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The Painful Aurora Build Item in Mobile Legends 2022

Aurora builds
Aurora is Aulus' counter hero

Get the win in Mobile Legends is a must for all Aurora user players. Here, we discuss the item, build Aurora in 2022 to get the win.

In this Hero Mobile Legends article, we will discuss about the mage Aurora, Queen of the North. Aurora, born in a windstorm and possessing immense power to control ice and snow, is the queen of the northernmost land of Nost Gal. 

He is rarely picked, however, having him on the team as the second mage/support is very helpful in team fights as he provides great AoE Crowd Control and Burst for the team to finish off enemies. He has very high potential, and he is quite easy to play. 

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In this article, we will guide you about the sickest Aurora build item in Mobile Legends 2022.

List of the Painful 2022 Aurora MLBB Build Items

This hero is very dependent on items, especially during the late game. It is important to choose the right Aurora build item for it. You can choose a build using core and generic items for it.

Enchanted Talisman (ET)

Aurora builds
Enchated Talisman

This item is the first Aurora build item that you want to get after basic boots. 20 percent CDR ET allows you to issue skills more often in the early game.

Passive Mana Spring also solves her mana management issues and you can start spamming her skills. 

This item solves two problems (CD & mana) and gets it online really fast since it's cheap.

Ice Queen Wand (IQW)

Aurora builds
Ice Queen

IQW is very important because all his skills have a slow effect and stacking them with IQW slows him down even more. Additional movement speed helps you roam and magic lifesteal helps you survive. Get IQW after building full boots.

After getting these two items (with boots), you can win the game with them if you play them right.

Rapid Boot

Aurora builds

This item is the most useful as it provides a huge boost in movement speed allowing you to venture to where team fights are happening. Rapid Boots also functions to generate more magic damage.

One of the movement items that is suitable for those of you who are playing as roamers or observers.

Your movement speed will be very fast if you experience out of combat. However, if you are damaged, your movement speed will decrease by 45 points.

Lightning Truncheon

Aurora builds
Lightning Trunceon

This Aurora build item gives it more CDR and burst damage with its passive. Buy this item if the assassin and the enemy mm don't see you as a threat.

Divine Glaive also gives him burst potential. You can also replace this item with Lightning Truncheon if you are looking for more CDR and cast ultimate more often.

Deals bonus magic damage that increases with the maximum Mana of the hero with the next magic skill up to 3 enemies. This effect is triggered every 6 seconds.

Winter Truncheons

Aurora builds
Winter Truncheons

If you are the first target in team fights, buy Winter Truncheon because it activates when enemies attack you. Winter Truncheon is also useful for increasing HP besides the very high magic power boost.

Increases magical attack damage by 15 percent after the skill hits the target. Subsequent skill damage cancels this effect. This effect has a duration of 3 seconds and a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Also read: Best Zilong MLBB Battle Spells and Build Items for 2022

Necklace of Durance

Aurora builds
Necklace Of Durance

If the composition of the enemy team has regen heroes like Uranus, Estes, Esmeralda, and Rafaela, you are a suitable hero to build a Necklace of Durance. This is a complete item (decent magic power, CDR, lifesteal magic) that helps against regen heroes.

You can follow the Aurora build perfectly or even change it a bit. Do whatever it takes to become legends!

Also read: The Sickest Harley Build 2022

Those were the painful Aurora build items in Mobile Legends 2022 that you can use. Don't let you just be a burden on the team.

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