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Check out 2 Important Facts About Paloma, a Low Mechanical Character!

paloma ff

PalomaGames Free Fire which is very popular lately because it has many advantages that are not inferior compared to games other. Updates which always brings interesting and always surprising news for loyal followers games this.

As games theme first-person shooter (FPS) really gives freedom for you as a player to choose the character you want with what you want.

The development from the time since release to date is very noticeable progress and its development. One thing that makes games This FF is very interesting because there are many characters in it games this.

A Glimpse of Paloma's Character You Need to Know

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Characters that have skills what is no less interesting is that it can be used and profitable if you can use it properly, it can be decisive in battle.

The age of this character has been quite a long time in FF, since it appeared and was introduced in July 2018. The presence of this character is enough to provide variety and new colors for the fans. player when you want to choose a female character in battle.

Maybe some of you already know that there are still many female characters who have skills much stronger than the other female characters.

But you need to know that this short-haired female character can be a character choice that can make you hard to beat at times games going on.

In games It is said that Paloma is the most beautiful woman in her country. Paloma lives in the poorest area in the country. Previously, this character was described as a role model for other women.

However, after transforming in FF somehow his character changed to a symbol of evil. The work she does is also no joke, she is known as the world's largest weapons smuggler.

So from her job profession, Pamola can become a character who can carry bullets with a greater number of depths games this, compared to other characters.

One other thing that is no less interesting, is the result of Pamola's profession as the world's largest weapons smuggler, which has earned her the nickname "the weapons boss".

skills and the Advantages of Pamola FF

It is also important to discuss ie skills owned by Paloma's character. His special ability was named arm-dealing, skills that Paloma has is fully related to the profession she carries out.

What we can be certain of is skills this can make you using the Paloma character carry far more ammunition than if you use other characters.

In addition, you can take advantage of the capacity of Backpack which is used to pick up various important and valuable items that you want to take with you when looting.

You can also create processes looting can be effective because it can help the team to bring goods so it speeds up the process too looting.

However, there is one thing you need to remember unfortunately skills it can only be activated only for weapon type ammo assault rifles (AR). In order to increase his abilities to the maximum, try to make Paloma's level reach the highest level.

The advantages of Paloma include:

  • Get a lot of AR bullets without reducing the item capacity
  • skills that he has can support members in his team

Paloma's character is usually used in low mechanics. However, that doesn't mean that low mechanics is bad. There are characters free fire low difficult mechanics but there are also easy ones to help your game progress.

In the free fire this each character certainly has an advantage in skills that he has, of course there are those that are difficult and also some that are easy to use. Again, it depends on whether you can use it or not according to its purpose.

For those of you who want to take advantage of each character, of course you understand it first. skills these characters are common simple but there will be many factors that influence the use of these characters during battle.

Likewise Paloma, even though it is included in low mechanics because it is easier to use and its potential is also the same, namely it remains the same high as the others.

That's a little explanation about Paloma's character which is usually quite underestimated by some people even though in Bali there are also many advantages that can be a reason to use this character.

You need to learn important things like this when you are going to play so that you can always place and use the character you choose correctly.

Don't forget to try using this Paloma character and make the most of it skills which he has.

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