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Kung Lao Shaolin Monks PS2 Fatalities Complete!

For those who are curious about Kung Lao's Fatality move, let's take a look here so you can perform it in-game right away!
Fatality Kung Lao Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks PS2
Fatality Kung Lao Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks PS2. Source: Official Site

This time we will review one of the things in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks PS2, namely Fatality Kung Lao.

Mortal Kombat is not for underage consumption.

Yep, Midway's genius as a developer can be seen from the existence of various signature moves of the Mortal Kombat characters.

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Starting from Fatality, Brutality, Multality, Animality and others. Including Kung Lao's.

Now, for those who are curious about the mainstay of this one character in the installation Playstation 2it's entitled Shaolin Monks, let's see the article until it's finished! Just go straight to the waiter!

Also read: Mortal Kombat Cheats: Complete Shaolin Monks

Mortal Kombat Franchise

Mortal Kombat Live Action: Fatality Kung Lao
Mortal Kombat Live Action: Fatality Kung Lao. Source: Official Site

Franchise games Mortal Kombat has carved its name in the history of the video game industry with brutal combat actions and deadly moves.

Developed by Midway Games (later acquired by NetherRealm Studios) in 1992, Mortal Kombat has become an icon in the fighting genre (fighting).

As one of the most successful, one might say Mortal Kombat is the franchise with the most number of platform releases and media transfers in the world!

It's only natural that in the end this game has a sequel and finally released on many platforms. Imagine, until now, no less than 38 platforms have been experienced by this one franchise! Not to mention the various films and live action that were also released.

Also read: Latest Collection of Mortal Kombat Fatality

Iconic Feature: Kick Fatality

Kung Lao and Raiden in the Mortal Kombat 1 installation
Kung Lao and Raiden in the Mortal Kombat 1 installation. Source: YouTube/Mortal Kombat

One of the most iconic features in the franchise Mortal Kombat are various "sadistic" moves. What's even more unique is that each character has their own signature moves.

One of them is Fatality. This refers to the ultimate attack made by the victor of the battle at the end of the round.

These attacks, often quite brutal and extreme, allow players to end their opponents in dramatic fashion.

Kick Fatality provides a new dimension to fighting games, making Mortal Kombat famous and controversial in its time.

Yep, this game doesn't hesitate to show deadly moves and scenes covered in blood, you know Vicigers!

This Fatality move is not only a way to win battles, but also a statement of strength and dominance over your opponent.

And one of the most 'imprinted' memories of the players is of course the character Kung Lao and his Fatality. What's it like?

Also read: Complete List of Mortal Kombat PS2 Cheats

Kung Lao Characters and Fatality

Kung Lao Characters and Fatality
Kung Lao Characters and Fatality. Source: Official Site

Lore Kung Lao

Kung Lao is a warrior of the Order of Light who comes from the village of Shaolin. He is a direct descendant of the first Kung Lao, a champion of the first Mortal Kombat Tournament.

Kung Lao is known for his distinctive hat and fighting style which is based on traditional martial arts.

Kung Lao has a tough personality, discipline, and full of passion. He is a warrior dedicated to protecting the earth from evil threats, especially from the evil forces of Outworld.

Additionally, he has strong relationships with other characters in the franchise, such as Liu Kang and Raiden.

Fighting Style

Kung Lao's fighting style is based on classical martial arts, especially Chinese martial arts.

He uses his hat as a weapon and has acrobatic attacks that rely on his speed and agility.

Close-range attacks and quick combinations are the hallmarks of the Kung Lao fighting style.

One of Kung Lao's iconic moves is the "Razor-Rang", in which he throws his hat at an opponent from a distance.

This move is not only effective at long distances, but can also interfere with your opponent's movements.

Apart from that, Kung Lao also has a teleportation attack that allows him to approach his opponent suddenly.

Kung Lao Fatality

Like many characters in the Mortal Kombat franchise, Kung Lao also has a very recognizable and impressive Fatality move. Here is the full list of his Fatalities:

  1. Get the bunny out of his hat: left, up, right, right, square
  2. Splitting the opponent's body in half using his hat: right, right, right, right, square
  3. Kicks the enemy up and then dismembers his body: up, up, up, right, square
  4. Beat the enemy using the bunny from his hat: up, up, up, down, square
  5. Cut off both hands of the enemy, then decapitate him by throwing the hat: left, right, left, down, square
  6. Removing the enemy's head: left, right, left, left, square
  7. Slices the enemy's body into five parts: up, up, left, up, square
  8. Split the enemy's head using the hat: up, down, up, right, square
  9. Grind the enemy's body into two parts using the rotating hat: right, right, up, up, square
Also read: Mortal Kombat 12 Confirmed Coming This Year

So, that was the complete list of Kung Lao Fatality in Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks PS2. Look forward to articles about other Mortal Kombat, only at VCGamers News!

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