Check this page to see Johnson's build item hurts in season 25 Mobile Legends. Using this, you can run over all the enemies and render them helpless.
Moonton presents Johnson as the only tank that has mobility because of his ability to roam and make his presence at the right time. In addition, he can bring one of his teammates to make a surprise attack and start a war.
Hero Johnson is one of the best combo heroes in Mobile Legends. That ability makes it possible to combine it with a teammate's hero ability. Especially if you use Johnson's painful build item, Johnson will definitely be a nightmare for the enemy.
In addition, Johnson has thick armor, so quite a lot of Johnson users play barbarians. Especially if he brings in a hero with a burst damage effect, it's very unlikely that the enemy will survive when attacked by Johnson.
In this Mobile Legends guide, we will look at recommendations for Johnson's sore build items in season 25.
Johnson MLBB Season 25 Build Items
One can try many builds on Johnson. All one needs to do is follow the enemy's choices and then decide on a role on the battlefield. We have set Johnson's build items on the battlefield of Mobile Legends season 25.
Warrior Boots

Warrior boots will improve the movement and physical defense of this tank. Moreover, it will increase the first skill damage in the early game. Warrior Boots will increase physical defense which will help him fight heroes with massive physical attacks.
Blade Armor

This item will provide additional defense for him and reflect 25 percent of the opponent's Basic Attack. With this item, Johnson can stand in front of his teammates and absorb all enemy damage while also reflecting it.
Johnson's build item options help minimize enemy damage that relies on basic attacks. This item gives +90 physical defense.
Unique Passive-Blade Armor: When attacking with a basic attack, 25 magic gained (without damage mitigation) will be reflected on the attacking hero, slowing them by 15 percent per second.
Holy Crystals

This item has the attribute +90 Magic Power and an additional +25 percent Magic Power. By using the Holy Crystal, he will get an additional 15 percent Magic Power for 3 seconds as a passive ability. This will affect the level of skill damage given to the opponent.
Antique Cuirass

Antique Cuirass will reduce the enemy's Physical Attack by 10 percent. The increase in HP and defense items is very large and will certainly make your hero thicker and stronger. Playing HP is also very useful for heroes, whether in war or not.
This item has a passive ability called deterrence. This item reduces the opponent's physical attack by 8 percent when it hits the opponent. This effect lasts for 2 seconds and has a maximum stack of 3.
This item is perfect for MMOP counters like Clint. Not only MM, roles like fighter and assassin are also very effective if you compete with this item.

With Immortality, he will come back to life and protect his teammates to ensure victory during the war.
By using this item, you don't need to be afraid of death. Because I have free time. If it takes time to ask a friend to back up, there's still time.
Immortality also adds 800 HP and 40 physical defense. Immortality as many items are very important when the battle enters the second half of the game. With this item, you can come back to life after death by getting a shield that can absorb 15 percent of HP and 2201200 damage.
Unique Passive-Imotral: Resurrected 2.5 seconds after removed, gains a shield that can absorb 15 percent HP and 220 – 1200 damage. (Scaling on hero level). The shield lasts for 3 seconds. Cooldown for this effect is 210 seconds.
Athena's Shield

Athena's shield is perfect for Johnson because in addition to getting Magic DEF it also reduces the Magic Damage received by 25 percent.
Applying a shield every few seconds will give a new effect that reduces the magic damage you take for 5 seconds the first time you take magic damage by 25.
This effect causes a 10 second cooldown every time you exit the game, so players don't take as much burst damage than before. Athena Shield will be the most popular item for countering magical damage.
Also read: The Best Johnson Combo Hero, Try It Now!
Twilight Armor

This Johnson build item is a counter for heroes with burst damage in the late game. The 20 percent CRIT Damage Reduction effect makes Johnson not easily killed by Marksman in the late game. One more thing, this item will reduce 20 percent of the Physical Damage received as well.
Twilight Armor is a defensive item used to deal with mobile legends heroes who have a lot of physical damage. This item offers 1200 HP, 400 mana, 20 percent less critical damage and is perfect for both tanks and hunters.
Usually, this $2100 item is purchased to reduce the attacks of heroes with high burst damage. Twilight Armor has a passive effect that can reduce incoming physical damage by up to 900 points. Therefore, this item is used to significantly reduce the damage the enemy can produce.
Also read: Listen! This is the MLBB Johnson Counter Hero Row
This is information regarding the selection of Johnson build items that hurt in season 25. For the latest information on other Mobile Legends hero builds, please visit VCGamers.