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This Is The Best Lapu-Lapu Build Item, Use It To Win The Match!

Hero Counter Lapu Lapu

Do you already know the best Lapu-Lapu build items? If not, you can listen to this article until the end. On this page, we will discuss the best Lapu-Lapu build items that can be used to win matches.

Lapu-Lapu Mobile Legends Bang Bang is a national hero from the Philippines, based on the original character of the same name. Modern Filipino society considers him the man who defeated Ferdinand Magellan.

So, in this article, we will discuss about the Fighter/Assassin hero, Lapu-Lapu. He has good Area of ​​Effect Damage, Dash, Stun, Disable skills, so he can kill enemy squishy heroes or with his Sustainability (gets shield from passive) he can start any team fight.

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Overall he is a situation control hero and with this change he is stronger. On this page, we will take a look at the best Lapu-Lapu build items to lead you to victory in Mobile Legends ranking mode.

The Best Lapu-Lapu Build Items in Mobile Legends

There are lots of items that you can buy for this hero. You can focus on items that provide physical damage, items that provide health points, and several items that increase your Durability.

But you have to build a compact set to survive on the battlefield, so choose the type of item that gives this Assassin heros spell vamp, movement speed, health points, and physical damage. Here we show you three types of builds that will improve Lapu-Lapu's performance.

Bloodlust Ax


Bloodlust Ax is a core item for Lapu-Lapu, this item gives him physical attack and cooldown reduction and his unique passive provides 20 percent spell vamp which will strengthen the effect of your Festival of Blood emblem. This will keep you afloat in team fights. 

You need to remember, before buying the Bloodlust Ax item, make sure you have boots that can provide movement speed for this hero.

Magic Shoes

Now buying the right shoes is also important, whether buying Magic Shoes for CD reduction or buying Warrior Boots for additional physical defense and movement speed.

Try to increase the damage output of Lapu-Lapu's attacks by buying Blade of Despair, Blade of Heptanes, Rose gold Meteor, and Endless Battle.

If you don't really need cooldown reduction and prefer rotation, just use rapid boots which will increase the speed and movement of this hero.

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Jungle Knives

Lapu-Lapu will be more vulnerable with endless battles because a lot of the time he relies on his skills. Use retribution and jungle knife if you are playing as an Assassin.

Always try to make Lapu-Lapu build items at least one defense item like Queen's Wings, Brute Force Breastplate, Immortality. Queen's Wings will provide physical damage, health points, and reduced CD; where immortality will give you extra life.

Rose Gold Meteor

Rose Gold Meteor

Not only damage is needed by Lapu-Lapu. You need to add magic defense to face magic heroes in ranking mode matches.

This item not only provides physical attack for this Assassin hero, but also provides the best magic resistance for him. This Lapu-Lapu build item will be very useful for its immunity, it can't even be killed by combining Lapu-Lapu's passive skill.

Final Thoughts

As we can clearly see that Lapu-Lapu really relies on his skills so if he misses a skill or his skills are on cool-down, he's very easy to kill. It's not easy to make build items from this hero.

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Focus on your Spell vamp and CD reduction items. After you buy it, you can also fight in 1v5 situations. Don't use Lapu-Lapu's ultimate skill anywhere in the early stages and its item build is more important than killing enemies.

This Lapu-Lapu Build Item will surely help you to win easily with it in Mobile Legends. Good luck and I hope your Lapu-Lapu hero can bring victory in Mobile Legends ranking mode.

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