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GGWP What It Means, and What Other Terms Mean In Game

GGWP stands for Good Game, Well Played or in Indonesian it means Good Game, Well Played.
GGWP Meaning
GGWP Meaning. Source: VCGamers

As a gamer, of course you are very familiar with the term GGWP. But, do you know what GGWP means?

The term GGWP was first popular in the Dota game, and from there this term began to spread to various types of games. Both mobile games like Mobile Legends, PUBG, Free Fire. Nor games PC such as Counter Strike, Valorant, Fortnite, and others.

So, for those of you who want to know what GGWP means, let's look at the discussion below!

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GGWP What Does It Mean?

GGWP Meaning
GGWP What Does It Mean? Source: VCGamers

GGWP stands for Good Game, Well Played or in Indonesian it means Good Game, Well Played.

From the explanation of the meaning of GGWP above, it can be concluded that GGWP is usually used to praise someone or a teammate who is able to display very good playing skills, so because of him your team wins.

However, over time, GGWP has also experienced a shift in meaning, so this term can also be used as satirical material for teammates who play poorly and result in defeat.

Because, when using it for colleagues who are playing badly, GGWP will be shortened to GG which means "Not Useful".

So, now GGWP means that it has two usage meanings that you can use according to the situation in the game.

However, what you need to know is that when you feel disappointed with your teammate, you can simply give them words like GGWP. And don't use harsh words and lead to other bad things.

Also read: 10 Frequently Used Terms in Mobile Legends

Other Terms In Game

GGWP Meaning
Other Terms in Game. Source: VCGamers

Apart from the term GGWP, there are many other terms that are often used by gamers. Here are some of the lists, and maybe some of them you also often say:

  • AE: Ability Effect is the term used for the amount of balance output resulting from the Skill of a hero or character.
  • AFK: Away From Keyboard, which is the state of a player leaving the game.
  • AoE: Area of Effect, a skill that can produce effects on several enemies in one directed area.
  • Armor: Gear owned by a hero for defense, usually has a count of points or percent.
  • Basic Attack: The basic attack that each hero or character has.
  • Bot: Bot means robot.
  • BRB: Be Right Back, meaning the player will leave for a while and will come back.
  • Buff: Additional skills generated from monsters.
  • Bug: Bug is a term from the world of programming, which usually occurs due to system errors.
  • Burst: Very large damage results in a short time.
  • Care: Alerts for caution in the game.
  • CBT: Close Beta Testing means that the game phase hasn't been officially fully released yet and is only testing.
  • Carry: player roleplay to carry the team to victory.
  • CC: CC means crowd control.
  • CCD: CCD is an acronym for “cacad” which means a noob player.
  • CD: Cooldown, time reduction on hero or character skills.
  • Chat: Chat system in the game.
  • Char: Character, meaning the character used in the game.
  • Cheats: Underhanded ways to give the game an extra and sometimes unreasonable edge.
  • Cheaters: Players who use cheats.
  • Clan: An association or community in the game.
  • Critical: An attack that has a greater damage and produces critical for the opponent.
  • DC: Disconnect, means disconnected from the game due to internet connection problems.
  • Damage: It means the size of the attack.
  • Dewa: An expression for players who have above average skills.
  • Drop: Usually an item results from killing an opponent.
  • Equip: equipment and items for players to use.
  • Exp: Experience Point, usually used by players to increase the level.
  • EZ: means a slang acronym from English, namely 'easy' which means easy.
Also read: The History of the Term Child Death, Frequently Used by Youtubers!

So, that's our discussion about GGWP and what it means. Hopefully our discussion this time can add insight into the world of games.

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