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This is the Painful Miya ML Build Item Season 24, Auto MVP!

Did you use Hero Miya in season 24? Then you need to use this recommended Miya build item to get MVP.
Miya Counter Items

Are you looking for item build Miya ML hurt in season 24. Of course you are auto MVP by using the following items.

Miya is the most widely used MM hero in hero rank mode, which makes a lot of late games, which is a really recommendation for those who want to change ranks. Now let's look at the Miya ML season 24 item build recommendations.

Hero Marksman is famous for his skills in the middle of the game to the final stages of the game, but the MM hero has very thin health and is easily targeted by other heroes, so he needs to build good things so that he is not easily killed.

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For this purpose in Mobile Legends, MM heroes like Miya are very good at filling in the Gold Lane role, because this role will make it easier for Marksman to get gold faster to buy the required lineup.

So, to make Miya ML build items more painful and deadly, you have to make the right choice, so on this occasion VCGamers will recommend several Miya build items in Mobile Legends Bang Bang season 24, please refer to the following review.

Miya's Painful Build Items Season 24

Swift Boots

Miya Build Items

The first item you can use for him is Swift Boots. This boot has basic stats that can increase +15 percent attack speed and +40 movement speed, making his movements more agile during battle.

You can attack freely with the help of skill 3. As a hero known for his high critical value and damage, he really needs attack speed to be able to attack enemies directly.

Berserker's Fury

Miya Build Items

Miya's next build item in season 24 is Berserker's Fury. Berserker's Fury has basic stats that deal extra +65 physical damage, + 25 percent critical time and also gives Miya an additional attribute, which is 40 percent critical damage. Causing more fatal damage.

Berserker's Fury also has the unique Doom, which can increase physical attack by 5 percent in 2 seconds. Of course, Berserker's Fury can strengthen this hero's power.

Berseker's Fury, you must buy it when you enter the mid-game phase, this item is very mandatory for Miya, because it can increase physical attack and critical damage by 5 percent.


Miya Build Items

The next Miya build item is Windtalker. This attack item can provide an additional +10 percent critical chance and +40 percent attack speed, although Windtalker can also increase his movement speed by 20 percent.

The Windtalker item has a unique passive (Typhoon), which can simultaneously provide 150-362 magic damage to enemies. Every time a Storm comes out, its speed can increase by 5 percent in a short time.

This item is an alternative for those of you who need critical damage and other damage from your offensive skills. You must use this item if you use an MM hero that requires critical damage as your source of damage.

This Windtalker item can give him a higher attack speed, critical chance, and movement speed with this item.

Scarlet Phantom

Miya Build Items

Another thing for him is Scarlet Phantom. Scarlet Phantom has a unique passive (Frenzy), which can add 30 percent attack speed and 5 percent critical chance to him in 2 seconds. That he can do fatal damage every second.

Scarlet Phantom also has basic stats that can provide an additional +25 percent critical chance, +30 physical attack and increase attack speed by +20 percent.

This item will provide additional physical attacks, attack speed, and critical opportunities for Hero Marksman Miya, by purchasing this item, because activating Skill 1 will increase his attack speed.

Wind of Nature

Miya Build Items
Wind Of Nature

Wind of Nature is one of Miya's most painful build items in season 24. This attack item makes her immune to the opponent's basic attacks. For Wind of Nature has a unique passive (Whin Chant) which can provide immunity to any physical damage to the opponent within 2 seconds.

Apart from getting Immune, Wind of Nature also has a base state, which can provide an additional +10 percent physical Lifesteal, +30 physical attack and increase Miya's attack speed to +20 percent.

This Wind of Nature item is ideal for MM heroes with severe physical damage, such as Aldous, Natalia and of course Miya. Then you can counterattack the enemy.

Also read: Peek! The Latest Miya Mobile Legends Build!

Malefic Roar

Miya Build Items
Malefic Roar

You can also use Malefic Roar as Miya's sickest build item in season 24. This attack item has a unique passive (Armor Buster) that can easily penetrate opponent's armor, even though Malefic Roar can easily destroy opponent towers.

Apart from being a very useful unique passive, Malefic Roar also has an additional +35 percent physical penetration attribute and can provide an additional +60 physical attack to him.

This Malefic Roar item is more in the attack category, so it has something to do with increasing the attack power of each hero who uses it. In short, this item can provide attack power to subdue the opponent's armor and can also increase the opponent's attack on the turret.

Also read: Miya Mobile Legends Guide: Best Build, Emblem and Gameplay Tips

Those were the Miya build item recommendations that you should try in Mobile Legends season 24. This build is often used by Top Global Miya ML players in Indonesia and Top Global in the world. Good luck!

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