Check this post to find out what Zhask build items hurt in Mobile Legends 2022. You can conquer the enemy in the Land Of Dawn.
Zhask has been one of the most annoying Mages in the game to deal with. He hasn't been picked on much from the last few seasons. He is not one of the easiest heroes to play, it takes practice and proper timing to play him effectively.
In this Mobile Legends guide, we will see Zhask's sickest build item in Mobile Legends 2022 which can make him conquer the Land Of Dawn easily.
List of Zhask MLBB Build Items
Zhask build items can be very flexible. Many players prefer a different build. Even though there were some core items that were extremely important to him. He greatly benefited from item attack speed.
The following Zhask build items are optimal builds, new players can follow this build until they are comfortable swapping items as their playstyle.
Swift Boots

Swift boots are the first Zhask build item that you must use. Swift boots are indeed a marksman item, but Zhask is a mage hero who is comparable to his attack speed, so you can also use this item. Swift's boots offer +15 attack speed attribute and +40 movement speed to allow faster running.
Building Swift Boots for attack speed is a good idea. Swift Boots works well on him to have magic Penetration.
Feather of Heaven

Next is the item attack speed of the item mage. Feather of Heaven deals magic attack at +30 attack speed, +65 magic power, and stacked magic damage at +5 movement speed. This item must be worn by him to be more injured when changing shape.
This is the core item for Zhask build items. This greatly increases his basic attack ability and also increases his attack speed by 30 percent.

Physical items, however Windtalker can also be used as a Zhask build item. This item is a +40 attack speed item with a basic attack attack that can trigger a splash attack. Windtalker can be purchased from him in the middle of the game.
This attack item is often used by marksman, but actually it can be an alternative to increase the chance of serious damage from your opponent.
Apart from that, Windtalker seems to be popular among many Mobile Legends players. This item has a fairly good passive effect besides additional stats, especially since the price of this item itself is relatively cheap.
Divine Grave

The next is Divine Grave which has the highest penetration magic attack effect. This item can provide +65 magic power with magic penetration of the +40 attribute with passive skills. When an enemy hero's HP exceeds 70, the effect itself increases damage by 30 percent.
One of the best items to fight tanky heroes. It provides Magic Penetration which helps to melt enemies who have high magic defense.
Holy Crystals

At the end of the game, you can use Holy Crystals to increase your damage significantly. This Zhask build item is an alternative to Blood Wings Mage, and leveling up can increase +100 magic damage by around 21 percent to 35 percent.
Using the Holy Crystal was the best choice he could make while waiting for the second half of the match. Greatly increases magic power. It helps to defeat slippery enemies easily.
You may also know that the Holy Crystal increases magical power by more than 100 and has other abilities that can be found from this item.
In addition, his passive ability can provide a magic attack effect of 21 percent to 35 percent. The total amount will later increase depending on the level of the hero in the contest.
The color is light green and shaped like sharp crystals. This is one of the charms of this item if you want to use it later. Holy Crystal items themselves never want to miss all the important things and features of these items.
This is the only ability, but this item features very colorful and very powerful. In fact, almost all mages dominate items. If you want to get stronger, you need to use Holy Crystals to make it harder to take down later.
Also read: Johnson's Painful Item Build in Season 25, Hit All Enemies!
Fleeting Time

Volatile Time At the end of the second half of the game, you can buy Fleeting Time with cooldown items. Want to buy a CD item at the start of the game? Yes, the answer is Zhask is a mage hero who prioritizes attack speed, so there's no need to use a CD at the start of the game. Conversely, later in the game you can use the CD effect to make teamfight easier.
In addition to the very fast attack effect, CD can often cause skill spam. Fleeting Time also has a unique feature that allows you to reset the CD when you receive an assist or kill.
This Mage Category Assault Item is very suitable for use when the game enters the middle of the game towards the second half of the game. The passive feature of this item itself is very helpful in managing and winning team wars well.
Also read: Recommended Zhask Counter Items that Hurt in Mobile Legends 2022
Ephemeral Time is one of the most popular Mage items among Mobile Legends players who use Hero Mage. Ephemeral Time is perfect for the typical hero mage who relies heavily on his ultimate ability to defeat his enemies.