DPS Units Mobile Legends long range are usually Marksman and Mage. Long-range physical DPS heroes in Mobile Legends are very strong, and there is no better choice between the two. They are both equally good, and equally indispensable in any team.
Mage/DPS Mobile Legends are units that deal damage that has a big impact on the game. They are some of the most reliable and important damage dealers a team can have as their kit allows them to perform powerful burst skills and reliable damage.
In addition to damage handling skills, Mage/DPS Mobile Legends can have many CC skills that allow them to combine CC skills, explode to kill unexpected enemies.
Mages/Physical are mostly played in the midlane, because they have a lot of strong skills that allow them to push lanes and clear minion waves quickly.
The absolute best thing you can do as a Mage is push your lane, buy the required items, and then quickly venture into one of the side lanes.
Even if you're not going to kill an enemy laner as a Mage/Physical, you should be able to cut their HP until they're low enough to fall back and remember. (thus resulting in more push lanes and ability to gank)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming DPS Mobile Legends

- – Has kill pressure
- – Can wave clearly
- – Can roam
- - Can bro
- – Can acquire solo skills
- – Is the core of any team that needs DPS Mobile Legends

- – Pretty slick (doesn't have a strong defense or a lot of HP)
- – Can be very thirsty for mana (especially Mages)
- – Can be forced out of the lane easily if the enemy gangs up
How to Position As DPS Mobile Legends

As a Mage/Physical DPS Mobile Legends, you always want to be behind the minions and farming until the enemy is within reach. If they are within your range and your skills increase, you may be able to get solo kills. If not, keep farming, get XP and gold.
Never go ahead otherwise your opponent will see you walking towards them and they have a points advantage, you'll probably be dead in seconds. So, wait for the team and tanks or fighters to advance.
When farming, you want to farm, kill enemy laners (if possible) or simply force them to remember. Then, walk down to the river and grab the crab (for sight).
Once you do, you can walk into the enemy's tower and destroy it. If you can do that, then you have priority to take some jungle camps.
Repeat this until you get a lot of gold/XP, and have an advantage over your opponent. Lastly, you must force a teamfight with a Tank, Support, or other members, and eliminate the enemy.
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Build DPS Mobile Legends

Depending on the hero you choose, you can choose strong Magic damage items or Attack damage. For DPS Mobile Legends heroes, you always want to prioritize spell vamp, because with that much damage, you will be able to restore quite a lot of HP.
That's not only helpful against creeps but also in team fights when you can let supports take their eyes off of you for a moment.
Besides that, you need to get reduced cooldown and Mana regeneration, especially if you play Mage. The more you advance in the game, the more you should also turn your attention to penetration items. They will help destroy the tanks ahead and give you access to enemy side lanes much more quickly.
DPS Mobile Legends heroes

The meta is always changing, so you should try to choose a strong hero in the current patch. Make sure you check the Mobile Legends tier list to find out the latest top tier DPS Mobile Legends heroes.
Also read: Why is Athena's Shield the Best Magic Resist Item in MLBB? Here's the reason Bro!
To get better at the game, make sure you read our Mobile Legends article, where you can find all the basics of the game!