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Skills, Build Items and How to Play Layla Mobile Legends

Layla is one of the Marksman heroes in Mobile Legends. Recently he also got the October 2023 Starlight skin.
items and how to play layla

Layla is one of the heroes that is rarely used in Mobile Legends. Some players even said that this hero was no longer worth playing rank.

Make no mistake, with understanding will heroes The good thing is that you can maximize Layla's potential in the match.

This time, we will discuss about skills, build items, and how to play Layla in Mobile Legends. For you guys user Marksman Here, let's look at the article together!

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Layla Mobile Legends Skills

Layla has 4 skills, namely Malefic Gun, Malefic Bomb, Void Projectile, and Destruction Dash. The following is the explanation:

Passive – Malefic Gun

Layla Mobile Legends - Passive skill
Passive Malefic Gun. Source: Mobile Legends

Malefic Gun is Layla's passive skill. He will deal damage that increases by around 100% to 130% if the opponent's hero gets further away.

When Layla deals Physical Damage to her target, she will activate her Basic Attack and Lifesteal effects.

Malefic Bomb

Layla Mobile Legends - Skill 2 Malefic Bomb
Layla uses the Malefic Bomb skill. Source: Mobile Legends

Layla's 1st skill is Malefic Bomb, where she shoots a laser in a predetermined direction and deals 200 Physical Damage to the target.

When hitting an opponent, the range of Basic Attack and skill 2 will increase for 3 seconds and Layla will gain Movement Speed of 60% for 1.2 seconds.

Void Projectiles

Layla Mobile Legends - Void Projectile
Layla uses the Void Projectile skill. Source: Mobile Legends

In skill 2, Layla fires an energy ball that can provide 170 damage (+65% total Physical Attack) to targets within her range.

Layla will also leave a Magic Mark for 3 seconds. When successfully hitting an opponent with a Magic Mark, it deals 100 (+35% total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and a stun effect for 0.25 seconds.

Destruction Rush

Layla Mobile Legends - Ultimate Destruction Rush Skill
Layla uses the ultimate skill Destruction Rush. Source: Mobile Legends

Destruction Rush is Layla's ultimate skill, where she fires an energy blast with Physical Damage reaching 500 (+150% total Physical Attack) at opponents in her path.

With each level increase, the distance of the Void Projectile and Basic Attack will increase by 0.6 units and increase Layla's visibility.

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Build Layla Items in Mobile Legends

Layla Mobile Legends - Build Layla items
Build Layla items by top global players. Source: Mobile Legends

There are many item combinations that you can use when playing Layla. For those of you who are still confused about determining the build for this hero, you can try the following build:

  • Swift Boots
  • Windtalker
  • Berserker's Fury
  • Malefic Roar
  • Demon Hunter Sword (DHS)
  • Blade of Despair

Another alternative build item that you can try is from top global player Layla this season, namely BULLET. Here are the build items:

  • Swift Boots
  • Windtalker
  • Berserker's Furry
  • Haas's Claws
  • Blade of Despair
  • Malefic Roar

How to Play Layla

Layla Mobile Legends - Layla Skills
How to play Layla Mobile Legends. Source: Mobile Legends

After knowing the skills and build items for Layla, now is the time for you to see how to play this Marksman hero.

Despite having a strong attack rate, Layla has very low durability. Therefore, this hero must be accompanied by a Tank.

Layla's passive skill, Malefic Gun, can change the attack distance randomly, starting from 100% – 130% for each Basic Attack. So, you need to keep your distance from the enemy.

If the enemy is at close range, use combo skill 2 to stun the opponent and hinder their movement.

After that, use the ultimate skill to reduce the enemy's HP a lot. At this time, usually the opponent will continue to advance or instead try to save himself, use skill 1 to chase him.

However, if the enemy is quite far away, you can release the ultimate skill first, followed by a combo of skill 2 and skill 1.

To make it easier to adapt to Layla's skills, the recommended Battle Spells that you can use are flicker and Retribution.

Also read: 5 Painful Karrie Build Items for 2023, The Best Marksman!

So, that's the article about skills, build items, and how to play the hero Layla in Mobile Legends. Hope this helps and happy playing!

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