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6 Best Free Fire Female Characters for May 2022

Steffie is one of the female characters in Free Fire that you can use to get Booyah easily.
karakter rusher ff

There are 6 female characters Free Fire best issue of May 2022 that you need to know. They have the best advantages and skills to help you get Booyah.

Free Fire's character system is one of the best in the Battle Royale genre, with each character completely different from the next. However, while the male characters are cool and all, the list of female characters is where it belongs – their sexiness is what we are here for.

In this list, you will feature the 6 best female characters in Free Fire for the May 2022 edition that will help you get Booyah.

List of the Best Free Fire Female Characters


Karakter Wanita Free Fire

The first Free Fire female character is A124. Releases an 8-meter electromagnetic pulse that deactivates the enemy's skill activation and interrupts their interaction countdown. Lasts for 20/22/24/26/28/30s. Cooldown: 100/90/80/70/60/50 seconds.

From the vanilla healing skill, A124's ability has completely changed into a unique ability that no other character has in Free Fire. As it turns out, this has the same effect as an unreleased character ability named Snowelle, which is a passive that disables the enemy's active skills.

The A124 really does stand up to everything and is likely to be the next best choice in competitive gaming. Players can disable enemy shields and active skills while attacking, preventing them from healing or counterattacking.

Xtreme Xayne

Karakter Wanita Free Fire

Gain 80 temporary HP, 130 percent increase damage on gloo walls and shields. Lasted 15 seconds. Cooldown: 100 seconds.

Xayne's ability is very good in pitch battles, especially after the A124 skill was reworked. As of OB33, it is the only skill that regenerates HP in battle.

Xayne's Xtreme Encounter's duration is also pretty good now, with the recent buff being 15 seconds. This is more than enough for an engagement. She is the best Free Fire female character that you can use. The bonus damage to the gloo wall is also quite useful, players can drop it faster.


Karakter Wanita Free Fire

Create a 4 meter area blocking throws. Allies in the area will recover 10 percent armor durability every second and damage to ammunition taken from enemies will be reduced by 10/12/14/16/18/20 percent. Lasted 10/11/12/13/14/15s. Cooldown: 115/110/105/100/95/90s. Effects don't stack.

Ability Steffie it used to have negligible effect, but after OB33, it's become a solid skill.

The throwable blocking feature prevents enemy grenades from hitting your location while the team's armor durability is fully restored. In addition, the 20 percent damage reduction is huge which gives players a huge advantage in the fight.

This is the second best tactical ability likely to be selected in the OB33 ranking. The only drawback of Painted Refuge is its rather high 90s cooldown.

Dasha's Partying On

Karakter Wanita Free Fire

Free Fire female character next is Dasha. Reduces damage taken from falling, recovers time, recoil and recoil buildup.

Dasha's ability is quite unique, she gives 4 of the rarest buffs in Free Fire: fall damage reduction and knock recovery along with weapon recoil reduction and recoil buildup. This bonus could easily be divided into 2 skills but it looks like Garena has decided against it.

Recoil reduction is especially useful on some of the most popular weapons in the game, such as sniper rifles or AKs. Equipped with Dasha's ability, the stability of your weapon will increase greatly. On the other hand, reduced damage due to knocks allows players to move from high to low places more quickly.

Dasha has one of the best passive abilities for character combinations and can be easily used by new players.

It reduces fall damage by 30 percent and recovery time from this fall by 60 percent. Another key element is the reduction of the maximum recoil and recoil generation rates by 6 percent each.

By using this character, players can spray more effectively because of lower recoil. Also, they will be able to jump from rooftops without much damage.

Also read: The Most Dominating Combo Pet A124 FF


Karakter Wanita Free Fire

Find an enemy position within 75 meters that is not in a prone or crouching position. Lasts 7.5 seconds, CD 60 seconds. Teammates share skill effects after level 1.

Clu's abilities used to be very weak, with a much lower range and shorter duration. However, after being buffed in the recent patch, he's actually useful now.

Tracking steps scanning ability is “map hack on demand”, which allows to see the movements of all enemies in the area for 7.5 seconds.

Even if only one team member uses Clu's ability, the whole team can benefit from it. This gives the user the location of enemies who are not prone or crouching within 50 meters.

The ability lasts for 5 seconds and has a cooldown of 75. Moreover, the location of the enemy is shared with the whole team. This information will change the game in the last few zones.


Karakter Wanita Free Fire

Tag an enemy that Moco shoots for 5 seconds. On awakening, the duration increases greatly, up to 11.5 seconds. Teammates also see this tracking.

Overall, Moco's abilities used to be useless, with very low duration. However, after unlocking Moco's resurrection form, it can be used now.

Also read: Combo Pet Moco Free Fire To Play Barbarians

With Moco's passive, you should be able to quickly track enemy locations and prevent them from escaping or flanking.

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