Minecraft, a game that is more than a decade old, is still a favorite of gamers all over the world, including in Indonesia. Players who want to improve their game may be interested in using Minecraft cheats.
However, keep in mind that not all cheats are safe and legal. Improper use of cheats can harm yourself and other players.
This article will discuss the latest Minecraft cheats 2024 and share pro gamer secrets to improve your performance.
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List of Latest Minecraft Cheats 2024

The author will discuss the latest Minecraft cheats for 2024 that are safe and legal, as well as share pro gamer secrets to improve your performance.
Singleplayer Commands
- '/gamemode creative': Change the game mode to Creative.
- '/give @p diamond_sword': Gives a diamond sword to a nearby player.
- '/tp @a 0 100 0': Teleport all players to coordinates X=0, Y=100, Z=0.
- '/weather clear': Change the weather to sunny.
- '/time set day': Change the time to daytime.
- OptiFine: Improves game performance and visuals.
- JEI (Just Enough Items): Displays complete information about all items in the game.
- Thaumcraft: Adds magical elements to the game.
- Biomes O' Plenty: Added various new biomes to the game.
Resource Packs
- Faithful 32x: Improved the quality of game textures.
- John Smith Legacy: Changed the game's visual style to be more realistic.
- Chroma Hills: Change the colors and textures of the Minecraft world.
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How to Activate Minecraft Cheat Codes

Here are the steps to activate cheat codes in this open game:
Open the World Options Menu
- Java Edition: Press the Esc key while in the game, then select Open to LAN.
- Bedrock Edition: Open the Pause menu, then select Game Settings.
Enable Cheats
- Java Edition: Check the Allow Cheats box.
- Bedrock Edition: Enable the Cheats toggle.
Use Cheat Codes
- Press the T button to open the chat box.
- Type the cheat code you want to use.
- Press Enter to activate the cheat code.
By default, cheats are not active in Minecraft. To activate it, follow these steps:
- Open the “Create New World” menu.
- Select “More World Options”.
- Find and activate the “Allow Cheats” option.
- For Minecraft Windows 10 users, enable the “Allow Cheats” switch.
Once the cheat is active, press the “T” button to open the chat box. Enter the cheat code you want to get the effect.
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Is it Safe to Use?

The answer depends on the type of cheat used and the platform you are playing on. The official cheats provided by Mojang, such as command blocks and singleplayer commands, are generally safe to use. This cheat will not crash the game or block your account.
However, using third-party mods and resource packs can be risky. Make sure you download mods and resource packs from trusted sources to avoid malware.
Ultimately, the decision to use Minecraft cheats is yours. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits before using cheats.
Minecraft, a game that is more than a decade old, is still a favorite of gamers all over the world, including in Indonesia. Players who want to improve their game may be interested in using cheats.
However, keep in mind that not all cheats are safe and legal. Improper use of cheats can harm yourself and other players.
This article will discuss the latest Minecraft cheats for 2024 that are safe and legal, as well as share pro gamer secrets to improve your performance.
List of Latest Minecraft Cheats 2024

The author will discuss the latest Minecraft cheats for 2024 that are safe and legal, as well as share pro gamer secrets to improve your performance.
Singleplayer Commands
- '/gamemode creative': Change the game mode to Creative.
- '/give @p diamond_sword': Gives a diamond sword to a nearby player.
- '/tp @a 0 100 0': Teleport all players to coordinates X=0, Y=100, Z=0.
- '/weather clear': Change the weather to sunny.
- '/time set day': Change the time to daytime.
- OptiFine: Improves game performance and visuals.
- JEI (Just Enough Items): Displays complete information about all items in the game.
- Thaumcraft: Adds magical elements to the game.
- Biomes O' Plenty: Added various new biomes to the game.
Resource Packs
- Faithful 32x: Improved the quality of game textures.
- John Smith Legacy: Changed the game's visual style to be more realistic.
- Chroma Hills: Change the colors and textures of the Minecraft world.
Also read: Best Level to Get Diamonds in Minecraft, Get Rich Auto!
How to Activate Minecraft Cheat Codes

Here are the steps to activate cheat codes in this open game:
Open the World Options Menu
- Java Edition: Press the Esc key while in the game, then select Open to LAN.
- Bedrock Edition: Open the Pause menu, then select Game Settings.
Enable Cheats
- Java Edition: Check the Allow Cheats box.
- Bedrock Edition: Enable the Cheats toggle.
Use Cheat Codes
- Press the T button to open the chat box.
- Type the cheat code you want to use.
- Press Enter to activate the cheat code.
By default, cheats are not active in Minecraft. To activate it, follow these steps:
- Open the “Create New World” menu.
- Select “More World Options”.
- Find and activate the “Allow Cheats” option.
- For Minecraft Windows 10 users, enable the “Allow Cheats” switch.
Once the cheat is active, press the “T” button to open the chat box. Enter the cheat code you want to get the effect.
Also read: 10 Home Decoration Ideas in Minecraft, Let's Try!
Is it Safe to Use?

The answer depends on the type of cheat used and the platform you are playing on. The official cheats provided by Mojang, such as command blocks and singleplayer commands, are generally safe to use. This cheat will not crash the game or block your account.
However, using third-party mods and resource packs can be risky. Make sure you download mods and resource packs from trusted sources to avoid malware.
Ultimately, the decision to use Minecraft cheats is yours. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits before using cheats.
Also read: How to Make a Banner in Minecraft, Beginners Must Know!
The latest 2024 cheats shared in this article can help you improve your performance and playing experience.
However, remember to use cheats responsibly and always prioritize fun when playing.
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