In this newest game, you can play in the newest way. Where is there a way to play split screen on Modern Warfare 2. Gameplay that you feel will be very different and more fun.
The cool game Modern Warfare 2 will be released soon. This one shooter game that gamers have been waiting for. You can already order or pre-sale this game before its official release.
With the multiplayer mode officially going live on October 28, 2022, expectations are a bit high, especially after the success of the competitive mode's beta period.
Many new features are coming with this latest game, and many gamers are asking about split screen and how to enable it in game.
Fortunately, unlike other shooter games, Call of Duty has become one of the games that support the feature Split Screen for the players.
If you want to know how to play split screen in this cool game, you can read this article till the end.
How to Play Split Screen in Modern Warfare 2

Split-screen gameplay in Modern Warfare 2 will be very similar to that of Modern Warfare (2019). Since the game hasn't been officially released yet, it's uncertain whether Activision will change the settings or not.
However, judging by how the developer optimized the previous game, it is likely that enabling it in this game will be very similar to what was in the prequel.
How to play split screen in Modern Warfare 2, you need to follow the steps below;
- Open the game, then go to Multiplayer settings. It will be under the main settings tab on the home page, so you shouldn't have a problem finding it.
- It will then be prompted to connect a second controller to the console, and press X/A to enter, depending on whether it's on the Xbox or PlayStation platform.
- Next, you must select and enter the account that will be played. Preferably, a friend's account, with whom you will be sharing your screen, in the shooter's multiplayer experience.
It's important to note here that the split-screen feature will only work if both players have Xbox Live/memberships PS Plus. It will not work for those who do not have this subscription. Also, it's important that both profiles have an associated Activision account, or must create one when logging into the game.
Once you and your friends have successfully followed the steps above, you will be able to log into the game and the Split Screen feature will be reflected in the in-game party options. It should be noted that activating the Split-Screen option can only be done from the main account.
You will not be able to use a guest account for this and will need to make sure the account is marked as the primary account for the device before enabling and trying Split Screen in Modern Warfare 2.
About the Game Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II can be played in Indonesia on October 28, 2022. Of course, battle royale gamers will play this exciting game.
Modern Warfare is one of the most anticipated FPS games by gamers around the world, including Indonesia. Interesting gameplay and other features give players their own pleasure.
Modern Warfare 2 in 2022 does have its own characteristics. Compared to its predecessor game, this game will be more exciting and challenging.
Players who pre-ordered the game have no doubt been playing CoD MW2 games for the past week or so, but now all of the launch day multiplayer maps are also available to enjoy. Of course, there is much more to come with Warzone 2 on the horizon and MW2 season 1 yet to start.
Indeed, these days, Call of Duty games are quite the rage right now, with post-launch season content (and a crossover with the free-to-play Warzone) keeping games fresh for months or even years after the game. first release.
Also read: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Confirmed To Get A Sequel In 2022
Being a blockbuster novelty in one of the best-funded franchises in the gaming industry, it should come as no surprise that the new Call of Duty game has best-in-class visuals. But still, it's hard not to be impressed when you start the game for the first time.
Many players will be attracted to the MW2 games first, and there's no denying that the fast-paced story-driven mode is absolutely stunning, with totally believable character models, photo-real locations, and weather/water effects that will make other video games blush.
And once again, as you'd expect, the gunplay on offer is some of the smoothest and most enjoyable in recent memory.
The same can't be said for this game, which has more twists than the Saw movie set and a number of reveals that don't quite work. It's hammy stuff, even goofy, but it's what gamers have come to expect in some ways.
Also read: Must Know! All Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile
This game will provide enjoyable gameplay to the game as a whole. How, are you interested in playing this game?