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The 5 Best Free Fire Characters for the CS Ranked Mode for December 2021

push rank ff
Doing a solo match during push rank ff

Clash Squad (CS Ranked) is one of the main game modes in Free Fire, and consists of two teams of four players who face each other for seven rounds of battle. The side that wins a total of four rounds is declared the winner and receives the Booyah.

Ranked CS mode also has a separate rank system, each rank has advantages for the player. Many are trying to advance to a higher rank, and the character you choose can play an important role in achieving victory in Free Fire's Ranked CS Mode.

Who are the best Free Fire characters to use in CS Ranked mode in December 2021? Here is a list of characters that you can use in CS Ranked mode in Free Fire.

The Most Powerful Character For CS Ranked Mode



In the first list, you are already familiar with this one character. Has very qualified skills in all modes in the Free Fire game. Skyler with a cool appearance has pretty good skills in the CS ranked Fre Fire.

Skyler has the skill Riptide Rhythm, and it can release sonic waves forward, which damage five gloo walls at once within 50 meters. Furthermore, every gloo wall you use increases your health recovery, starting at 4 points. There is a 60 second cooldown applied to this skill.

Using it will destroy enemy cover. At max level, range is increased to 100 meters, cooldown is reduced to 40 seconds, and health recovery is nine points.

Skill: Riptide Rhythm


Dimitri Free Fire

Dimitri earns the next spot on the list of the best characters in CS Ranked mode, and his ability to create a healing zone with a diameter of 3.5 meters.

In it, you and your teammates can replenish 3 HP/s for 10 seconds, and when you knock, you can recover to get up. After use, there is a cooldown of 85 seconds.

After reaching the highest level, the duration becomes 15 seconds, while the cooldown time is reduced to 60 seconds.

Skill: Healing Heartbeat

DJ Alok


DJ Alok is one of the best characters in Free Fire, and after using Drop the Beat, you gain 5 HP/s for 5 seconds, and your movement speed increases by 10 percent. This skill has a cooldown time of 45 seconds.

Once the character reaches its peak, the skill duration increases to 10 seconds, and movement speed increases to 15 percent. Of course it's no longer common to rely on this very legendary Free Fire character. You can use DJ Alok to play bars.

Skill: Drop the Beat



Wukong is very good for those of you who like to play aggressively in Free Fire. Camouflage turns him into a bush for 15 seconds with 20 percent lower movement speed. However, if you attack, the conversion ends. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds, but it ends if you manage to defeat the enemy.

When the skill is at max level, the cooldown is 200 seconds, and the duration is 15 seconds, compared to the initial 300 seconds and 10 seconds, each has a different cooldown time.

Skill: Camouflage

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Karakter K Free Fire Max

K is polished with the latest updates and is the perfect option for ranked CS mode. Even so, you must remember to buy mushrooms.

In Master of All, the maximum EP is increased by 50, and further has two different modes:

  • Psychology: It recovers 3 EP every 2.2 seconds, up to 150 EP.
  • Jiu-jitsu: This mode increases the EP conversion rate by 500 percent.

Ranked CS mode has a cooldown of only 3 seconds, and at the highest skill level, only Psychology mode is affected. After maxing out, you will regain 3 EP every second, up to 250 EP.

Also read: The Best Tips And Tricks To Outsmart Free Fire Campers

Those were the 5 best Free Fire characters for the CS Ranked mode in December 2021. You can choose the one that suits your gameplay so you can win CS Ranked easily.

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