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5 Best English-Indonesian Voice Translation Sites

The following are the 5 best English-Indonesian voice translation sites that you can use. Just check out the site below!
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Sometimes we need a site translate English-Indonesian voice to help with activities if you forget a number of words.

The ability to understand and speak a foreign language is definitely needed, both for school and work purposes.

To master a foreign language takes a lot of time. However, now there are many tools as a solution that will guide you to translate with the voice feature.

This tool will allow you to translate foreign languages other than English into Indonesian, you know!

Plus, with the presence of this voice feature, you can also listen to the pronunciation of the language.

In this article, we will discuss the best English-Indonesian voice translation sites that you can use to translate foreign languages!

Also read: Cool! This is a Google Translate Feature that is Rarely Used

English-Indonesian Voice Translation Site

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Translator (Source: iStock)

The following are the 5 best English-Indonesian voice translation sites that you can use!

Google Translate

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Google Translate

As one of the best English-Indonesian voice translation sites Google Translate! Maybe you have also used this site made by Google.

Google Translate feature

  • Text Translation: You can write a foreign language in the "Text" feature and later Google Translate will translate automatically into the target language.
  • Voice Translation (Voice): You can speak sentences or phrases by activating "Mic" in the translate column, then Google Translate will translate it automatically.
  • Image Translation: You can also upload images (JPG, JPEG, PNG) which will be translated into Google Translate and later Google Translate will detect and translate automatically.
  • Document Translation: You can also upload documents (PDF, Word, PowerPoint) to be translated by Google Translate.
  • Site Translation: Apart from that, you can also copy foreign language sites to be translated by Google Translate.
  • Automatic Translate: Don't worry, for those of you who don't know this foreign language, Google Translate will help detect the language for translation.

Advantages of Google Translate

  • Free: Google Translate can be used for free without having to subscribe.
  • No Need to Use an Account: Google Translate also doesn't require using an account to be able to translate foreign languages.
  • User-Friendly: The features in Google Translate are very easy for beginners to use.
  • Support Multiple Languages: More than 133 languages are available on Google Translate so you will easily translate into other foreign languages.
  • Multi-Platform: You can also use Google Translate on websites, mobile or PC.

Bing Translator

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Bing Translator

As one of the best English-Indonesian voice sites from Microsoft Bing Translator.

This site can translate text, sound and images, apart from that it is also connected to other Microsoft services such as Office 365 and Skype to make work easier.

Bing Translator Features

  • Text Translation: You can enter text in various languages to be translated by Bing Translator quickly.
  • Voice Translation (Voice): You can speak foreign language sentences or phrases and later Bing Translator will translate them.
  • Image Translation: You can also upload images that contain text and later Bing Translator will detect the language in the target language.
  • Document Translation: You can also translate documents such as Word, PowerPoint and PDF.
  • Automatic Translate: For those of you who don't know this language, Bing Translate will translate automatically.
  • Connect with Microsoft: Bing Translator is connected to other Microsoft services such as Office 365, Skype and Edge services.

Advantages of Bing Translator

  • Free: You can use Bing Translator, this can be used for free.
  • User-Friendly: All Bing Translate features can be used easily by beginners.
  • Multi-Platform: Bing Translator can be used on Web, Mobile and PC so you can use it on any device.
  • Support Multiple Languages: Apart from that, Bing Translator provides more than 70 languages.

Yandex Translate

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Yandex Translate

Furthermore, as the best English-Indonesian voice translation site from Yandex, the IT company in Russia is Yandex Translate.

This site can translate Russian and other foreign languages. Apart from that, it can also translate documents, images, sounds and websites.

Yandex Translate feature

  • Text Translation: You can enter text in various languages in the available columns and later Yandex Translate will translate automatically.
  • Voice Translation (Voice): You can speak sentences and phrases and later Yandex Translate will translate them into other foreign languages.
  • Site Translation: You can also copy links to foreign language websites to be translated into Indonesian or other languages.
  • Document Translation: You can also translate documents in PDF, Doc and TXT formats.
  • Image Translation: You can also upload images containing text to be translated by Yandex Translate automatically.
  • Dictionary: From the sentence being translated, it also displays the meaning of vocabulary or other similar sentences in various other languages.
  • Automatic Translate: Yandex Translate can detect various languages so you don't need to select them manually.

Advantages of Yandex Translate

  • Free: Yandex Translate can be used for free without having to subscribe first.
  • User-Friendly: Yandex Translate features are easy for beginners to use.
  • Multi-Platform: Yandex Translate can be used via PC, mobile and web.
  • Support Multiple Languages: Yandex Translate can translate up to 90 languages.
  • Translate Russian: Because Yandex Translate comes from Russia, this site is able to translate Russian well.
Also read: How to Download Google Translate Voice on HP and Laptop Easily!

DeepL Translate

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DeepL Translate

Next, the best English-Indonesian voice translation site that you can use is DeepL Translate.

DeepL Translate is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based translation platform with translation results that are accurate and easy to understand.

DeepL Translate feature

  • Text Translation: You can enter text from various languages to be translated into the target language, including English to Indonesian.
  • Document Translation: You can translate various documents such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint into the target language without having to lose the original format.
  • Site Translation: You can also translate site content or type the site you want to translate, then DeepL Translate will translate it.
  • Glossary: You can make your own glossary.
  • Support Multiple Languages: DeepL Translate supports more than 26 available languages.

DeepL Translate advantages:

  • Easy to understand: The translation results of DeepL Translate are easy for users to understand.
  • Using AI Technology: By using AI technology in DeepL Translate, you can ensure that the translation results are very accurate.
  • User-Friendly: The DeepL Translate features are very simple so they are easy for users to use.
  • Free: By using the free version of DeepL Translate, you will definitely be more limited in translating foreign languages and limited in using its features.
  • Paid: With the paid version of DeepL translate, of course it will provide complete features and unlimited translation access.

Naver Papago

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Naver Papago

As a recommendation for the best English-Indonesian voice translation site, the latest one comes from Naver Corporation from South Korea Naver Papago.

Naver Papago Features

  • Text Translation: You can translate the text to be translated into the target language, then Naver Papago will translate it accurately.
  • Voice Translation (Voice): You can speak a sentence or phrase in another language.
  • Camera Translation: You can also take pictures that contain text to be translated automatically.
  • Conversation Translation: You can also use Papago's conversation feature to translate real-time conversations with other people.
  • Automatic Translate: Naver Papago will detect and translate the language automatically quickly and accurately.
  • Document Translation: You can also translate documents in PDF and Word formats easily.
  • Edu Features: For those of you who are students, you can access learning such as vocabulary, grammar and conversations in various languages.

Advantages of Naver Papago

  • Accurate: Naver Papago uses AI technology to produce translations that are accurate and easy to understand.
  • Complete Features: Naver Papago offers various complete features such as a camera, dictionary, documents that can be used to help translate.
  • User-Friendly: Naver Papago's features can be used easily for beginners.
  • Free: Naver Papago can be accessed for free.
  • Paid: The paid Naver Papago will offer more complete features.

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