Season skins Mobile Legends (ML) is a skin that is distributed free of charge by Moonton at the end or beginning of the season.
To get it, you have to complete the mission from Moonton. From season 1 to 32 missions to get different ML season skins.
But in season 32 you can get it ML hero skins your favorites for free just by completing ranked matches 20 times.
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If you haven't had time to get all the season skins, from now on don't miss the opportunity to get this free skin.
So, in this article we will completely review the Mobile Legends season skins from first to last. The following is a complete list of Mobile Legends (ML) season skins that you need to know.
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Nana Graveyard Party (Season 1)

Nana is one of the old heroes who has existed since Mobile Legend was released. Moonton's free skin distribution event has been going on since the first season.
As an elderly hero, Nana was the first to get the free Graveyard Party skin.
If you refer to Nana's appearance in this skin, the Graveyard Party skin should be suitable for release on Halloween. Because this skin design is very similar to costumes during Halloween celebrations.
When using this skin, Nana's ears will change to resemble bat wings. Even though she is wearing a Halloween costume, Nana still looks cute in this skin.
Alucard Fiery Inferno (Season 2)

In season 2 it is the turn of the MLBB Assassin hero, Alucard who gets free skins. Alucard's appearance in this skin seems to have a fire element.
You could say that the Alucard skin is one of the coolest free skins. Until some time ago Moonton resold this skin for 250 blue fragments.
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Fanny Punk Princess (Season 3)

Though Fanny Punk Princess is not a collaboration skin with DC, but when I first saw her, Fanny actually looked like the DC character Harley Quinn.
From the baseball bat, make-up, to the look in her eyes, it strengthens Fanny's resemblance to the DC character Harley Quinn.
Previously, Fanny always appeared feminine, although her fighting style was still fierce. However, Fanny's character in Mobile Legends always synonymous with anime characters Mikasa Ackermann the meek.
If you missed the opportunity to get this skin a few years ago. Now you can use 250 premium fragments to get the Fanny Punk Princess skin.
Minotaur Orbiter (Season 4)

Minotaur is an ML hero with a hybrid type who got a free skin in season 4. In season 32, this hero is often the choice of players to become a roamer.
For Minotaur hero users who missed the opportunity to get the Orbiter skin. In season 32 you can buy the Minotaur skin with 250 premium fragments.
The appearance is quite good when compared to the two epic skins and the basic skin. Minotaur appears with gold armor and hammer in this skin.
Hilda Flower of the Wastes (Season 5)

Hilda In every skin released by Moonton, he always looks dashing. In season 5, MLBB distributed free skins for the hero Hilda.
When using this skin, Hilda appears to be carrying a machine and using a serrated axe.
You can still get the Hilda Flower of the Wastes season skin now at the MLBB Shop. You only need to exchange premium fragments to get this season's skin.
Alpha Sea Gladiator (Season 6)

The Sea Gladiator skin belonging to the Alpha hero is a seasonal item that you can still get at the MLBB Shop. To get it, you only need to prepare 250 premium fragments.
Buy this skin immediately if you are a fan of the Alpha hero. Because sometimes Moonton changes the premium skin products they sell. In season 32, the Alpha Gladiator skin is still available.
Moskov Yasha (Season 7)

When Moskov donned the Yasha skin, his appearance looked like an anime character who reached a new level of power. If the basic skin displays Moscow with a zombie-like appearance full of cuts.
When using the Yasha skin, Moskov looks like a much more dignified soldier. Moreover, in Yasha's skin, Moskov's spear emits a flaming aura.
If you haven't had the chance to get this skin in the season 7 event, now in season 32 you can buy it with 250 premium fragments.
So, in season 32, Moontoon has also just released the All Star skin with a much more attractive appearance.
Estes White Crane (Season 8)

Appearance Estes When using the White Crane skin it looks more realistic. Compared to epic and special skins which have an appearance theme resembling Gods and Mutants.
Estes White Crane's appearance is even more attractive. Luckily, you can still get this skin at the MLBB Shop in season 32.
You only need to exchange 250 premium fragments to get this skin.
Franco Locomotive (Season 9)

The next ML season hero skin is Locomotive's Franco. Even though the price is cheap, this skin is one of the best skins for the hero Franco. You can get this skin at the MLBB Shop by exchanging 250 premium fragments.
Franco's appearance in this skin is actually a bit like a robot. His clothes are all iron and shaped like a fireplace on an ancient train locomotive.
Tigreal Wyrmslayer (Season 10)

The next ML season skin is Wyrmslayer hero Tigreal which carries an ethnic warrior theme. He appears to be wearing a headband and a bison fur cape that hangs down his back.
When using this skin, Tigreal's body is not completely covered. So the muscles and tattoos on his chest make Tigreal's appearance even cooler.
In season 32 you can still get this Wyrmslayer skin with 250 premium fragments.
Bane Warlord (Season 11)

