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Jota Vs DJ Alok: Which is Better in Clash Squad Mode?

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Which one is better to use for Clash Squad mode on Free Fire between Jota Vs DJ Alok? Let's compare here.

To become a winner in Clash Squad Free Fire mode, you have to make many decisions. this includes strategy and attack planning, buying the right weapon for the round, and of course, choosing the right character.

While there are many options, only a few have capabilities adapted for CS mode. They can be used immediately to benefit the player and, sometimes, for the entire squad as well.

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The two characters are Jota vs DJ Alok. They both have in-game healing abilities and can be used in a variety of situations. However, only one of them can become the best. Who is the best between Jota vs DJ Alok? Read on to find out.

Comparison of Jota's Skills vs DJ Alok


Jota vs DJ Alok

Jota's ability, Sustained Raids, allows the user to restore health while engaging in battle. Every time the player shoots at an opponent, they recover a small portion of their HP.

When an opponent has been taken down or eliminated, 20 percent of their HP is immediately replenished. The ability is passive, and its effect lasts for the duration of the match.

In combat, Jota's abilities will allow the user to play aggressively without having to use too many medkits. If attacks could be chained to deal maximum damage, the user would be able to heal simply by adding damage.

Overall, Jota's abilities are very suitable for close-range roles such as rushers, whose weapons of choice are SMGs and Shotguns.

In terms of combos, Sustained Raids is best used in combination with the abilities of Chrono and Xayne, which are top level in melee combat.

Apart from being active, Jota can do combos with Hayato or Shirou, whose skills quite synergize with shotguns. Nikita, Caroline and Kelly can also be useful.

Very strong in close combat. Hard to kill because of skills that can restore HP and can be combined with many characters.


Jota vs DJ Alok

DJ Alok's ability, Drop the Beat, allows the user to heal their team and themselves in battle. When the skill has been activated, an aura forms around the user. Those in this aura will recover 5HP/sec.

As a secondary bonus effect, players also receive a 15 percent increase in agility while in the aura. The ability lasts for 10 seconds and takes 45 seconds to cool down after being used.

In battle, DJ Alok's ability will allow the user to support their troops in the midst of battle.

They will be able to heal allies and restore their HP over time. In addition, this ability also provides movement speed bonuses for a short duration.

Alok's ability is an active skill that synergizes the most with the attacker role. Speed bonuses allow you to flank more easily while healing reduces damage taken in duels and fights. On the other hand, it's not nearly as effective at building snipers that move less frequently.

Also read: 5 Best Free Fire Character Combinations Without DJ Alok

Conclusion Between Jota Vs DJ Alok

Jota vs DJ Alok

Deciding between Jota vs DJ Alok on Free Fire is a tough job. Although both of their abilities are focused on healing, the way they work is very different.

Jota restores HP by shooting enemies, while DJ Alok can trigger his ability to heal entire troops. This makes selecting a clear winner difficult. You have to decide for yourself who to choose for CS mode.

However, when pitting Jota vs DJ Alok against each other on the basis of utility, DJ Alok's Drop the Beat provides more tactical utility than Jota. Since it heals entire troops and gives a movement boost, it has more value in general.

Also read: 4 Best Tips for Using Jota FF, Characters from Indonesia!

With the second mode of Free Fire being CS, it can be said that the winner of this competition is Alok. Her abilities have remained top-notch since her debut in 2019, and you can even support your teammates with them.

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