Using Lancelot MLBB moment matches whatever it is certainly more collectibles than regrets. But, you will be able to feel this when you are a veteran using it heroes this flamboyant.
If you look from roster seasons then and now, Lancelot is quite consistent because it is often used by player for push rank and can "fit" with teamwork.
Plus, Lancelot was also predicted to be the winner vote skins M4 thanks to its popularity before being beaten by Beatrix.
If you itch to play hero assassins In this one, you have to know some of its strengths and weaknesses so you won't be surprised when you use it matches.
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In this article, there are 6 advantages of using Lancelot that you must take advantage of, as well as 6 weaknesses that you must patch with style of play you.
6 Value Plus Lancelot MLBB
Want Quick Kill? Lancelot the Great

Heroes Lancelot MLBB will be used very often as heroes for first blood. This is caused by skillsetwhich has a fairly wide and long reach.
In early game, Lancelot is not as fast as Hayabusa or Aamon, however skillsit can be dangerous especially for roamer heroes who intend farming in jungle.
With speed skills Lancelot, you can also harvest a lot kill in lanes Lancelot specialist, that is jungle, while waiting Turtles spawns.
By killing many opponents before arriving Turtles, Lancelot's level will automatically be able to solo kill Turtles and take buff-his. With buff Turtles, you can use Lancelot to dominate jungle lane, help midlane and farming buff red or blue.
Various Combo Attacks

As a Lancelot user, you have many options for attacking your opponent. Player experienced will certainly be happy to use skill combos 1 and 2, or 2 and 1 closed with ultimate.
Player experienced will also be good at setting the tempo of use skillset Lancelot, because there is a gap in time and distance that must be taken into account before continuing the attack.
For beginners, Lancelot has the additional effect of skills its 2. When Lancelot is cornered, player beginners can use skills 2 to make him immune to enemy attacks for a few moments.
Lancelot's variation of attacks will be more effective when used when ganking, because damageits quite sick and make MOBILE PHONE opponents run out faster.
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Can Spam Skills in the Early Game
Another advantage of Lancelot MLBB is that it can be used to slay opponents from early game. As Lancelot, you have nothing to worry about where and cooldown because the duration is relatively short.

To be able to spam skills, of course you need to master skillset Lancelot, combo attacks Lancelot, and build which is fine for him.
You also need an appointment with gold laner for rotation in order to be able to buy items which shortens cooldown faster.
This is to anticipate Lacelot being chased by opponents. Hero assassins this is usually a lot of play on jungle lane and EXP lanes so you can get a lot buff also level up early to unlock ultimate-his.
If ultimateit's already open, guaranteed Lancelot will be very troublesome from early game.
Tough When Fighting Mechanics

Offlaners Lancelot will be required to fight with mechanics offlaner opponent. If you meet offlaner like heroes Khufra, Aldous, Vale or X.Borg, you don't have to worry because they are there skill combos 1, 2 and ultimate.
When you face an X.Borg attack, for example, you need to anticipate it timings and the distance to mark it with skills 1. After that, you can proceed to skills 2 so that Lancelot is immune.
When he is immune to X.Borg's attacks, usually the opponent will rely on him turret or minions to escape. Immediately following ultimateso that X.Borg loses.
You have to be careful when dealing with Khufra when using Lancelot, because he can run away while making damage.
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Many Skills For Poke

When using Lancelot MLBB, you can choose between poke or cores. If you don't believe in yourself to be core heroes, you can play it safe by installments damage against opponents.
As heroes which will be a lot poke, you should be able to take advantage of it blink skills Lancelot like skills 1st and ultimate-his.
Meanwhile, skills 2 Lancelot is only used when you are surrounded and need to become immune to enemy attacks.
You also have to be smart with rotation core heroes in your team. It would be very profitable if cores your team like heroes Yin, Ruby or Natan as they can quickly defeat the opponent to move on poke that you give.
Very Strong Ulti

