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How to Play MLBB Solo and Secure Wins Easily

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Here are some easy tips and tricks you can use to survive playing solo MLBB and come out on top, either in rank or normal games.

Ever get tired of losing rank games just because you left to play MLBB solo? If so, you're in luck because this MLBB solo play guide can help you win more games.

These MLBB solo play tricks are designed based on the meta, tactics and things you should know to play more effectively, regardless of whether you are short on members or have bad teammates. But, before that, there are things you should know and be prepared for when you play MLBB solo.

Tips to Remember When Playing Solo MLBB

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Be prepared to accept the fact that there is a possibility that you will be paired with good and bad teammates, whether they are toxic players, feeders, pros and others. Knowing that, your hero of choice should always be a capable hero;

  • Carry as an MLBB solo player. You don't have to rely 100 percent on your teammates as long as they provide enough tanks to absorb a certain amount of damage or lure skills from enemies when you deal damage.
  • Your hero should always have a clear and distinct advantage when fighting, such as CC, higher burst or DPS output, reasonable sustain, decent basic attack damage (because turret push is the way to win the game and not kill).

Note that this tip is high risk and high reward, so if you feel you can't perform well as a carry then try to be the front line of the team.

Now that your hero choices are clearer, let's consider team composition. As we all know, many players prefer to choose to play carry, so now facing a difficult choice for one; trust them to carry and, how efficient is the comp team?

There are instances where you have to make sacrificial choices to fill out a team, but you can always go the stubborn route even if this will only make you more frustrated.

Things to Consider For Team Comps

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Know and accept the fact that most players will choose to choose the role of mage, assassin, and marksman, making you more or less act as a tank or fighter. Now, if you are lucky enough to land one of the carry roles or roles you want, take it (provided you have the confidence in your skills to carry it).

Apart from seeing the team comp, also look at the enemy because the early phases of the game more or less tell the results of the match. But of course it still boils down to the skill of each player.

The only difference is the difficulty of how you will go off the other track because, let's face it, there are heroes who are amazing at clearing waves and enemy minions.

In short, each hero is much better suited to perform certain tasks. This should then determine what type of hero you will choose. Will it be a tank and utility hero like the Minotaur? Or a DPS tank like Hylos? Or maybe an initiator like Chou or Alpha. It basically depends on the composition of the two teams.

Finally, in the composition of the team, you also have to consider what tactics you can apply. Of course, most players often only knew of the direct tactic where they brutally confronted the enemy head-on regardless of composition or losses.

As a solo player, this is important for you to consider regardless of your role in the team. Once you understand what tactics you can and can't use when playing solo MLBB, you can basically coordinate with your team or decide more easily instead of wasting precious seconds hesitating.

Also read: 5 Jungle Marksman Heroes Who Are Still Remaining in the Current MLBB Meta, Who's Your Hero?

Know When To Play MLBB Solo And When Not

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The last and most important thing you should know above all else when playing solo MLBB is playing time.

We're sure since you've been playing Mobile Legends for a while now, you'll basically understand the time frame in which most of the players you hate play.

For example, if it's the weekend, more or less because you'll find more children playing during this time.

So, it's not advisable to take the risk (of course it's still basically your decision). Our point is that regardless of whether you are new or not, you should also consider your solo MLBB time.

Also read: The Best Hero for Countering Esmeralda in Offlane MLBB, Just Use This Bro!

Risk a few games, make observations about it and eventually, it will pay off. The only bad thing is that you limit yourself from playing in these moments. But, taking a break from the game from time to time isn't so bad.

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