
Leaked Access Ways to Land Prices on RansVerse Raffi Ahmad

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This time we want to convey a number of leaks about Raffi Ahmad's metaverse, namely the RansVerse.

The leaks that we will convey include access methods, tokens used to land prices on RansVerse.

We will convey this so that you have an idea of what will be present in Raffi Ahmad's metaverse.

This leak about the RansVerse was delivered some time ago.

This was conveyed by the Co-Founder & Chairman of VCGamers, Wafa Taftazani and directly by the Founder & Chairman of RANS Entertainment, Raffi Ahmad.

Of course, you want to know the leaks about Raffi Ahmad's metaverse, RansVerse.

Also read: $VCG VCGamers Crypto Token Officially Launched, Check Out the Complete Info!

It is known that Raffi Ahmad, through his company, is working on a metaverse project called RansVerse.

Raffi Ahmad's metaverse project was built through collaboration with a number of parties.

Among them namely Shinta VR, VCGamers, UpBanx, and Rans Animation.

Raffi Ahmad, who is the husband of Nagita Slavina, is known to have conveyed several things about the metaverse.

For one thing, every land plot, costume and various other things in that metaverse will be in the form of an NFT.

Leaked Ways to Enter Land Prices in Raffi Ahmad's Metaverse

Of course, you can't wait to see the appearance of Raffi Ahmad's metaverse called RansVerse in collaboration with Shinta VR, VCGamers, UpBanx and Rans Animation.

You need to know this in order to have an idea of the RansVerse metaverse.

Here is Raffi Ahmad's RansVerse leak!

Can Use HP and Free


You can enter the metaverse called RansVerse using the cellphone you have.

This was conveyed by the Co-Founder & Chairman of VCGamers, Wafa Taftazani.

“Entry to RansVerse is free, by the way Ransverse can not only be accessed with VR devices but also on regular cellphones. "So friends, you don't need a VR device to enter Ransverse and entry is free," said Wafa.

He explained, later RansVerse will be present in the form of an application. You can easily download it on your cellphone.

"It's in the form of an application, like a game, just download it from Playstore," he said.

Also read: Overview of the Ransverse, Metaverse Raffi Ahmad

Using $VCG Token


RansVerse will later use the $VCG Token as a transaction tool.

This is certainly good news for $VCG Token holders.

You only need to have $VCG Token to be able to buy items in the metaverse.

Currently, you can easily get $VCG Token.

Especially now that $VCG Token has been listed on Indodax.

Apart from that, some time ago a cross-chain was also carried out so that you can get VCG tokens on various platforms.

So, you can already have $VCG Token on Uniswap and Pancakeswap.

Also read: 
How to Buy $VCG Token on Indodax
How to Buy $VCG Token on Uniswap
Try now! This is How to Buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

Premium and VIP members


There are a number of options when you enter RansVerse.

Wafa explained, you can become a premium and VIP member.

You can get this by staking a total of $VCG Token.

"By staking a number of VCGs you will get something called premium status or VIP status, there will be lots of benefits, premium status, VIP status," said Wafa on Instagram Live with Indodax and Raffi Ahmad.

Also read: 
How to Stake $VCG Token
VCGamers Releases $VCG Staking, Check Out More Info!

There are 24 thousand plots of land

The next leak is that there are as many as 24 thousand plots of land available in RansVerse.

You can buy it on RansVerse using $VCG Token.

VCGamers Co-Founder & Chairman, Wafa Taftazani conveyed this during Instagram Live with Indodax and Raffi Ahmad.

"The amount of land in Ransverse is approximately 24 thousand plots of land in Ransverse," he said.

Also read: Getting Crazy, VCG Token Will Be Used in Raffi Ahmad's RansVerse

Land Price Leaks on RansVerse


Apart from that, Wafa also provided leaks regarding the price of land in RansVerse.

"The price per plot, single digit, is thousands of VCG," he said.

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