Aloha Vicigers! For those of you who are running out of ideas to celebrate Indonesia's independence day yesterday, ga it's wrong for you to try to take part in the Panjat Pinang Challenge Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). For more information, see below.
Climbing slippery pole Give Away
In connection with the celebration of Indonesia's independence day which is often enlivened by various kinds of competitions and also the joy of the Indonesian people, this year's competition celebrations were not carried out much or even not carried out at all because of the Covid-19 pandemic which has not yet ended.
That's what makes the game MLBB held events to celebrate Indonesia's independence day. Even though we can't do competitions as usual, we can still celebrate by participating events contained in this game.
Mobile Legends take part in organizing events for Indonesian Independence Day, and also don't forget to offer a variety of very attractive prizes. These prizes can be obtained by participating in various kinds events which is held.
In game Mobile Legends there are a lot of these giveaway free skins in 1 seasonshis. In order to celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day, Mobile Legends held various kinds events among others, events independence day special stickers, elite Granger skin events, Climbing slippery pole giveaway and event skin Bruno hero.

Prizes that will be obtained if you follow event skin Granger elite, Climbing slippery pole giveaway and event skin Bruno hero this is getting elite skins, special, even up to epic. Apart from that, you will also get special stickers on Independence Day, skin Granger elite, and also Bruno's skin.
This game also held giveaway free skin permanent hero. A number of permanent hero skins what you will get is skins Gatotkacha and also skin"Doomsday Terminators” levels Elite owned by marksman heroes named Granger.
The players will get permanent free skin when following Events Indonesian Independence Day organized by the game Mobile Legends this. for e.gvent Indonesian Independence Day based on the official website on line can start from the 7th of August 2021 then.
The prize What?
Prizes that will be obtained from various events these are 17 pieces skins, 8 heroes, 17 Rare Fragment Skins, 8 cards trial hero, 45 magic dust, skin Tigreal, events This will take place from 13-24 August 2021.
Apart from getting prizes skins, the players can also get Battle Emotes new exclusive with the theme of Indonesian Independence Day, Small Emblem Pack, Double BP Card, and there are still many prizes to be won.
There are various ways to get these prizes, including:

- Players must have follow Instagram account from @realmobilelegendsid and also don't forget to likes then Share post about events Climbing slippery pole Giveaways.
- After that mark or mention 3 friends in the comments column, then don't forget to also include Number ID and Server and 3 names skins the desired type Epic (other than type LimitedEpic and also collectors), specials, and also type Elite.
@friendMLBB4 @friendMLBB5 @friendMLBB6
ID/Server: (1234) 123456789
Skins: Hanabi "VENOM Nephila", Kadita "White Robin", Freya "Gladiator".
Besides that, there are also other ways to get inside prizes events this, namely:
- Share and Like Post that's in the account Facebook Mobile Legends.
- Then after that take it selfies with the theme “Red and White Mobile Legends”
Conditions for taking a photo: The photo taken must contain elements of the colors RED and WHITE, while holding the cellphone and also opening the lobby of the game Mobile Legends. - Then if you have, post the photo you have taken in the comments column of the post, and don't forget to also include your ID Number and Server!
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To get gifts from Granger event skins ie enough with the player login into the game Mobile Legends seven times (not necessarily seven consecutive days) in duration events then you can immediately get the prize.
Usually to get skins these players have to buy with 599 diamonds or around IDR 150,000.00- but in the framework of this Independence Day Mobile Legends provide it for free in the manner mentioned above.
What are you waiting for? Come on, hurry up follow events hosted by Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Lots events interesting and also attractive prizes in a very easy way.
Hurry up Yes, so you can get the prizes right away, and also join in celebrating Indonesian Independence Day!