You should be able to use a sniper in Miramar PUBG correctly. We have specially summarized for Vicigers friends how to use a sniper in Miramar PUBG. Definitely auto kill!
Miramar is the largest map in PUBG Mobile in terms of dimensions. Due to its vast size and lack of cover, the desert map has become the best hunting ground for sniper users in the game. However, sniping is an art that needs to be executed perfectly to get more kills in it.
Although it takes time to execute the art of sniping perfectly, a thorough knowledge of the functionality of Sniper Rifles can be of great help to you.
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Here are some ways to use a sniper in Miramar PUBG correctly. It is certain that you will play like a pro player.
How To Use Sniper In Miramar
Choose the Best Sensitivity Setting

One of the earliest ways to use a sniper in Miramar is to choose the best sensitivity settings. Sensitivity settings play an important role in the proper functioning of the weapon.
When a sniper takes one shot to take down an enemy, it becomes important to get the shot right. As a result, you have to fix the sensitivity setting properly.
Those of you playing with the Gyroscope turned on should keep the ADS Sensitivity lower than the others. Furthermore, the Camera Sensitivity cannot be too low or too high (preferably between 100 and 150).
Complete the Best Scope and Attachment

The next way to use a sniper in Miramar is choosing the scope and attachments. Sniper and DMR are the only weapons in PUBG MObile that can combine 8x scope. Scope 8x can be used for long-range snipers, which is the main function of a sniper rifle.
However, to improve their sniping skills and get more kills in Miramar, players must learn how to change scopes.
For medium range sniping, you have to choose a 4x or 6x scope. They can even use the built-in customization options found in 8x and 6x scopes to convert them to 4x scopes.
Attachments, on the other hand, can also help you in using snipers. The Suppressor helps drown out the noise that stuns enemies who can't decide where to take cover and die in the process.
Practice On The Training Ground

Before actually plunging into Miramar in classic mode, how to use a sniper in Miramar is to practice first. A training ground has been provided at PUBG Mobile for players to improve their skills.
You can choose any sniper and equip it with any scope to practice and improve your shooting skills.
Since there are different sets of targets (both fixed and moving) located in different places, you can polish your skills and thus perform better in classic matches in Miramar.
You won't be able to know how to use a sniper in Miramar well until you practice first. You have to be able to adjust to your taste in the game.
Find The Best Sniping Spots In The Safe Zone

Try to find a good sniping spot that is within the safe zone. If you stop at a place just at the border of the safe zone, or even beyond it, you won't be able to stay there for long.
The shrinking safe zone will force you to move after a few minutes. So, head to the sniping area closer to the center of the safe zone, where you'll get more time to wait for enemies to enter your sights. This spot is one way to properly use a sniper in Miramar. Don't just spot.
Also read: This Is The Painful Sniper In PUBG 2022, There's Mk14 EBR!
Use the Best Sniper

AWM is the best sniper in PUBG Mobile that you can take from airdrops that are dropped in the air. With it, you can do one-shot headshot kills on enemies with level three helmets. Make sure you pick up AWM and some ammo whenever you get the chance to do it.
However, you probably won't come across AWM very often. Outside of air-dropped crates, the M24 and Kar98 are the two preferred guns for shooting.
The M24 is the best sniper out of the crate, as it has very high base damage and excellent range. The Kar98K is also a good choice for sniping, as it has less recoil than the AWM and M24.
Also read: AWM PUBG Mobile, AKM and M416: Here's Why They Became Kings Of Guns!
Those were some ways to use a sniper in Miramar PUBG correctly. Don't just play snping without knowing how to use it. Good luck!