Hu Tao Genshin Impact is one of the DPS that includes SS Tier among the characters that have been released by HoYoVerse.
The director of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is considered one of the strongest DPS characters and is included in the Big Three DPS Liyue along with Ganyu and Xiao.
Hu Tao just got rerun Banner in 2.2 is with Thoma and the Staff of Homa weapon so those of you who get it need a way build correct.
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This article will discuss various recommendations for build Hu Tao Genshin Impact starts from priority skills to team recommendations that have been adapted to the various artifacts and weapons that have been released.
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Hu Tao Build Recommendations for Genshin Impact
Skill Priority for Build Hu Tao Genshin impact

Before discussing the others, it's good for us to know the capabilities skills Hu Tao Genshin Impact so that later you will know which ability you better prioritize first.
Hu Tao's Normal Attack consisted of 6 consecutive attacks. Charged Attack from Hu Tao Genshin Impact gives damage the highest among the other Normal Attacks so you can optimize its use while playing.

Hu Tao's elemental skill is Guide to Afterlife will replace Hu Tao's Normal/Charged Attack with Pyro DMG Bonus for a certain duration.
When using elemental skills, Hu Tao's HP will decrease by 30% from Hu Tao's total HP however damage given will be greater.
If Hu Tao's HP is below 50% then damage generated the most so you have to play with Hu Tao always when his HP is low.
This effect will disappear if you replace Hu Tao with another character. But if you have got passive skills Flutter By.
When the duration of the effect elemental skills Hu Tao runs out or you replace another character, the effect will give Crit Rate to another character.
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elementals bursts from Hu tao Genshin Impact, namely Spirit Shooter will restore Hu Tao's HP and deal AoE Pyro DMG to enemies around Hu Tao.
A good rotation when using Hu Tao is that you use elemental skills beforehand while collecting energy particles to wear elemental burst.
When Hu Tao's HP is very low, then you use it elemental burst. HP returned from bursts it will also be bigger when Hu Tao's HP is below 50%.

Hu Tao has skills interesting which will give a sign called Blood Blossom after using elemental skills or bursts.
Blood Blossoms will signal a flower that deals Pyro DMG for a certain interval.
All skills Hu Tao really supports Hu Tao to earn damage big one so if you can you have to maximize all the levels.
But you can prioritize the order skills the level up is Normal Attack> Elemental Skill> Elemental Burst.
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Matching Artifacts for Build Hu Tao Genshin Impact
Hu Tao's Genshin Impact ability was that good elemental skills and elemental burst count more (scale) of Hu Tao's total HP so stat You also need HP to increase the total HP lift.
So that build Hu Tao Genshin Impact you have damage the big one you will need stat artifacts that is Crit Rate/DMG, HP or HP%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and ATK or ATK%.
You will also need sub-stat Elemental Mastery due to Hu Tao Genshin Impact will produce damage a huge amount of elemental reactions when you use the character support with other elements such as Hydro.
Recommended artifacts for build Hu Tao Genshin Impact is the Crimson Witch of Flames and Shimenawa's Reminiscence.
damage The results of these two artifacts are practically comparable, so you only need to match which artifacts match gameplay you.
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4 sets of Crimson Witch of Flames arguably the most suitable artifact for Hu Tao because aThe Crimson Witch of Flames artifact will increase Overloaded and Burning DMG elemental reactions by 40%, as well as increase Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%.
In addition, the Crimson Witch of Flames will increase the 2-Piece Set Bonus (+ Pyro DMG Bonus + 15%) by 50% from its initial value for 10 seconds if you use elemental skills Hu Tao Genshin Impact.
This artifact will be very suitable for those of you who are happy with gameplay which places greater emphasis on elemental reactions than elemental skills and elemental burst.
4 sets of Shimenawa's Reminiscence is another artifact recommended for build Hu Tao Genshin Impact.
This artifact will be suitable for those of you who prefer to use charged attack where is one damage the greatest Hu Tao Genshin Impact resulted from this attack.
Shimenawa's Reminiscence will increase ATK when Hu Tao uses it elemental skills. ATK is Normal/Charged/Plunging Attack DMG of 50% in 10 seconds.
However, when using this artifact you need to be careful because it will reduce the time energy Hu Tao so you will have quite a bit longer to use elemental burst Hu Tao Genshin Impact.
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Weapon Recommendations for Build Hu Tao Genshin Impact

Recommended weapons for build Hu Tao Genshin Impact is currently still 5 star weapon Staff of Homa.
Besides stat ATk and sub-stat Crit DMG, Staff of Homa will also give Hu Tao additional HP and bonus ATK based on the percent of Hu Tao's total HP skill-his.
But the Staff of Homa is a weapon limited which is included in the Weapon Wish Banner so it will be difficult to get this weapon.
You can also use the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear as a substitute for the Staff of Homa because you can get it at any time from the Standard Wish Banner.
But of course you can also use alternative 4-star weapons build Hu Tao Genshin Impact. You need to find a weapon that has stat ATK, Crit DMG/ Rate or Elemental Mastery.

Recommended 4 star weapon for build Hu Tao Genshin Impact is a Deadmatch that you can get from buying the Gnostic Hymn for the Battle Pass.
Blackliff Pole will also be very good for Hu Tao as it will improve crit DMG.
You can get this weapon by exchanging Masterless Starglitter at Paimon's Bargain every 2 months alternately with the royal weapon series.

You can also use Dragon's Bane and The Catch. You can get The Catch for free by exchanging certain fish at the Inazuma Fishing Association.
Both of these weapons will deliver build Hu Tao Genshin Impact additional Elemental Mastery.
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Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Build Hu Tao Genshin Impact
Strength damage build You can see Hu Tao Genshin Impact from the smaller Hu Tao's remaining HP.
The closer to the number below 50% Hu Tao's total HP, then damage the more you earn.
When you play with Hu Tao, make sure Hu Tao's HP is low.
Therefore Hu Tao Genshin Impact is not suitable for you to use together support Healers, especially with Healers who can instantly provide full HP healing like Sangonomiya Kokomi or Jean.
Hu Tao Genshin Impact will not match either party which contains full Pyro so you need other elements to be able to carry out elemental reactions and provide damage the big one.
Basically Hu Tao will be very suitable for you to use with Xingqiu as support.
Xingqiu's elemental burst will greatly give Hu Tao the ability to continue to give damage from Vaporize.
You can use the rest of the team slots as freely as you like but it is highly recommended to use them shielder like Zhongli so Hu Tao doesn't die quickly.
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If you're worried that Hu Tao will die quickly, in fact, Hu Tao himself already has the ability healing from elemental burst.
In addition, Xingqiu can also restore HP during the duration elemental burst Xingqiu is finished.

Team recommendation 1 are Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, and free for example Albedo. Albedo and Zhongli combined would give Hu Tao damage addition of Geo Resonance.

Team recommendation 2 were Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Thoma, and Sucrose. Thoma can be used as an alternative shielder which is good enough to replace Zhongli.
Besides that, Thoma will give more Pyro to carry out elemental reactions because Hu Tao cannot apply Pyro, which can carry out elemental reactions. swirl with the character Anemo.
You can replace Sucrose with other Anemo characters like Venti and Kaedehara Kazuha.

Team recommendation 3 are Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Fischl, and Beidou. Similar to the previous team, this team will take advantage damage from elemental reactions overloaded.
You can also use Beidou as a shielder in addition to providing Electro and Fischl elements can be off-field support.