Winning every level and boss in the game Hades is not difficult if you know the characteristics of each monster and boss. To help you, the author will make a guide so you can win Hades games!
Guide Each Level and Boss in Hades Game!

As a Hades game player, the author wants to provide a guide so you can pass each level and boss easily. Not just a guide, but starting from the selection of Mirror of Night, Keepsake, Boons, to the enemy characters for each level.
Everything in this article is the result of the author's experience after completing the Hades game. Yes, you can finish the game Hades by trying to escape nine times.
Without lingering, here is the guide!
Also Read: Hades Game Characters: The Olympians and Their Powers!
The Most High: Nectar, Keys, and Darkness!

Remember, Hades games are genre games roguelikes! An honest review from the author is that you won't be able to win this game with just 10 tries.
What you need to focus on at the beginning of the game is to find as much Nectar, Keys, and Darkness as possible. With these three items, you can upgrade your abilities to fight even stronger.
You can use Keys and Darkness to open the Mirror of Night, upgrade your strength, and unlock new weapons.
As for the Nectar, you can give it to the residents in Hades' house or to the Olympian gods that you meet along the way.
After giving the first Nectar, you can get Keepsake. In short, Keepsake is a "sacred item" belonging to the characters that you can hold during your attempted escape.
Each Keepsake has a different power, depending on the god who gave it. Try to get all the existing Keepsake.
The author suggests to give the first nectar you to Cerberus, Skelly, or Dusa. Of all the existing Keepsake, these three characters can provide Keepsake which really helps you at the beginning of the game.
Arranging Mirror Of Night Priorities

Because what you need is durability to be able to find many of the items above, you need to have a priority scale in Mirror of Night.
The Mirror of Night is located in Zagreus' room and only opens after you talk to Goddess NYX a few times. As a start, there are four status options that you can upgrade with Darkness.
To get the others, you'll need to pull out some Chthonic Keys. The total status that can be displayed on the Mirror of Night is 12.
Coming back to priorities, the author has suggested five statuses that you can consider:
- Death Defiance (position 3). Zagreus can "come back to life" with the HP 50% after his health runs out. Upgradeable up to a maximum of three times. Death Defiance will reset every time Zagreus returns to Hades' House.
- Greater Reflex (position 4). Zagreus' dash number increased by one. You can use this to move faster.
- Chthonic Vitality (position 2). Zagreus's HP will increase slightly when leaving the chamber. HP which increases to a maximum of 3 HP (maximum upgrade 3 times).
- Thick Skin (position 8, takes 15 chthonic keys). Adding Max. HP Zagreus. The Max amount that Zagreus can have is 50 Max. MOBILE PHONE.
- Infernal Soul (position 6, takes 5 chthonic keys). Added Zagreus's Cast count. The maximum number of Casts that can be added is two.
You can set the status above according to the priority scale according to the chthonic keys you have. If you don't have that many chthonic keys, you can allocate them to other statuses.

During play, the author uses settings as above. For the yellowish green, It is alternative state which will be unlocked once you get 300 Darkness.
Smart Using Keepsake

Repeating the explanation above, Keepsake is a favorite item or sacred item belonging to the characters in the Hades game that can give an effect when using it.
To get it, you must give the character (or to Emblem of the gods of Olympus).
In total, there are 23 Keepsakes that you can get (after completing the Hades game it becomes 25). nine of which are from the gods of Olympus.
There are two things you need to know about Keepsake. First, you can exchange your Keepsake after defeating the boss with another Keepsake. But after that you can't use Keepsake.
Second, every Keepsake has a rank of up to three-stars. To reach a three-star, you must use the Keepsake for 25 + 50 encounters. If you pass the chamber shop (Charon) or Fountain, then it doesn't count.

Okay, after understanding the conditions of Keepsake, the author will give suggestions for Keepsake that you can use along with explanations, locations and reasons:
- Tartarus: Pierced Butterfly (Thanatos). Can deal an additional 1/1.5/2% damage if you successfully complete the encounter without taking damage. The reason is that Tartarus has very weak monsters when compared to other biomes.
- Asphodel: Lambent Plume (Hermes). Can provide an additional 1.0/1.1/1.2% dodge chance and move speed if you can finish the encounter quickly. Even though it's a bit small, you still get a dodge chance. Useful against Hades.
- Elysium: Harpy Feather Duster (Dusa). There is a 1/2/3% chance of finding healing items when destroying vases. Very useful for surviving in Elysium, especially since there are more vases in Elysium than in other biomes.
- River of Styx-Greece: Lucky Tooth (Skelly). Zagreus gains additional "Death Defiance" with HP of 50/75/100. You gain additional Death Defiance against Hades and can last a long time against him.
- River of Styx-Greece: Old Spiked Collar (Cerberus). Zagreus gains additional Max. HP is 25/38/50. This is an alternative option. With Death Defiance from Mirror of Night, the amount of HP given will increase slightly.
Use Infernal Arms According to Ability

