameplay is like. Because this hero is rarely used. Here, we will discuss the best Lylia gameplay tips on Mobile Legends 2022.
Lylia is indeed engrossed in playing as a type of hero who leaves her mark on the battlefield while destroying her enemies in Mobile Legends. He is a very powerful mage who can dominate the early and late game with great ease.
Before releasing on the original server he got buffed and after launch, he got nerfed. But now he got another buff (1 CD lower skill).
So as an early game damage dealer or as a buff raider, he is the perfect mage to play. If your enemy gets a squishy hero, don't think twice about choosing Lylia.
In this guide, we will be looking at the best Lylia gameplay tips in this tire-worthy Mobile Legends.
MLBB Lylia Gameplay Tricks
Lylia can start with any lane, whether she can enter the lane or play in the middle depending on your team's choice. But all he has to do is support his teammates. For the best Lylia gameplay, we can divide it into two phases.
Our Lylia gameplay guide includes the perfect game plan for the early and late game in Mobile Legends. However, you must need a good understanding of the map.
Early Game

Start with mdi lane, your best lane to level up quickly. First, buy a magic necklace with gold, so you don't have to remember which one you're lacking.
If you take Retribution, the next item is a Beast killer (don't upgrade to the maximum level, level 2 is enough).
In this stage bully the enemy and play aggressively. If you think that -only going to farming in the early game and after building all the items, you will attack the enemy then it's not the right situation.
Lylia's main goal is to poke enemies and kill them in the early game. Try to take the blue buff if your assassin doesn't take it or attack the red enemy with a Tank. Don't stand still in one place for a long time, try to wander around the bushes.
Clear other minion lanes or help carry for a successful gank. In order to do great damage with skill 2, you must first hit them with skill 1, then spam the gloom with the help of stacks of skill 2. After the chain reaction starts, the enemies will disappear.
Late Game

Try to accumulate skill 2, don't just use it anywhere (skill 1 is enough to clean minions).
Keep that in mind, you can no doubt use ulti to refill skill2 stacks, but this way you will lose your only escape skill, so use it wisely.
During the first big (5 vs 5 gank) team fight use skill 2 (5 stack damage) with skill 1, at that point if your health is low or run out of stacks press ulti but only if you know the enemy MM/Assassins.
The first priority is always to help the team, so try to farm in the enemy jungle whenever you get the chance.
In the final phase try to rotate with the Tanks or direct them to rotate with you and follow the minimap for more successful ganking. Remember to follow it.
This is not only an escape tool, but will also give you a vision on the map. So while moving, use your brain and put your shoes in a safe place. When you get CC by the enemy, don't panic, just try clicking skill 3 and your Bingo will return with almost maximum HP.
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Use this combo skill, whenever needed:
- Skill1+Skill 2 (usable 5 times)+Skill1+Skill 3
Heroes with strong CC skills and long stun effects that prove to be strong counters for Lylia are Selena, Guinevere, Franco and Chou.
If your enemy team has too many CC or 2 Assassin heroes then you can try to get extra defense with magic power.
You may have to change some items according to the enemy. But remember Lightning Truncheon is a core item for him.
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That's all for today's guide on Lylia's gameplay in Mobile Legends. Would you rather use Lylia's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!