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The Best Counter Karrie Items in Mobile Legends, Won't Move!

You can use Karrie's counter items in Mobile Legends to beat her. That way he couldn't budge.
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In this article, we'll take a look at the best Karrie counter items at Mobile Legends. He won't budge at all.

Karrie is one of the marksman who can deal enormous damage, both in the early game and in the last game.

Passive skill ability (Light brand) owned by Karrie can provide true damage of 8 percent to 12 percent of the target's maximum HP in the fifth attack. So he can easily kill opponents.

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He also includes one of the more agile heroes, thanks to his skill called Step Phantom. He will jump in the direction the player has specified by dealing damage. So Karrie can easily chase opponents or escape from looking for opponents.

So an opponent like him would be easily blocked. Even so, true damage ability itself was the most solid and minimum counter. But you can use this best Karrie counter item.

List of Karrie MLBB Counter Items

We have a recommendation for Karrie counter items in Mobile Legends 2022 that you must use when fighting the MM hero. Its fast attacks and passive skills that can deal true damage are certainly difficult to counter.

Antique Cuirass

Karrie's Counter Items

The first element that you can use for Karrie counter items is Antique Cuirass. Antique Cuirass is best able to minimize large attack damage, because Antique Cuirass can provide an additional 54 physical defense and 4 HP regen, and an additional 92 HP.

Antique Cuirass also has an impaled passive name. The passive effect of Antique Cuirass will activate if hit by his skill, reducing his physical attack by 8 percent for 2 seconds, and can be stacked 3 times.

Dominance Ice

Karrie's Counter Items
Dominance Ice

This item is perfect for counteracting thanks to a passive skill that can reduce the opponent's attack speed. He himself is a hero who has fast attack speed and every 10 attacks will deal true damage.

When using Dominance Ice, the attack speed will be reduced until it is slower when dealing true attack damage because it gets a decrease in attack speed using this item.

With this, he has lowered the ASPD, you can use him. This item can reduce damage, which can be very useful for you to use it.

The addition of the range and speed of movement given to observations so that they can search for caries and use Dominance Ice as one of the strongest Karrie counter items in Mobile Legends.

Brute Force Breastplate

Karrie's Counter Items

Breastplate's Brute Force capability can provide a stack of definitions to its users. You will get an ever-increasing def when using attacks against opponents.

DEF is perfect for blocking Karrie, the passive ability possessed by Brute Force Breastplate can also increase movement speed and also increase magic and physical defense up to 4 points which can be stacked up to 5 times.

But the problem is that the damage is pure. Therefore, Brute Force Breastplate is more appropriate to say as an element that is suitable for you to fight against you.

But it's not as bad as the universal element. Brute Force Breastplate is suitable for tank / roamer, which is only responsible for being a punching bag, Brute Force Breastplate's responsibility will reduce the opponent's physical attack by 10 percent for 2 seconds. 

Not only that, this item can also minimize the damage of its deadly attacks, thanks to an additional Physical Defense of 45 and an HP of 770 for the hero used. Not surprisingly, Brute Force Breastplate is suitable to be Karrie's counter item in Mobile Legends.

Blade Armor

Karrie's Counter Items
Blade Armor

Next is blade armor which can provide capture from its basic attacks. By using Blade Armor, you will get 90 physical defenses until you can return 20 percent of the damage received.

Blade Armor is very mandatory for you to use if your opponent uses Karrie, because most of them depend on basic attacks, so Twilight Armor will be very suitable for use.

Blade Armor can at least make it difficult for opponents to attack. Try using Blade Armor in a very thick hero to feel the long term impact.

Twilight Armor

Karrie's Counter Items

The next item to be Karrie's counter item is Twilight Armor. Twilight Armor has a single passive challenge called. The passive effect of Twilight Armor will activate after taking 600 physical damage from it, able to reduce the hero's physical damage by 20 percent.

The passive effect of Twilight Armor can also deal true damage to opponents around 20 + 5 percent of the additional maximum HP, for 3 seconds. This item can also provide additional 400 HP and 1200 HP, and increases critical damage reduction by 20 percent.

However, it's less effective considering he's a DPS hero, not a burst. Crit is also less useful because he often doesn't play critical. More suitable as an additional item. Of course in the late game it can be very useful, especially against range heroes.

Also read: Listen! This is the Painful Build of Karrie in Mobile Legends 2022

Wind of Nature

Karrie's Counter Items
Wind Of Nature

The last item to be Karrie's counter item is Wind of Nature. Wind of Nature is able to support all its basic attacks which are very deadly, because Wind of Nature has a simple passive skill (by milking) which can be immune to all physical damage attacks for 2 seconds.

Not only that, this item can also provide additional physical life relationships by 10 percent, and increase physical attack by 30 and attack speed by 16 percent for the hero you use.

Also read: Karrie's Strongest Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

That's all for Karrie's counter items that you can use to automate the heroes you have.

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