Fanny. Source: Mobile Legends
If we talk about Mobile Legends, there will be no end to this one game with a single term. One of the terms that you may often encounter is Hyper ML. This term is a term to describe one of the game roles in Mobile Legends.
Usually when the players are in the draft pick, there are always players who talk about this hyper ML. I don't know if it's him who wants to be hyper, or he who asks who wants to be hyper. Then, what exactly is hyper ML?
So, for those of you who are wondering about hyper ML, here is the full explanation.
Hyper ML is a term that is often used to refer to a hero who will be in control of a team's attack.
In the early game, hyper heroes will be focused on farming first. The goal is to make him able to get items so as to give sick skills to the enemy when entering the mid to late game.
Besides that, in Mobile Legends, the term hyper can also be interpreted as a strategy. Because a team only relies on one hero to deal damage to the enemy.
Whatever the meaning of hyper, what is clear is that the point of this hero is to be the main damage for the team. And other team members must be able to protect and support the hero.
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Usually, heroes who can take on the role of hyper are heroes who are very sick in the mid to late game. Such as marksman heroes, assassins, and several fighter and tank heroes.
The task of the hyper ml hero is as the core of the team's attack to defeat the enemy and protect the base from enemy attacks.
If the hyper hero can make the build finish earlier than the enemy hyper, then the team can take control of the game and lead to victory.
Also read: 5 Hero Fighters Suitable for Hyper ML, Really OP!
But to be able to make hyper fast items is not easy. Therefore the team must create a strategy. And one strategy that can be used is hyper carry.
This strategy requires the team to be in a 1-3-1 formation. This formation has a hero composition, namely 1 hyper carry hero, 1 tank, 1 support / mage, and 2 fighter heroes.
So that hyper heroes can get more gold and increase their level. And items that must be purchased by hyper can also be obtained in a short time.
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Here are some hyper heroes that you can use while pushing rank: Claude, Fanny, Granger, Karrie, Ling, Gusion, Hayabusa, Lancelot, Aldous, Harley, Dyrroth, Akai, Thamuz, Jawhead, Martis, Saber, and many more .
You can choose one of the heroes above or choose another hero. Whatever your choice, what matters is the ability to play the hero and according to the needs of the team.
Also read: Aldous ‘Epic’, The Late Game Fighter!
That's our discussion this time about hyper ML. Don't forget to top up diamonds cheaply, quickly, safely, and easily, only at VCGamers Marketplace!
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