Infernal Arms is the designation for the weapons used by the Olympians to defeat the Titans.
Weapon selection determines your victory. If you use a weapon that you are not good at, the consequences will be fatal.
There are six types of weapons that you can use in the game:
- Stygius, Stygian Blade (Sword)
- Varatha, Eternal Spear (Spear)
- Coronacht, Heart-Seeking Bow (Bow and Arrow)
- Aegis, Shield of Chaos (Shield)
- Malphon, Twin Fists (Boxing Gloves)
- Exagryph, Adamant Rail (Gun)
Each weapon has advantages, disadvantages, and also a blessing from the gods. Yes, some weapons have affinities with several gods and can give special boons according to the weapon.
In full, the author will make another article regarding the explanation of all weapons and Boons that match these weapons. Stay tuned, okay!
In terms of the author's experience, the writer can suggest three weapons that are quite overpowered. The three weapons are Aegis, Malphon, and Stygius.
The author gives the nickname of the easiest weapon to Aegis. The reason is clear, Aegis can do ranged attacks, can charge, basic attacks, and most importantly, block attacks!
Simply put, when your enemy attacks, make sure Aegis is facing directly towards the attack by holding down the attack button. That way, the attack will be blocked.
If you like melee weapons, you can use Malphon. This attack that relies on punches can deal continuous damage, make it difficult for enemies to move, and make it easier to backstab.
Lastly is Stygius. Yes, there's nothing better than going back to the beginning. Stygius delivers basic attacks quite wide and special attacks characteristic Area of Effect with a small time lag.
After all the preparations are done, now it's time to rock and roll!!!
Also Read: Hades Game Characters: The Olympians and Their Powers!
Hades Level and Boss Character: Tartarus

The enemy characters at this Tartarus level or stage are the easiest. Their movement speed is low, their movements are predictable, and their traps are few.
All the monsters above are descriptions of the enemies you will face in Tartarus. Of the many enemies that exist, you must be wary of these three enemies: Wringer, Wretched Sneak, and Inferno Bomber.
The three enemies above have attacks that are a little unpredictable and may be quite difficult. Especially if they have armor (indicated by a yellowish aura around their bodies), they can easily injure you.
With an enemy character like that, the author recommends that you use Keepsake which can provide additional permanent status like the one above.
Last is the boss. You will face one of the three Fury Sisters: Megaera, Alecto and Tisiphone.

They have their own special moves. However, since it was still in its early stages, the attacks of the three of them were similar.
Most of their attacks are in the form of crashing, attacks AoE, as well as projectiles with different stances. Recognize each move to be able to dodge every time.
If using melee weapons, be sure to back off after hitting him a few times. All bosses in the Hades games have the same pattern: AoE attacks when our too close with him.
Also Read: Dictionary of Attack Damage Terms in the Game
Hades Level and Boss Character: Asphodel

Entering Asphodel, you will feel like you are in hell. This stage has a fairly large chamber with magma pools everywhere. That's one thing you need to watch out for.
Monster characters at this level have fast movement, can jump far, and pain damage. The three enemies you need to watch out for are: Gorgons, Bomber, and Skull-Crusher.
In short, Gorgon has an attack that follows you and gives a "stoned" effect if it hits. Then there are three types of Bombers who both emit bombs but in a different way. Finally, there is the Skull-Crusher who can attack you from above.
It's rather impossible if you don't get damaged at all at this stage. For Keepsake options, you can see again above. But from the author's point of view, the author often uses Lambent Plume.

Lastly, the boss of this stage is the Bone Hydra. This boss character is actually the same as the monster in the previous level or chamber. The Bone Hydra has several crests on its forehead, indicating the power it possesses.
The orange symbol means expelling projectiles and magma blob. The Purple Emblem can emit a sonic wave. bluish-white attack with ground slams (like Skull-Crusher). Finally, the green symbol that can issue monsters (bloodless).
Hades Level and Boss Character: Elysium

A place where knights fight non-stop. At this level, you will face a very strong enemy with thick blood. Not only that, they have fast movement, great damage, and can "live again".
Not only the enemy, the traps in Elysium are very painful. It can be an arrow or an egg-shaped bomb explosion phoenix.
Among all the existing levels, Elysium is the level with the most difficult monsters and bosses in the Hades game. With these difficulties, you should use Keepsake to help you "survive“.
There are four types of monsters that you need to watch out for: Flame Wheel, Strongbow, Greatshield, and Soul Catcher.
Flame Wheel is small, low health, but painful damage. He will crash into you and blow himself up. You can avoid the Flame Wheel by buying the Flame Wheel Release from Charon.
Strongbow and Greatshield are two of the four most troublesome types of knights. Strongbow will shoot you with precision, while Greatshield can block your attacks from the front. Finally there is Soul Catcher. He will issue a small butterfly that is very annoying and difficult for you to avoid.
Besides the four monsters above, you have to watch out for Charon and Asterius. Yes, here you can fight Charon if you “borrow” Charon's Obol which is beside him (if available).

