Karlach: Best Companion in Baldurs Gate 3

Even though he looks scary, Karlach is one of the best companions you can get in the game Baldurs Gate 3.
Karlach Baldurs Gate 3
Karlach Baldurs Gate 3. (Source: EIP Gaming/Google)

Karlach is a companion type character that you can choose to take on adventures throughout the map Baldur's Gate 3. 

Many Baldurs Gate 3 players make Karlach their companion, because the abilities and skills he has really help us in doing dungeon raids. Or, when attacked by enemies simultaneously.

However, behind his agility and strength, he has many sad stories, which resulted in the growth of Karlach's desire to become the strongest.

This has something to do with the area he lives in, namely Avernus. He never felt that Avernus was where he lived. On the other hand, Karlach felt that Avernus was a prison while he was alive.

In fact, he promised never to return there, and was determined to help anyone who wanted to get out of Avernus with all his might. The author quoted this from a sentence, when Karlach was involved in an argument with the servants of Zariel.

The following is the quote in full, “Avernus was never my home. It was my prison. I'm free now. And I'm never going back," he concluded at that time.

So, in this article, the author will invite you to get to know Karlach, a demon creature with a good heart, who has a lot of power.

Read the following article carefully so you don't get the wrong idea when accepting the information the author will provide. Check it out!

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Get to know Karlach, the best companion in Baldurs Gate 3

Karlach the Companion
Karlach the Companion. (Source: Game Rant/Google)

Karlach Cliffgate, we usually know this figure by the name Karlach. He is an original companion type character from the Baldurs Gate 3 game universe who is described as a demon creature, filled with a sense of justice.

For those who don't know, companions are a group of NPCs that we recruit with the aim of helping us carry out missions. For the record, you cannot recruit all existing NPCs, each player is limited by the system to only bringing three to five NPCs.

Karlach himself is a companion of the Barbarian class type, with the Zariel Tiefling race who comes from Avernus. You can find him south of Risen Road, or on the Blighted Village route.

Later, you will meet Karlach, injured, on the edge of a large rock. To recruit him, Vicigers You must first interact in the form of a chat with the person who is injured.

Apart from asking for treatment, he will also ask you to help him finish off the criminals who attacked him. After you have defeated all the criminals there, return to Karlach and report the results.

When you get there, your PC screen will change to a cutscene showing Karlach has become a member of your companion team.

Recommendations for Subclasses to Choose from

Baldurs Gate 3 Companion
Baldurs Gate 3 Companion. (Source: IGN India/Google)

Karlach himself has the Barbarian class. To maximize the potential of the Barbarian class, the author recommends that you choose Berseker as the subclass.

Later you will get skills that are very suitable for him to use. Starting from Frenzy Strike, Enraged Throw, and Rage Turns.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Karlach Skills

Fire Bending Companion
Fire Bending Companion. (Source: Reddit Baldurs Gate 3 Forum/Google)

There are several tips that you can use. Among others are:

1. Use rage mode wisely, so you don't run out of energy when you find a stronger opponent. But, don't forget to not use it at all. Determine the right time, so that rage mode is not in vain

2. Prioritize melee combat skills. Make him a close range fighter

3. Give additional potion of speed so that the speed increases. Moreover, to face fast Assassin type opponents

4. Target opponents with low health, in order to get an attack bonus when you defeat them.

5. Take advantage of the action bonus that you will get after successfully executing the move.

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