Season 11 is Moonton's moment to give away free Warlord skins to its users.
In terms of appearance, Bane looks very dignified. He wore red clothes equipped with medals and a weapons belt around his waist.
The clothes Bane wears when using this skin actually removes his pirate impression.
Bane actually looks like a Navy Captain. This skin is available at the MLBB Shop for 250 premium fragments.
Vexana Cursed Shackle (Season 12)

This hero, who was quite OP in the last few seasons, received free skins from Moonton before being completely revamped.
This skin is available at the MLBB Shop until season 32. Exchange 250 premium fragments to get 250 Cursed Shackle skins now.
Hylos Jungle Watcher (Season 13)

Hylos' appearance in the Jungle Watcher skin is very suitable as a forest protector. With an all brown appearance plus green hair, it strengthens her aura as a forest fairy.
If you miss the opportunity to get this hero skin, you can buy it with 250 premium fragments at the MLBB Shop.
Pharsa Enchanting Witch (Season 14)

In the past, you missed the opportunity to get the free Pharsa Enchanting Witch skin. Now you can still get it at the MLBB Shop for 250 premium fragments.
When using this skin, Verri will take the form of an owl. Of course, this is to thicken the aura of a witch who is often friends with owls.
Pharsa's appearance in this skin looks very elegant. She wore a typical purple witch dress, a wide witch hat, and white hair.
If you are a Pharsa user, don't miss the opportunity to get this hero skin.
Clint Witch Hunter (Season 15)

Skins Clint Witch Hunter is probably the skin most used by Clint players.
It feels like almost every match when you meet Clint there are lots of players who use this purple skin.
When using the Witch Hunter skin, Clint is seen wearing a typical magician's hat. Until season 32 you can still get the Clint hero skin at the MLBB Shop by exchanging 250 premium fragments.
Eudora Countess Scarlett (Season 16)

This skin is a free skin that you can get in season 16. Eudora Countess Scarlet has a dominant color of black with gold motifs.
Eudora's appearance in this skin is very charming, she looks like a nobleman.
For a free skin class, Countess Scarlet is a pretty good skin. Unfortunately you can't get this skin yet because it's not yet available at the MLBB Shop.
Cyclops Zombie Bambino (Season 17)

The Zombie Bambino skin is an item for the Cyclops hero that you can get for free if you take part in the mission in season 17. Cyclops' appearance looks like a vampire who has been sealed using paper with Chinese writing.
The combination of blue, red and green on the Zombie Bambino skin is very good. Cyclops looks more cute than scary like a zombie when using this skin.
Rafaela Star Chaser (Season 18)

ML Rafaela season hero skin is one of the items that can be obtained for free by completing missions in season 18.
When using this skin, Rafaela appears to be holding a stick with a crescent-shaped tip. In the center of the crescent moon there is a blue crystal that emits light.
Unfortunately, in terms of appearance, the Star Chaser skin cannot replace the Rafaela Biomedic and Seraphic Selfie skins. But this free skin is quite better than the dangerous Fertility Goddess and Flower Fairy skins.
Akai Street Enforcer (Season 19)

On March 20 2021, it was the hero Tank Akai's turn to get a free skin from Moonton. Akai's appearance when using this skin is really stylish.
He looked like a street thug carrying a baseball bat. You can also find skins with similar settings on the heroes Ling and Fanny.
Kaja Crow Magician (Season 20)

If you complete the mission that took place in season 20, the Kaja Crown Magician skin will now be yours.
This skin is actually not that cool but it's better than using basic skin when competing.
Previously, to get this skin, players only needed to play ranked mode up to master rank, very easy, right?
Kaja's appearance when using this skin looks like a magician. He wore a magician's hat which gave off a horror impression.
Gord New Baron (Season 21)

Who among you likes to use a hero with an ultimate skill similar to Kamehameha? In season 21, Gord got his turn from Moonton to get his free skin.
Of course you fans of the hero Gord didn't miss the season 21 event.
When you use this skin, Gord will wear an elegant suit. Of the many Gord skins, the season 21 skin is the one that features Gord in normal human form.
Gord's New Baron skin can be said to be the same type as Tigreal's special skin. Gord's skill appearance also gets cooler when using this skin.
This should be included in the special skin category but Moonton was kind enough to provide the New Baron skin for free.
Terizla Rustwreck (Season 22)

Still with his scary appearance, in season 22 Terizla Get a free season skin all in red.
Terizla appears to be wearing rusty armor and it gives the impression that she is someone fighter heroes the strong one.
When you use this skin and fight using this skin, the skill effect used will appear blood red.
Masha Spirited Gauntlet (Season 23)

Different from its default ethnic appearance. In season 23, this fighter hero gets a skin with a modern appearance where Masha's hands are clad in iron gloves similar to Iron Man's.
Apart from that, Masha's appearance in this skin is also a little sporty, complete with running accessories around her waist.
We should appreciate this gift from Moonton. Because Masha's appearance in this skin is not too basic.
The orange robot gloves that Masha wears look good with her green and black clothes and hair.
You could say that the ML season 23 skin is the best among several other skins.
Grock Ancient Totem (Season 24)