While Asterius (or known as Minotaur) can be a very powerful mini-boss in Elysium. He has very thick blood. His attacks are swinging an ax, jumping, and butting.
The two characters above will "lose" when their remaining HP is a quarter. Winning over Charon will give you a Loyalty Card or "discount card". Meanwhile, winning over Asterius will give you the benefit of reducing a quarter of your HP when you fight him again.
Two Bosses at Once

Unlike the other stages, you will fight two bosses at once, namely Asterius and Theseus. Theseus is a gladiator the strongest in Elysium who will fight you with spears and shields.
There are only two attacks, namely by throwing and pulling back the spear, and the spear spin that deals type damage AoE. Meanwhile, the shield can block your attacks.
When Theseus's HP remains at half, he will ask for help from one of the eight olympus god (excluding Hermes) to help him. The gods will provide different Area of Effect attacks.
Tips best for win against Elysium boss is beat Asterius first. Asterius' attacks were more predictable than Theseus' attacks.
No matter how much Asterius's remaining HP is, his attacks won't be much different. But if Theseus's remaining HP is 50%, he will summon the power of the god of Olympus. Makes you like fighting 1 vs 3.
Avoid Theseus' attacks, focus on defeating Asterius. After Asterius is defeated, you can focus on fighting and avoiding Theseus' tricky attacks.
Character Levels and Bosses of Hades: Temple of Styx

Temple of Styx can be considered as a preparation level. The door to surfaces hindered by Cerberus who asked for "treats". You must find the "treats" in one of the five chambers.
Each chamber has a different reward, two of which have a boss symbol with multiple prizes.
Talking about traps, there are three types of traps in this stage. Some are shaped like a guillotine (axe blade that falls from above), blade rifts, to poison (poison) which can be treated by drinking medicine in a well.
Since this is counted as the last level, it's a good idea to use a Keepsake with strong survivability like Lucky Tooth or Old Spiked Collar.
Based on experience, King Vermin is the most difficult enemy in the Temple of Styx. He is a mini-boss but feels like a real boss.
He can give you "poison" status, painful damage, very fast movement, and can summon other monsters to attack you.
If you enter the right chamber, you will find "Cerberus Treats" or "Satyr Sack", the prize chamber, and a fountain that makes your blood full. After that, you can give it to Cerberus, and he leaves.
Hades Level and Boss Characters: Hades

This is the last boss. Before reaching the surface, you must fight your own father, Hades. This will be very difficult, he will prove to Zagreus why he has the title "God of the Dead".
As a leak, Hades has two phases. The second phase comes after Hades' blood runs out.
First Phase
The first time you fight Hades, that's the first phase. He will cast off his cloak, summon a spear as his weapon, and be ready to fight you.
Hades' attacks are divided into three:
- Lunge Attack. He will attack you with his spear. The method varies. Some immediately lunged, disappeared and then attacked from behind, throwing their spears first.
- Spin Attack. This attack occurs if you get too close to Hades. He would swing his spear a full 360 degrees. You can avoid it by dash or go as far as possible.
- Skull Cast. Hades will issue a skull that will lunge at you. Getting hit directly will give you the status of "boiling blood", making you take damage 100% (puredamage). Otherwise, the attack will count down, and when the time is up, it will emit a large wave.
In this first phase, when Hades's HP starts to run low, he will spawn two monsters with very thick gray shields.
Tips against phase one of Hades is to try to attack after doing a Lunge Attack. When Hades takes out monsters, if possible, stay focused with Hades. When Hades's HP runs out, all the monsters will disappear.
Second Phase
The second phase comes when Hades' HP runs out. He would fully recover his HP and also give off a huge wave.
For Hades' attacks, there are several additions and changes:
- Swipe Combo. Conveniently, Hades will do Spin Attack twice in a row.
- Brimstone Attack. Hades will emit a laser beam (like the Brimstone monster). The only way to avoid this attack is to hide behind a rock.
- Vase Summons. Call it a vase-shaped trap. The vase will be destroyed when hit by Zagreus or Hades, creating an Area of Effect in the form of a green hand that gives stun and damage to Hades.
If you can beat Hades' second phase, then you can go to surfaces, Greece, meets Persephone. For those who don't know, in previous article, the goal Zagreus went towards surfaces is to find his mother.
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Those are the guides and tips about enemies at each level and bosses in the Hades game. If you manage to win with the tips above, do it repeatedly until you beat Hades nine times to get the True Ending.
If the tips above are useful or you have other opinions, please write them in the comments column, OK?
Happy Playing~
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