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List of Latest Android NFT Games for October 2022

The list of nft android games that you can play are Upland, Sorare, Alien Worlds, Splinterlands and Heroverse.
android nft games
NFT Games. Source: VCGamers

Android NFT games based play-to-win is a new trend that gamers love. This is related to the increase in the number of installs which attracts more users to try NFT based games.

If you are a beginner who wants to try the game Play-to-Earn, here are some games NFTs android that you can try on Android devices in October 2022, and some of them can also be accessed using iOS devices.

List of Android NFT Games

NFT games are usually accessed via PC, but many of them already offer NFT game platforms that can be accessed using other devices such as iOS and Android.

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds
Alien Worlds is the best android NFT game

Alien Worlds is a free android NFT game that lets players mine asteroids for resources and capture local powers.

The main gameplay of Alien Worlds is sending ships to complete missions and engage in space battles to earn Trillium Tokens (TLM).

Alien Worlds has taken a significant step towards a better user experience by releasing a user-friendly version. In turn, increasing activity on the platform to 42 percent within seven days of release. 


Splinterlands is the best NFT games game on android

Splinterlands is a free collectible digital card game based on blockchain technology. Players compete against opponents based on ranking and award prizes to the winners. Good news for Splinterlands lovers, the Splinterlands game is now available on Android devices.


Game Play to Earn Android
Upland is the best NFT game on android

Upland is a blockchain based metaverse game. Pamin can buy, sell and trade virtual objects whose locations correspond to the names of real towns and cities.


Game Play to Earn Android
Sorare is the best NFT game on android

Sorare is a soccer card game that attracts the attention of soccer fans. You can also collect soccer player cards from your favorite team.

These cards are also NFT so you can sell them on the market and make a profit from selling the cards. How to play the NFT Sorare game from Android is as easy as world soccer games in general.

Not only being a soccer player but players can also choose to become a soccer coach and plan for professional players. Because of their performance and performance on the field, this will be the key to victory and points.

Also read: List of Best NFT Marketplaces 2022


Heroverse is the best NFT game on android

Heroverse is a unique game where you have to solve puzzles to win battles. You can play this NGT game via an Android device by downloading it via the Google Play Store. 

To play Heroverse, make sure you already have a MetaMask wallet. Create a username and make sure you have HER, HES and Hero Shard (HRS) in your MetaMask wallet.

Then, to start the battle, you can press the “Battle” button and set your hero line. Then you will be asked to solve the puzzle until you are considered the winner.

Also read: How to Make NFT Easily and Quickly

Another interesting info that you need to know, that as VCGamers support for the development of Web3 games, we have released a crypto token called VCG Tokens.

Where are these crypto tokens on the BSC and ETH 20 networks. You can buy them on DEX platforms such as Indodax and BitMax.

Get it updating VCG Tokens only on VCNews!

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