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Complete Guide to Using Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz!

This article will discuss and provide a guide on how to use the "trend" little commander Magic Chess named Tharz.
Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz

This article will discuss and provide guide how to use little commander MagicChess which again “tlow" named Tarz.

Tharz is one little commander MagicChess with a ball-like shape. Often Tharz pinned as little commander strongest and finally chosen by many Magic Chess players.

Little commander which has something in common with heroes Mobile Legends Thamuz it has skills very powerful in influencing the status and conditions heroes

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curious about skills, guide, and how to play it? Immediately, see below!

Also Read: The Best Little Commander Magic Chess Right Now!

Skill Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz

Before heading guide or how to use Tharz, we must know first skills owned by little commander this one.

skills first Tharz's named Devil's Might. With Skill passive this makes the whole heroes you can't touch the three stars. If heroes has reached a two star, then he will absorb heroes identical (maximum 16 times).


Second there is skills Gluttonyskills active Tharz this will "eat" heroes one star and deliver heroes with tier same (quality) in the next round randomly but prioritize heroes which is owned. After using it, there is cooldown for four rounds.


skills all three This tharz named Feast. After Level 8, the Tharz skill will activate. If enabled,  Tharz will "eat" shop in return the player gets three heroes according to the one above chessboard at each round.  

If heroes has achieved three stars, then skills Tharz not working.

Guide Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz

Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz
Skin Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz. Source: VCGamers.

After knowing the three skills belongs to Tharz, the author can explain guide and how to play Tharz. 

Keep in mind that guide This is not mandatory for you to follow because this article is the result of the author's experience in playing and conducting research. If you have a different opinion, you are welcome to discuss it in the comments column.

Also Read: Guide Little Commander Magic Chess Kaboom!

Guide Skill 1 Little Commander Tharz

Skill 1 Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz
Display Active Skill 1 Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz. Source: VCGamers

For skills this one Tharz, in terms of damage, actually skills the most painful in comparison with skills other. At first the author also did not understand the explanation skills above until finally tried it.

According to Mobile Legends Fandom, every heroes which is "absorbed" will give a permanent status of the form HP *{10%}, attack *{10%}, skill damage *{Quality heroes *1% + 7%}.

Let's say you have one heroes Two-star Grock. If later you buy Grock again from shop, Grock will be "eaten" to strengthen the previous two-star Grock.

The craziest thing is, it can be done up to 16 times! Even his strength was on par with a four-star.

To make it clear and easy to imagine, the following is a status comparison photo heroes Akai and Grock before and after getting one additional permanent status from Tharz.

Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz
Comparison of Hero Status before and after getting Buff 1 Skill Tharz. Source: VCGamers.

When viewed from the addition of the status, several combos there are many beneficial synergies. Starting from Archer, Gunner, Nature Spirit, Mage, Wrestler, Weapon Master, and Mech Era.

In terms of strategy, skills first Tharz this is perfect for hero tiers 1-3 plus using synergy Los Pecados.  

Synergy Los Pecados active ones can provide additional gold every kill, which means amount gold more and more heroes what you can buy.

While consideration tier, when viewed through the percentage of occurrences heroes each tier, tier 1-3 greater than tiers 4-5. A greater frequency of appearance makes it easier for you to find heroes which are desired.

It's like this maybe, it's better to have hero tier-one but has 14 stack than heroes tier-five but only have 2 stack. Isn't that right?

Guides last for skills first Tharz is don't hesitate to use MirrorDevice items (Clones). You can use items those for heroes damage dealers you're getting sicker.

Guide Skill 2 Little Commander Tharz

Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz
Display Skill 2 Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz. Source: VCGamers.

Skill both of Tharz's are suitable for speeding up gain heroes do you want. But because it is random, it might be a little difficult to use it. What's more, you have to "eat" heroes with tier same with heroes what you're looking for.

In fact skills it is less popular because it is not as effective skills other, especially with the addition cooldown four round.  skills this might as well be said as reroll heroes be another.

Even so, still all skills has a good side. You can use skills this under three conditions. The first condition is when choosing choice of fate first, you can choose hero tier-five available, then me-reroll according to synergy requirements.

The second condition is anytime with any hero, If you feel heroes what you've been waiting for never comes again, you can use it. 

The last is when you want to search heroes with the percentage of occurrences tier a little.  For example when early game, you can search hero tier-five because the percentage is so low. Or moment late game, percentage heroes tier-one goes low

Guide Skill 3 Little Commander Tharz

Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz
Display Skill 3 Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz. Source: Youtube Mas Heleh.

Here he is skills it's called make Mobile Legends Games so broken for being able to present heroes level-three very quickly.  You must understand the three conditions after use skills this:

  1. You can't get gold
  2. No longer shop
  3. Can't change combos synergy.

With these conditions, you can collect synergies that are quick and don't depend on hero tier-five. For example VENOM, Weapon Master, Archer, Gunner, Mage, Astro, and Guardian.

Actually it doesn't matter you use Cadia, Mech Era, Swordsman, and synergies that require heroes tier 4-5 if you can get it since levels 7-8.

You can also take advantage choice of fate and choose heroes high tier you need.

If you want to use synergy Los Pecados, you must take the synergy evolution Bandits. So even though you can't produce gold moment skills active, you can still get items.

After combos synergy is formed, immediately increase it levels you and immediately activate the skill, tI need to think long. 

The purpose of little commander This Tharz is to become strong in a short time and defeat other players as quickly as possible.

After skills Tharz is active, all you can do is wait heroes you become a three-star and arrange the placement. The only source of getting heroes just new choice of fate.

Four Zilong With Skill 3 Little Commander Magic Chess Tharz

The photo above is proof of the damage skills three belong to Tharz. Those four three-star Zilongs are really crazy, let alone two of them have full-item. But the risk is that other players still have a chance to do it counters.

Zilong or heroes tier-the other five were indeed strong. But back to the goal of Magic Chess, which is searching combos strongest synergy. If you only use one or two heroes course, what's interesting games this?

Weaknesses & Strengths

Little Commander Magic Chess
Little Commander Magic Chess – Tharz. Source: VCGamers.

Cons: from little commander Magic Chess Tharz must be operated onskills. Based on the results of the analysis, here are the results:

  • skills first Tharz so that it is more maximal it must be combined with Los Pecados. In addition, the possibility of getting blessings be small.
  • Gluttony (skills second) not very effective by comparison skills other. To get chance hero needed, make sure you have heroesher first.
  • skills Feast like a dead end. When it's active, you can only tinker placement heroes only with limited capacity.

After knowing the shortcomings, now the author will discuss some of them advantages from third skills Tharz:

  • skills First, Tharz doesn't need to be afraid of storage space being full heroes, because every heroes the same will immediately be absorbed. Although stuck two-star, status heroes could improve and be on par with four-stars.
  • With Gluttony, players can swap heroes better or as needed.
  • For skills Feast, this Broken very! One of skills most overpower and can make other players go home to lobby faster. Suitable for those of you who don't want to bother playing on late game.

Conclusion: Tharz is Broken!

From the whole explanation skills above, it can be concluded little commander Magic Chess really Broken! 

There are no more comments for Tharz, the author has stated everything above.

With all the considerations that exist, are you interested in trying little commander this one? If interested, you can buy it for 24000 Battle Points or with 449 Diamonds.

Have a try~

Also Read: Complete Guide on How to Use Little Commander Mavis!

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