Aloha Vicigers! In FF games or Free Fire, before the battle begins, the players are gathered in one plane which will later land and fly across the island. Then the players will make a landing by getting off the plane and immediately doing it looting.
When making this landing, we must pay attention to the conditions and circumstances around. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right strategy for landing. One of them is to choose a place that suits the conditions,
By paying attention to the situation and conditions, we can play safely and get more weapons. But, whatever, anyway, what do we need to pay attention to in choosing a safe place according to the conditions?
First, we must pay attention to the number of players who jump or land. Players will tend to descend faster, but this will actually increase the possibility of meeting other players at our Landing site.
Second, if you are playing in a team or squad, don't scatter in landing. You have to decide where it is safe to land, and choose a place that has a large supply of weapons.
Third, avoid crowded conditions or places that are located in the middle of the map. We have to start knowing which locations are least crowded and safest for landing.
Now,, so that we don't choose the wrong place, here are tips on where to go Purgatory Map safety. come on, let's see!

This location is a place that doesn't have much inventory, so players often underestimate this place and prefer other places.
Therefore, this place is very safe for you beginners in this game. Besides being safe for beginners, this place is also suitable for playing conditions solo and duo, but not suitable in squad mode or squad due to a small supply of weapons.
Mt. Villas

This abandoned villa is located by the sea to the southwest. Mt. This villa is quiet and not very desirable due to low stock of weapons, just like Crossroad.

The place is located close to Mt. Villas. Therefore, this is very suitable to be chosen for those of you who play with mode team or squad, especially When doing looting, you can do the distribution of team places to the direction Quarry and Mt. Villas.
Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade have supplies loot which is not so much, so this place is again less attractive to players. In fact, this place has many rooms equipped with many windows so that we can see the surroundings easily.
This place is suitable for beginners, because this place is also safe to be used as a place to defend and avoid enemy attacks.

Moathouse is a place on the Purgatory map that is rarely visited. This place has three tall buildings, and lots of trees around it, so it is a strategic location to hide if the place gets crowded.
Now,, after listening to tips on making a good landing, there must be more confident dong to play Free Fire and become pro player like Dyland Pros?
Who, anyway, Dyland Pros this? Pros is a youtubers who started his career from 2015, and is known as gaming youtubers reliable in every games which he played. One of which is Free Fire.
Thanks to his prowess in playing games, Pros became very popular and could reach the ladder of success at a young age. Dyland Pros' name is also on the list of five gaming youtubers with the highest achievement in Indonesia.
Pros is also known as the Sultan Free Fire, which is evidenced by the account price Free Fire Pros marketed at IDR 4 billion. This figure is mentioned by Pros in one videosentitled "Disassemble vault Sultan's Account Free Fire 2021”.
This figure is obtained from the total badges and all the skins he has while playing Free Fire, and is accumulated from all the top ups that Pros has ever made to the account Free Fire her all this time.
Wow, after seeing Dyland Pros and all of his achievements, I definitely want to learn to play more Free Fire and be like the Pros, right?
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