Recently, Ojol the Game has become one of them game which is currently viral in Indonesia. How to play Ojol the Game?
The phenomenon of motorbike taxi transportation on line or what is abbreviated as ojol is very close to everyday life.
Moreover, we often hear many stories on social media about drivers who encounter many unique incidents while they are working.
No need to go directly into the field, now you can experience this through Ojol the Game.
This game may seem quite complex for those who are playing it for the first time. Therefore, let's see how to play Ojol the Game below!
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Ojol The Game Gameplay

Ojol the Game is a simulation genre game developed by CodeXplore on January 18 2021.
This game was launched for two platforms, namely Android and iOS. You can download it via Playstore and Apple Store on each device.
When you first enter the game, you will be directed to create a username. You can also connect your Google account or CDX ID to play this game.
Next, you will be directed to choose one of the two default characters available and followed by choosing two online motorcycle taxi companies, Gojol and Grep.

The game will start from a simple boarding house with a simple motorbike. Later, you can upgrade the type of motorbike, helmet, jacket, etc smartphones from the Inventory menu.
To upgrade your riding equipment, collect money from the orders you receive. If you want it faster, you can also buy coins with prices starting from IDR. 3000 only.
Also read: How to Refill Energy and Gasoline on Ojol The Game
How to Play Ojol The Game for Beginners
After watching a little excerpt from Ojol the Game, now it's time to learn how to play this game. Here is the guide!
Receive Orders

When an order is received, a notification will be sent to the player. You can see it on the icon smartphones which is on the right side of the screen.
The notification contains order details from customers such as location, distance, and rates. If you want to take the order, select the "ACCEPT" menu and select the red "X" icon to reject it.
After accepting the order offered by the application, go to the motorbike and follow the road according to the map on the cellphone screen.
Completing Orders

After receiving the order, follow the map until you arrive at the location where you will pick up the customer. To call them, sound the horn by pressing the icon at the bottom left of the screen.
People who order your online motorcycle taxi service will come and get on the motorbike. From here, follow the map again to take it to its destination.
When you arrive at your destination, you will again receive a notification on your smartphone screen. Select the "Complete Order" menu and you are ready to accept new orders.
Recharging Energy

Energy has an important role so that players can still take their ojol orders. Like humans in general, characters in games can also feel tired after taking a lot of orders.
If you lack energy, you won't be able to take online motorcycle taxi orders as usual. There are three ways to recharge energy. Here is the list:
- Buy food or drinks at the pecel lele stall
- Return to the rental to sleep
- Purchase energy through the in-game shop using coins
Refill Gasoline

Apart from energy, petrol is also an important thing in Ojol the Game that you have to pay attention to. You can see how much petrol is left in the tank via the indicator at the top left of the screen.
To refill petrol, you can go to the nearest gas station around you or buy it through the in-game shop using coins.
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