When a team plays a rank match Mobile Legends, surely there will be players assigned to use the Tank hero. Then, what is the team like in a rank match in Mobile Legends without the Tank hero? Can you win?
With a higher emphasis on fast-paced and goal-oriented gameplay in rank match Mobile Legends. All teams are looking for ways to dominate the game early on, hoping to finish the match as soon as possible.
This article will discuss how to win a rank match in Mobile Legends without a tank, and there are some of the best heroes to replace tanks in a rank match in Mobile Legends.
Here's how to win easily in rank matches in Mobile Legends without a Tank hero on the team.
How to Win in Rank Match Mobile Legends

This style of play starts in the draft phase, where the team will look for 2 Mage/Support in the mid lane as opposed to 1 Tank/Support and 1 Mage/Support.
The key idea behind playing without tanks in a rank match in Mobile Legends is to have a good early game and mid game to avoid extending the match too long into the late game.
Mage and Support characters are also known to have higher damage output in the early game compared to Tanks. Thus, 4-5 heroes on your team must have a good early game for this tactic to work, including Jungler.
Assassin Junglers hold more precedent than Marksman Junglers in this meta due to the fact that they are better at farming and getting kills in the early game.
Basically, you have to choose 1 Mage with high damage output potential in the early game. 1 Mage/Support with good Crowd Control (CC) skills to replace the Tank hero.
Assassin Junglers can farm and get kills early, and one or both offlaners can easily clear minions and push turrets.
Tank Substitute Hero in Rank Match Mobile Legends
Most of these strategies rely on the high damage output of the Mage, so choosing a hero with a good mix of continuous and burst damage is very important.
Having some form of Crowd Control (CC) skill on the hero is also good, as it helps replace some of the lost CC from the Tank.

Known for his eternal fireballs and annoying stun and slow, Valir is a threat starting from level 1. By taking his Skill 1 first, as long as he hits the enemy hero in the middle with his skill, it will refresh and get another stack, allowing him to play aggressively from the start.
Valir is a good hero to play as a substitute for a Tank, so he can take on the role of a Mage or Support, because his Skill 2 can push the enemy backwards, effectively keeping the Jungler and himself safe from sudden attacks and enemy gangs.
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Hero Mage Lylia may look cute, but she actually lands a nasty punch early. One of the unique heroes who has Skill 1 and Skill 2 from the start, he can deal enormous damage before the enemy can react with the Skill 1 + Skill 2 combo.
However, Lylia doesn't have much CC apart from her Slow Effect, so make sure to pair her with good support and CC skills.

This newest hero is also able to play in a newer meta. Mathilda as a Tank replacement is ideal, as she can use her Skill 2 to give her allies an extra punch against them.
This hero can help you escape from difficult situations. His Skill 1 is also very useful for poking enemies early in the game, which can deal enormous damage and force the enemy to recall.
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Prioritize your hero choices according to what makes you comfortable and confident in playing. Play with a hero who can be aggressive from the early game, and keep pressing enemies on all three lanes.
With a little luck and a lot of skill, you will definitely win the game in the Mobile Legends rank match even without using a tank.
Those are some ways to win a rank match in Mobile Legends without a Tank hero. So, you have to be smart in playing rank matches in Mobile Legends so you don't lose to the enemy team.