Every tank user wants to go crazy in the Land Of Dawn so they can absorb all the damage from enemy dealers that come. Use the latest Atlas battle spells and gameplay tips MLBB Just this 2022 bro.
Atlas is one of the mortal tank heroes in MLBB, this hero has the capacity to be hurt by his opponent. Not only has high endurance, this hero also has a very deadly multitude of CC. You need to know, he is able to block five heroes at once.
Basically, Atlas has two types of combos. The first is for one enemy target and the second is for gank groups. And for positioning, Atlas is an initiator type tank so you have to put yourself at the front to start a group fight.
Here are Atlas' battle spells and gameplay tips that you can apply to him in the Land Of Dawn and lead the team to Victory.
Latest Atlas Gameplay Tricks
Early Game

As a Tank, of course, Atlas's gameplay shouldn't be overlooked, the core of this particular hero can be a noop if you play carelessly.
The first thing to do in the early age is to buy roaming items and then help and also protect the team's core hero when he is cultivating, you are also forced to travel and go down to help the team during team fights. In this phase of Atlas gameplay you have to play it safe.
Mid Game

Atlas gameplay in Mid game, just do combo skills. To do a combo, you need a turret as the main damage dealer. When the enemy is near the turret, use your skill 2 to remove and approach the targeted enemy. When the enemy is within range, use skill 1 to stun him.
Then use the 3rd or ulti skill to chain it, when chaining you have to target it and throw it into the turret.
When the enemy is in the turret, use skill 1 to give him the last damage and passively slow him down. If this combo is used correctly, any hero will die easily without a doubt.
Always use combo skills when you want to attack, this is so that the attack does the work and doesn't go to waste.
Second, it's not just doing war things can cause you to be killed by your opponent because you don't have enough damage. Then, the last way is when the main focus of war is to protect the core of the hero, when the situation is safe, start blocking the opponent's hero.
Late Game

In the late game basically is to start a gang and the main target should be the enemy team's damage dealer.
So let's say a situation where you and the damage deal are hiding in the bushes, you see an enemy coming towards you.
Use skill 1 to slow them down, then use skill 2 in such a way that they are stunned, then at the same time use your ultimate and tap then towards your damage dealer, they will be quite dead after this. If they don't Use skill 1 again for the final blow.
In this phase, Atlas' gameplay must be barbaric and also aggressive. You have to diligently open the map so that the middle hero is not an alley for the opposing heroes.
Because you have very fatal resistance and CC skills, you should try to block the opposite movement of the enemy hero by doing an open war. Don't be afraid to die.
Also read: Hero Counter Atlas MLBB, No More Difficult Words!
Battle Spells

Just like other tank heroes, you can use Flicker as a Battle Spell from this one tank hero, this one Battle spell can give him teleportation in the specified direction. This spell is perfect for straddles opponents, chasing them to escape.

Next is Battle Sprint which can make him run quite fast, this ability is perfect for teaching opponents and also roaming.
To use it properly, you need to practice a bit and master the moves. Atlas isn't too hard to use but it takes a bit of team strategy to dominate rank matches with this tank.
Also read: MLBB Minotaur Gameplay Tips, Can Carry a Team!
That's all the guide you need to build Atlas like a pro player in Mobile Legends 2022.