Grock is one of the ML tank heroes who received a skin quota from Moonton in season 24.
Grock's appearance in this skin looks like his original form complete with wooden mask accessories with interior tribal motifs.
Uranus Earthen Relic (Skin Season 25)

In season 25, the hero Uranus gets his turn to get a free season skin from Moonton. Uranus season 25 skin is called Earthen Relic.
In this skin form, Uranus appears to emit a blue fire aura. Uranus's body looks brown like the paving in the Temple Run game complete with a moss green motif as a variation.
Moonton always makes skins that match its name. Like this Uranus skin, its appearance is very Earthy as the name suggests.
Barats Tribal Chief (Season 26)

In the next season it will be his turn Barats who gets a free season skin called "Tribal Chief".
Barats' appearance when using this skin will look very cool. Even the skill effects used look different from regular skins.
When using this skin Barats will wear a mask similar to Uka-uka from the game Crash Bandicoot. Meanwhile, the dinosaur that is usually ridden changes color to purple.
This skin was distributed by Moonton in season 26 to be precise on December 30 2022.
Argus Winged Nightmare (Season 27)

Just like the name of the skin, Argus' appearance in this skin is a scary mythological creature.
In this skin, Argus appears to be wearing a shinigami-like hood, only the sword he is holding is not similar.
The sword that Argus carries in his left hand looks green, like the dominant color of this skin. The sword looks thorny and emits a green aura.
Even though it's a free skin, Winged Nightmare is no less good than paid skins in general.
Lapu-Lapu Son of the Wild (Season 28)

Like the name of the skin "Son of the Wild, Lapu-Lapu" in the season 28 skin looks like a hunter from ancient times.
In this skin form, Lapu-Lapu wears a crown in the shape of animal horns. On his left shoulder is the skeleton and skull of a horned animal.
Meanwhile, on his right shoulder there is a furry animal sash covering him.
The Lapu-Lapu sword in this skin form looks blue and serrated. In this appearance, Lapu-Lapu is similar to the fighter hero Hilda.
Alice Jade Empress (Season 29)

In season 29 of Mobile Legends, Moonton distributed free season skins for the hero Alice. In the Jade Empress skin, she looks like a female emperor with a typical royal dress and crown.
Alice in her season 29 skin has a dominant green appearance. Even the feathers on its wings are green.
Baxia Black Tortoise (Season 30)

The Black Tortoise season skin is still one of the best free skins from Moonton.
Even though it is included in the ranks of the best free skins, Baxia's appearance in this item has changed slightly. Baxia actually looks like Balmond in this skin form.
It's just that Baxia doesn't wear an axe, he still uses two shields like the other skins.
Even though it is called Black Tortoise, Baxia's shield is colored similar to the epic tier symbol.
Instead of showing the appearance of a turtle like the name of the skin, in this form Baxia's shield actually resembles a flesh-eating bird.
But we still have to thank Moonton for providing free skins every season.
Yi Sun-shin Surging Torrent (Season 31)

Moonton started Season 31 yesterday by giving away Yi Sun-shin Surging Torrent hero skins. In this skin, Yi Sun-shin wears clothes like a hunter with the dominant color blue and a blue headband.
This skin provides a pretty good new effect, although not as good as the epic skin or starlight skin.
Even though it is a free skin, in terms of appearance this skin is quite attractive. Moonton is truly committed to creating good skins for its loyal players.
Diggie Underwood Steward (Season 32)

This skin makes the appearance Diggie even cuter with a green robe and a purple flower hat.
Like skins in general, you can get the Diggie Skin in just 20 Ranked matches.
However, now you can no longer get it for free. To claim this skin you need 250 Premium Skin Fragments.
Jawhead Victory Loader (Season 33)

Season 33 it's the fighter hero's turn Jawheads who got a seasonal free skin quota from Moonton. The Jawhead Victory Loader skin appears in orange and has an ambulance siren-like decoration on its head.
If you pay attention to the details, Jawhead in this skin has the appearance of a construction vehicle. Although it is a free skin, the effects produced by this skin are not inferior to the epic MLBB skin.
If you missed the moment to get this skin last year, don't worry. Moonton will resell this skin, you can buy it using fragments.
However, there is no definite news yet about when Moonton will resale this skin, what is clear is that you have to keep an eye on the fragment column in the MLBB Shop menu.
Aulus Ironmane Raver (Season 34)

Season 34 is still the turn of fighter heroes to get free skins, this time it's Aulus' turn with the Ironmane Raver skin.
In this form, Aulus appears with white hair and all-blue skill effects. Aulus' weapon in this skin changes into a blue serrated axe. The visual effect when activating the skill also changes to blue fire.
Even though it's free, this skin dares to compete with the Epic ML hero skin which has a fairly high price.
Minisitthar Symbol of Valor (Season 35)

Somehow, for the last 3 seasons, Moonton has always provided seasonal skins only for fighter heroes.
Season 35 is Minisitthar's quota to get free skins. The validity period for claiming the Minisitthar Symbol of Valor skin can still be obtained this month until the first week of April 2025.
To get this skin for free, you only need to complete 20 Rank mode matches.
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