Listen! This is Investment Guide in GTA V

GTA V investment guide so that you can easily buy all the mission requirements needed in the game.
GTA V Investment Guide
GTA V Investment Guide. Source: VCGamers

Since the unavailability of money cheats on the latest releases of masterpieces Rockstar Currently, the GTA V investment guide is a topic that is very commonly searched through Google. As one of the most important resources in games, indeed money is everything.

The absence of money cheat on GTA V is not without cause. This was deliberately done by the developer because Rockstar slowly wants to implement its own metaverse concept through the Grand Theft Auto lineup.

The news that was heard states that this concept will be realized in GTA VI in the future. And like the previous metaverse, Non-fungible token system or NFTs will also be applied as the prevailing monetary base there.

It is for this reason that money cheats were abolished in GTA V: so that players get used to making money manually, so that later they will be ready when they have to adapt to GTA VI. Regardless of whether this news is true or not, of course we'll just have to wait for Rockstar's official confirmation later.

So, before it's released, let's learn how to invest in GTA V first. As long as the money used is only in-game currency and doesn't have any exchange value! There will be some important tips for investing money in GTA V, so read this article carefully!

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Monetary System in GTA V

GTA V Investment Guide
GTA V Investment Guide. Source: VCGamers

Yep, making money is indeed a tricky thing in this one GTA game. If previously the existence of money was not something meaningful because of cheats, but not so in the latest installation.

Like it or not, players have to rack their brains in such a way as to get money. Just like in the real world, players can make money doing various things.

Starting from doing business, selling vehicles, to extreme and illegal things typical of GTA games, such as robbing, racing, and committing murders.

But apart from all that, there is another mode of making money that is quite tempting: investing in stocks (stock exchange). This mode is used by many players, seeing its effectiveness in generating a lot of money in a relatively short time and relatively minimal risk.

If you do it right, it's not impossible for you to roll in money and become millionaires! Of course, to be able to do it well, certain tips are needed. That's why we will provide the following guide!

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GTA V Investment Guide

Invest in GTA V to Get Rich Quick
Invest in GTA V to Get Rich Quick. Source: VCGamers

Just like in the real world, the goal of playing stocks in GTA V is to make a profit by buying when prices are low and selling when prices are high.

Stock ups and downs are influenced by many things, such as the main story that has been completed, the number of in-game purchases, and including the presence of other players.

But apart from that there will be several other crucial aspects that can be done to influence market prices, namely the following:

Influence Market Prices with Missions

As part of the main storyline and at the same time a form of tutorial in playing stocks, you will be required to complete several assassination missions (Assassination).

The people who were eliminated on the mission were those who had an influence on the company they belonged to. Their death can significantly affect the rise or fall of the company's stock price.

For this reason, before killing an influential person in a company, make sure that you invest in a rival company. That way the price of the shares you invest can soar up to two times!

Seeing Stock Trends

Of course there will be limits to the above method, seeing as people who can be "finished off" don't always grow. And if those available have run out, it doesn't mean that players can no longer look for profitable ways from playing stocks.

The next way, of course, is to make investments like the real thing in the real world: understand the prevailing trends. Of course, if Vicigers wants to apply this trick, he has to learn more or less about how to actually play stocks.

As a tip, you can see a graph of rising and falling prices. Some stocks have fairly consistent charts and can be predicted when they rise and fall. Investing in stocks like this is fairly safe to acquire.

In addition, Vicigers can also invest in large corporations with relatively safe continuity. For example, 'Ammu-nation' as a seller of weapons and ammunition, is certainly quite stable seeing so many people buying weapons, bullets and other combat equipment.

Rockstar's GTA game
Rockstar's GTA game. Source: VCGamers
Also read: What GTA V Stocks to Buy in 2023? Watch This!

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