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Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items

There are several Esmeralda ML counter items that you can use, such as Dominance Ice, Sea Halberd, and Glowing Wand.
Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items
Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items. Source: Wallpaper Flare

Latest Esmeralda Counter Item Recommendations for Mobile Legends (ML)

Some counter items for Esmeralda Mobile Legends (ML) The following is a must for you to know. Because, you need some of the right items to be able to conquer this one hero.

Thanks to her ability to absorb the opponent's shield, Esmeralda is a hero who is often picked when the opponent uses a shield-producing hero like Angela or Freya.

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Not only that, Esmeralda is also chosen by many players because of her high sustainability and ability to enter and exit battles very quickly.

So, what are the right items to counter the hero Esmeralda? Find the answer through this article. Read it all the way through, okay!

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Advantages of Hero Esmeralda

Esmeralda ml advantages
Esmeralda ML Advantages. Source: UHD Wallpaper

Before knowing more about the counter items, it would be better for you to know the advantages of this Esmeralda hero. Here is the complete explanation:

High Shield Regeneration

Thanks to her skill 1 Frostmoon Shield, Esmeralda can change the opponent's shield into her own shield. Not to mention, Frostmoon Shield can get a cooldown reduction of 1.5 seconds when combined with skill 2 Stardust Dance.

Of course, this can make Esmeralda continue to spam skills to survive longer in battle.

High Sustainability

With a combo of skills 1 and 2, Esmeralda can continue to produce shields in a short time. Not to mention, if other supporting items, such as Oracle can add HP recovery effects and also additional shields.

High Mobility

Not only can she sustain in battle, Esmeralda also has high mobility thanks to her skill 1, Frostmoon Shield, which provides additional movement speed when used.

That way, Esmeralda can quickly move from one lane to another to join the battle.

Hero Esmeralda's Weaknesses

Esmeralda ml hero shortcomings
Hero Esmeralda ML's Weaknesses. Source: Deviant Art

On the other hand, here are some of the shortcomings of the hero Esmerlada that you might want to consider before choosing her:

Vulnerable to CC

Even though Esmerlalda has high sustainability and mobility, she is very vulnerable to crown control effects such as stun, immobilize, or silence.

If affected by crowd control effects, Esmeralda cannot perform her combos optimally so she is easily eliminated.

Weak Against Marksman

Despite having a role as a Tank, Esmeralda is considered a hero who is very easily eliminated by marksmen with high damage, such as Karrie, Wanwan, Claude, Beatrix, and others. So, it is rare for players to use Esmeralda as a pure Tank hero.

Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items

Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items
Latest Esmeralda ML Counter Items. Source: Pinterest

After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of Esmeralda, here are some items that you can use to defeat this hero:

Dominance Ice

Dominance Ice
Dominance Ice. Source: VCGamers

Esmeralda relies heavily on shields to survive every battle, so Dominance Ice is the first item that is suitable for you to use.

With a reduction in shield and life steal of 50%, Esmeralda becomes helpless when she has to face you one on one.

Sea Halberd

Sea Halberd
Sea Halberd. Source; VCGamers

If you play a hero that focuses on damage builds, Sea Halberd can also be the right choice.

In addition to getting a shield and life steal of 50%, you will also get an additional 80 physical attacks and 20% attack speed. So, it is suitable for heroes who have burst damage combos such as Dyroth.

Glowing Wands

Glowing Wand.
Glowing Wand. Source: VCGamers

Meanwhile, you can also use the Glowing Wand if you use a Mage hero as a Mid Laner.

Similar to the two items above, Glowing Wand can also provide shield reduction and life steal to opponents by 50%. However, Glowing Wand has another unique passive to be able to provide a burn effect to opponents of 1% HP opponents every second.

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By paying attention to some of the advantages, disadvantages, and items above, you can conquer Esmeralda very easily.

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