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Kar98 vs AWM: Which Sniper is Better in PUBG Mobile?

When comparing between Kar98 vs AMW in the PUBG Mobile game. Maybe most players will choose AWM because of the insane damage.
Lynx AMR
SR AWM weapon

This time, VCGamers will compare the two main snipers of the players PUBG Mobile. Which is better between Kar98 vs AWM? Check the answers on this page.

PUBG Mobile has a variety of weapons in its extensive arsenal. Sniper rifle is the most preferred weapon for long range combat. They usually deal heavy damage and have low bullet drop.

In this article, we compare the Kar98 vs AWM, which are the two most popular sniper rifles in the PUBG Mobile game. 

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PUBG Mobile offers players multiple sniper rifles to engage in long range combat. Kar98 vs AWM are two of my favorite bolt-action snipers in this game. But which one is better? Let's compare and choose a better SR in PUBG Mobile here with VCGamers.

Comparison of Sniper Kar98 vs AWM

Sniper Kar98 vs AWM are two of my favorite bolt-action snipers in this game. But which one is better? Let's compare and choose the better SR in PUBG Mobile.


Kar98 vs AWM
Kar98k PUBG

The Kar98k is a bolt-action sniper rifle, which is available as a standard spawn weapon. Has 79 hit damage and uses 7.62mm ammunition. This sniper is one of the most violent sniper rifles in the game and almost knocks out enemies in one shot.

The significant downside to using this sniper is the long reload time and timing of the bolt action animation. This increases the time taken between shots to 1.9 seconds. The low bullet speed also makes this weapon difficult to use for long distances and when the enemy is moving.

This SR can equip quite a number of attachments, including Compensators like Muzzle, Flash Hider, and Suppressor. Can use Sights like 2x Aimpoint Scope and others.

In terms of reload speed, the Kar98K wins. You only need 4 seconds to reload Kar98K while you need 4.6 seconds to reload AWM.

The default magazine capacity of these two guns is 5. However, you can attach the SR extended mag to increase the AWM ammo capacity to 7. However, the Kar98K does not have an attachment slot for the extended mag.

In addition, the Kar98K uses 7.62mm bullets which are very easy to find on the map. Meanwhile, the AWM rare weapon uses 300 Magnum bullets which can only be found in airdrops.

Apart from that, PUBG Mobile players can only find this rare weapon in the airdrop with a limited number of bullets. This means you don't have a lot of bullets to waste. Therefore, Kar98K is more popular in this game.


Kar98 vs AWM

AWM is the most powerful sniper rifle in PUBG Mobile. This SR is an exclusive weapon drop and the rarest to get in the game. The AWM has a hit damage of 105 and uses a special type of .300 Magnum ammunition.

Its power is so great that body shots with AWM prove fatal to enemy players equipped with level 3 vests, and headshots result in instant knockdowns. The two significant drawbacks of the AWM are the long reload time and unique ammunition.

AWM can use several attachments, including Magazines such as Extended Mag, Extended QuickDraw Mag, and QuickDraw Mag. It also uses Muzzles like Compensator, Flash Hider, and Suppressor. AWM also accepts scopes up to 8x and stocks such as the Pipi Pad.

In terms of hit damage, AWM causes greater hit damage than Kar98K. The rare weapon AWM deals 105 damage per hit while the Kar98K deals 79 points damage per hit. So, AWM is much stronger than Kar98K.

What's more, the AWM's initial bullet velocity is also much greater. It's 945 m/s on AWM and only 760 m/s on Kar98K. Because of this, the king of snipers AWM kills enemies faster than Kar98K.

You can knock down or kill enemies equipped with level-3 armor and helmets in one shot. Meanwhile, you will need at least 2 – 3 accurate shots to kill an enemy with a level-2 helmet.

Also read: MG3 Vs M249: Which LMG PUBG Mobile Is More Perfect?

Which is Best, Kar98 vs AWM?

Kar98 vs AWM
Sniper Rifles

After seeing the comparison between Kar98k vs AWM. Thus, the Kar98k offers decent damage without the risk of hunting down. It is reliable but also lacks damage in a one-shot finishing blow.

AWM pays the risk to get it. This gives a one shot kill; and faster and more accurate than Kar98k.

The Kar98K has three attachment slots for the muzzle, cheek pads and scope. AWM also has three slots for these attachments and one slot for mags. So, you can increase the AWM mag capacity to 7. Or you can install a quick-draw mag to reduce the reload speed.

AWM requires players to be efficient with limited ammo, but instills fear in enemies with its powerful sound and damage.

Kar98k is for players who don't want to risk falling but still want a great sniper to serve them throughout the game. Overall, the AWM is a better sniper rifle in the right hands.

Also read: Kar98k PUBG Vs Mosin Nagant, Which Sniper Is Better?

That was the comparison between the Kar98 vs AWM sniper rifle in PUBG Mobile. Basically, you can use it according to the skills and aiming abilities you have.

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