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How to Get Rid of Water in the Latest Minecraft 2023

One way to get rid of water in Minecraft is to use lava or gravel and sand when finding it.
Minecraft removes water
Minecraft removes water. Source: Youtube.

There is water in the game Minecraft. However, it can seriously interfere with gameplay if used in the wrong place. You can remove the water in Minecraft in several ways.

Minecraft is games where players create their own home and world at will. However, sometimes something gets in the way like a swamp or water when building a certain base.

Don't let these problems or obstacles stop you, because there is always a solution.

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Well, today we'll show you the best way to get rid of water in Minecraft!

Also read: The Easy Way to Make a Water Lift in Minecraft

How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft 2023

Vicigers You can follow different ways to get rid of water in Minecraft in different situations. While the smaller ones are fairly easy to clean up, the larger ones may take more time to remove.

You can do how to get rid of water in Minecraft by changing the water source, using sponges, sand, empty buckets and using flammable materials.

Change Water Source

Sponge. Source: Youtube.

Water in Minecraft always starts from a different direction block water sources. You can see this water source block seamlessly.

In order not to spread and fill the place, use solid blocks and replace the water source by placing blocks on it.

Use Sand

Water sand. Source: Youtube.

Another method you can use for Minecraft involves using sand or gravel to speed up the filling and removing part of the procedure.

Gain access to the zone the Vicigers want to clear so you can stand on the water's surface and fill it with pebbles. Every time you place a block on the surface, it will sink until the column is full.

Repeat this step for each block with water you want to remove. The only work left is removing the column currently standing in the water.

Dig into one corner of the body of water so Vicigers will have two solid blocks showing below the lowest gravel block. Then, destroy the bottom of one of them and replace it with a torch.

To clear sand or gravel, remove any remaining solid blocks and allow others to fall on the torch. You must repeat this process for each block previously occupied by water.

Vicigers You can use the guide above as a way to remove water in Minecraft underwater because gravel and sand are affected by gravity.

Use a sponge

Minecraft Removes Water
Sponge. Source: Youtube.

Those of you who want to know how to remove water in Minecraft from the Ocean Monument can use a sponge as their savior. Sponge block It can only be generated in the sponge room in the oceanic monument or you can defeat it to get it.

Put walls in between to divide the water into small sections, then place a sponge in the middle of each section. You can also put it on the wall, but its effectiveness at removing water will be lower.

The sponge can absorb water within a 7 block radius of itself and turn into a wet sponge. Wet smelting in the furnace can make it dry again.

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Use an Empty Bucket

Empty bucket in Minecraft
Sponge Remove Water Minecraft. Source: VCGamers.

You can craft buckets by placing three V-shaped iron ingots on their crafting table. In order to dump water in Minecraft with an empty bucket, you need to look at the water source and right-click on it while holding the bucket with your hand. Minecraft water buckets can be very useful if Vicigers can use them properly.

Use Combustible Materials and Lava

Lava. Source: VCGamers.

Using fire is arguably the most instant way to get rid of water in Minecraft. You can squish any area of water you want with wool, wood, or leaves. 

When the area is full of materials, use steel and flint to start a fire. This method will remove the material as well as the original water without leaving a trace.

If Vicigers prefer to use the method on how to remove water in Minecraft without a sponge, you can use lava. When the lava hits a block of water, it will turn it into stone. If fire comes into contact with a water source, it will turn into obsidian.

Although this method or trick may sound impractical, it can help those of you who want to get rid of water and also mine stones in the game.

Also read: Minecraft Ways to Remove Water Using Command

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