Ulti Lancelot is one of the strongest and as troublesome as he can be damage stack with skills passive.
When you can stack to full, Lancelot will have additional damage of 30% in any attack. Plus, this 30% effect will add to the ability items which was bought by Lancelot.
For example, you attack your opponent a lot with skills 1 and 2. When you finish with ultimate, you buy items like Endless Battles. Automatic, ultimate Lancelot will immediately reduce MOBILE PHONE fight until it's thin, which you can continue with later basic attacks.
Ulti Lancelot can also be used to destroy opponents who want to surround him with timings fit and support area.
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6 Minus Points of Lancelot MLBB
Need Large Area For Spam Skill

This obstacle is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome for player who use Lancelot, even if they are player experienced.
Sometimes, skills 1 and 2 Lancelot can be avoided by opponents who also have blink skills or ranged attacks like Wanwan, Karina and Beatrix. Spam skills 1 and 2 Lancelot are also less reliable if he is near midlane and creeps.
It could be when Lancelot intends spam skills, he even killed creeps than his opponent. So therefore, skill combos Lancelot will be more effective in more open areas.
For example, midlane, top lane, or area near the bushes to trap heroes the opponent you want recall.
Can Kill Fast, But Get Killed Quickly Too

This condition will infect Lancelot MLBB if it is not used properly. Lancelot will not be able to play as cover heroes another or later farming in lanes.
When you make Lancelot as cover heroes opponent, then you will witness Lancelot being slaughtered back by ultimate Saber or Benedetta, which incidentally has a wider range.
Preferably, when you have kill heroes opponent, immediately return to jungle for farming buff. If there is an opponent in jungle, you are enough poke just to wait for him to leave first.
If you are too desperate to fight mechanics with heroes against time skills Lancelot hasn't recovered yet, get ready first blood what you do is rewarded with savage from opponent.
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Weak Against Burst Attacks

Lancelot's weakness against bursts this looked when he faced heroes such as Yu Zhong, Tigreal and Lapu-Lapu.
When faced with Yu Zhong's attacks, Lancelot would find it difficult to hold Yu Zhong who turned into a dragon and push him away. Plus, Yu Zhong has damage hurt after use skills the.
Ulti Lapu-Lapu and Tigreal will be very troublesome because of these two heroes it can condition skills ultimate they.
Granted, Lancelot could be direct counterattack with skills its 2. However, this won't be as effective because Lapu-Lapu and Tigreal have one MOBILE PHONE thick.
Vulnerable to Trapped by Opponents

In addition to defeat burstdamage opponent, Lancelot can also be framed when he mismanages timings skills its 1 and 2.
The illustration is when he faces Brody or Selena who can mark his target for additional damage, wrong Lancelot timings can be directly slaughtered by skillset they.
When facing Selena in particular, Selena's user would definitely transform and slay Lancelot when his "sign" was full.
It would be very difficult for Lancelot to escape and come out alive from such an attack.
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Vulnerable to Counterattack

Lancelot's shortcomings are also usually seen when the user is too frequent spam skills and forgot jungling.
In fact, Lancelot needs a lot buff red, blue and Turtles so that he can withstand the ambush of the opponent. You see, Lancelot must be the target when early game and more wanted when mid and late game.
You need to learn the positions and lanes which was right for Lancelot before it became cores or offlaner.
Weakened in the Late Game

When early game, Lancelot is indeed very violent thanks skill combos-his. But over time, heroes the opponent must have full upgrade and ready to hunt Lancelot.
If you don't anticipate ganking fight or attack burstdamage and CC, you will be overwhelmed to overcome it all because ultimate tough Lancelot will be difficult to penetrate heroes fight with stack shield like Aldous and Nana.
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Playing as Lancelot MLBB does require a lot of special skills, because Lancelot himself is indeed one of them heroes with gameplay which is somewhat tricky. With this article, you will be able to anticipate the steps for using Lancelot effectively and efficiently.