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Advantages of the Latest 2023 Pharsa ML Hero

You really have to pick Pharsa ML in the current Meta Mobile Legends. Besides being easy to use, he also has great damage.
Pharsa ML
Pharsha ML. Source: YouTube.

Pharsa ML is one of the heroes Mobile Legends, he is also a hero mage suitable for beginners or veteran players.

This hero is suitable for ranked or classic mode, therefore this time we will discuss why Vicigers should choose Pharsa Mobile Legends.

As a mage, this hero has a long attack range. In addition, it also has high damage, so it is suitable for all situations.

The reason why he always sells well in MLBB is because of the many advantages he has that have a big impact on the game. Instead of wondering, let's just read the discussion below!

Also read: 7 Strongest Mage Heroes in Mobile Legends 2023

Reasons for using Pharsa ML

What makes this hero so important and must be picked when playing Mobile Legends? For those who are curious, you can see the full discussion below.

Huge Damage

MLBB Heroes. Source: YouTube.

One of the main reasons this Hero must be used is because it can cause a breakout or serious damage to the enemy.

With a few attacks using Feathered Air Strike (U), he can quickly drain the enemy's HP because this skill can generate up to 920 damage per attack.

As we know, hero mages usually don't travel much. Thanks to his special abilities, he can fly and move very quickly.

This is why Pharsa ML is great for picking off enemies, as well as helping teammates. In addition, you can easily get "Victory".

Easy to Use Anyone

Pharsa MLBB Spiritual Unity
Hero Pharsa. Source: YouTube.

Another reason is that this hero is easy to use. As a hero mage, of course Pharsa ML's gameplay or skills are neither difficult nor easy.

The combo is fairly easy, you only need to finish off the enemy first. Then use Feathered Air Strike or Energy Effect to give it a stun and explosion effect.

If you kill, you can use Wings by Wings to catch the target or escape. Therefore, this hero is suitable for beginners or veteran players.

So, this hero is very useful in any situation and under any circumstances. From downtime to massive team fights, he's very useful!

Wide Range of Skills

Combo Skills. Source: VCGamers.

The next advantage of this hero is having skills that have a long range, this advantage allows him to kill enemy heroes from a distance without fear of being killed.

Among the five skills this hero has, the third skill (Feathered Air Strike) is the biggest skill. As you can see from the picture above, he is very deadly when all three of his skills are active.

Therefore, Pharsa Ml has a big role for the team. As a hero with the ability to move fast, he is adept at having a wandering style that can control enemies.

Also read: How to Get Free Pharsa Skin on MSC Mobile Legends 2022 

Can Protect the Turret Well

Cara Menggunakan Pharsa
Using Skill 1. Source: VCGamers.

The last reason why we have to use him is that he can protect the turret well, actually this advantage is very useful for the team because the turret will be good and the team's defense will be strong.

He can protect turrets very well because this hero has long range skills, has high early game damage and deadly crowd control skills.

With all of these abilities or skills, he can quickly finish off the Minions and outperform the enemy heroes. He is a must for you to pick!

So, those are some reasons why we have to pick this hero in the game Mobile Legends. With all these abilities, it's natural that this hero is very popular and is often chosen when playing ranked.

Also read: 5 Most Painful Pharsa Build Items For September 2022

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